"General Kou."

Seeing that Shen Ping was about to leave, Han Shi hurriedly shouted.

"What else?"

Shen Ping is still unhappy in his heart, and his tone is not good.

"I don't know if you have seen the vice general of Korean descent. He went to the imperial capital to ask for help."

At this time, Shen Ping remembered the Korean who was placed on the top of the mountain a hundred miles away by himself.

"I came with the Koreans, and when I saw the tension in Beiyangguan, I came first. He will probably have a while to come back. You go to work first, don't worry.

Han Shi leaned over and saluted, and then called another person to bring Shen Ping to the Beiyangguan General's Mansion.

Beiyangguan General's Mansion is located in Beiyang City. This is a very small city, and almost only the sergeants of Beiyang Army are stationed here.

This place is on the Blue Star frontier, and outside Beiyang Pass is the desert.

Wild beasts are rampant in the desert, and there is no arable land around, so naturally there are no inhabitants.

But this gate is very important.

From Beiyang Pass inwards is an endless plain, with a total of twelve passes guarding the border between the Blue Star and the desert.

It is one of the most bitter passes in the entire Blue Star Empire.

Shen Ping looked at the Beiyang Army sitting everywhere, most of them had dark and rough skin and chapped lips.

He summoned a soldier who was dressing the wounded and asked.

"What's your name? How old are you this year?"

"Back to the general's words, I don't have a name, everyone calls me Xiaobing, I'm sixteen years old.

The soldier saw Shen Ping's armor shining brightly and with extraordinary might. He expected this to be a general, so he hurriedly saluted and replied.

Shen Ping looked at the soldier's face, but he didn't expect this to be a child.

He placed his palm lightly on the child's shoulder and examined it carefully, but he was strong and sturdy.

"You're only sixteen, why are you guarding the border here?"

"The veterans said that my family was a criminal, and that an ordinary man named Lonely Wuji killed my family."

Shen Ping was shocked, but he didn't expect to hear Lonely Wuji's name here.

"Then do you hate being alone?"

Shen Ping asked the boy called "Little Soldier".

"I don't know, I was too young to remember when I came."

"It's just that the old soldier said that my whole family was killed by that loneliness. I should hate it."

Criminals were sent to the frontier, and only the emperor could issue such a judgment.

From the imperial capital to this place, there was a long way to go. He flew by himself. Looking at the soldier, there was no trace of cultivation. His family was probably a civil servant.

Ordinary people all the way from the imperial capital to this point, let alone with a child, I am afraid it is not easy.

He put his hand on the shoulder of the soldier (caaf) again, closed his eyes and sensed the meridian of the soldier, and found that this is indeed a seedling of cultivation.

Perhaps the achievement will not be too high, but it is able to set foot on the road of cultivation.

When you get here, you should always have your own team.

Although Korean Han Shi is credible, it is not a confidant after all.

After being summoned, he has been studying in the Huya army camp, except for the 600 people who are also Jindan, only five Jindan generals of the Huya Army are known.

So he prepared to train himself, this soldier is indeed a suitable candidate.

"Well, you can just follow me in the future, do you know what your family name is?"

The soldier shook his head blankly.

"Then you can follow my surname, and you will be called Kou Beiyang in the future.

A few veterans next to him came over curiously when they saw the soldier being called over by a Shen Ping.

When I heard this, I didn't know that this was the creation of the soldiers.

The veteran who was still injured just agilely pressed the soldier to the ground and asked him to kowtow to Shen Ping.

"Thank you, General.

Xiao Bing kowtowed to Shen Ping in a daze, shouting "Thank you General."

Shen Ping nodded with satisfaction, and led Kou Beiyang away. A group of veterans behind him looked at the small figure and laughed.

In fact, most of the sergeants in the frontier are not professional sergeants, they are mostly criminals, criminal officials and their descendants.

Sentencing and exile only arrived here, and they will never be able to leave this place in their entire lives. In their opinion, it is not important for Xiaobing to have a name, and it is not important to be able to practice cultivation. The important thing is that he has almost walked out of here.

The guards of each pass are not fixed. Every time, the guards of the pass within the Blue Star and the Blue Star frontier will change, mainly to sharpen them.

And when Shen Ping can go, the small soldiers can also follow. This is what all the sergeants in Beiyang Pass pray for.

Beiyang City General's Mansion

Shen Ping sat in the lobby and frowned at the latest battle report.

The scorpion king and the scorpion group had dealt a huge blow to the Beiyangguan defenders, and the Beiyangguan defenders could not even make up their entire ranks.

Standing beside him were Han Chinese and Han Shi, who were lieutenants and listened to Hou's questioning here.

There is also an official document on the table, which is the force ration of Beiyangguan.

Shen Ping looked at the official document and frowned even more deeply.

The number of monks is far from enough, not even a quarter of the entire army is cultivated.

Even this quarter of them died in this battle.

The calamity beast's carapace is hard, and only cultivators can break it, and they have always been in the most important place, so the casualties are heavy.

"Why is the number of monks so small? I remember that the proportion of monks in the frontier army should be greater than three-quarters."

"Returning to the general, the cultivation resources allocated by the imperial court have become less and less in recent years. We can only let those with good aptitude cultivate first, and there is really no way for those with mediocre aptitudes. 95

"How come, the records of the imperial court have always been allocated in full.

The Korean sighed and shook his head.

"The Blue Star army is on the decline, and Lonely Promise is still in control of the government, and it is shoddy in the supply. On the way to various governments, some people are rich in their own pockets, and sometimes there are thieves and bandits on the road. There are only a few people who can get here. 35

Shen Ping was furious and slapped the official document in his hand on the table.

"It doesn't make sense."

After sending a fire, Shen Ping called Kou Beiyang in the lobby.

"Beiyang, get your pen and ink. 35

Quickly write a letter and hand it to the Korean.

"The commanding officer returns the court with a report of the battle, and at the same time asks him to hand over the letter to Marshal Zhao. 39

The Koreans took the letter and sent the order.

Han Shi waited for Shen Ping to calm down before speaking.

"Most of the corps of the sergeants who died in the battle are incomplete, and the weather here is hot and dry, and there was a rain before, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, there may be epidemics.

Shen Ping sighed.

"Cremation, collect the ashes and clothes, and then I will send them and their pensions to the hands of their families."

After speaking, Shen Ping saw Han Shi's expression of wanting to speak again, so he asked again.

"What else?"

"Most of the Beiyang Army are prisoners of crime, and they have no family and no pension."

Shen Ping was stunned for a moment, he remembered Kou Beiyang's identity and said.

"If you don't have family members, you can bury them in Beiyang Pass. Please, sir, write the inscription on the inscription, and those who have family members will take care of them from my case.

Han Shi bowed to the end.

"General Xie, the sergeant who died in battle with the last general Han Shi."5

He left with tears in his eyes.

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