Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 245 A thorough investigation of Yinyue Villa\r

Although the matter of dispatching Jindan strong men to various armies has not been widely publicized, it is still hidden from the world.

Especially after the unblocking of the City of the Gods, the bloody storm made many forces in the arena become more cautious.

And after some conscientious people's investigation, they learned a very terrifying thing.

The positions of generals in the military corps around the Blue Star are no longer vacant, and there are already people in their positions.

Blue Star has a total of 300 troops up and down, and all of them need more than 300 generals.

What's more, there is an even crazier thing spread from the imperial capital.

Jinwuwei has a team of 100 golden cores, strangling all those who try to do bad things to the emperor.

Suddenly the world was in an uproar.

This is how many golden core powerhouses there are, if golden core is so common, it would not be called a powerful one.

There are many people who are clamoring for the impossibility and want to prove this through the "880" team of the provocative army.

Then he was crushed to death by the real power of Jindan.

Although I haven't been able to see it with my own eyes, the golden core's aura is soaring into the sky, visible to the naked eye, and it cannot be faked.

People finally accepted the news, and all the forces in the world converged a lot for a while.

The so-called peerless talents of the sect who are showing off their power on weekdays are much less.

Different from those forces in the rivers and lakes, after hearing the news, the people immediately felt proud.

There is a mountain in Blue Star Jiangnan Prefecture, called "Yinyue Mountain".

Yinyue Mountain is shaped like a crescent moon. When the moon is full, when the moon stops in the sky, it is just above the top of Yinyue Mountain, so it is named "Yinyue Mountain".

There is Yinyue Villa on Yinyue.

This is a well-known and well-known faction in the arena. Although it is not as good as the five schools in the upper house, it is still a powerful force in the rivers and lakes.

The villa owner took over the Silver Moon Villa after being promoted to Jindan five years ago, and now he has countless disciples sitting down.

Different from those hidden world sects, Yinyue Villa has always advocated joining the WTO.

On weekdays, there is an endless stream of cars and horses in front of the door, and there is even a market not far away.

Not to mention prosperity, but also lively.

At this time, the Yinyue Villa was silent, and the disciples of the Yinyue Villa gathered in front of the door to confront a group of sergeants.

The sergeant ignored the disciples of the Yinyue Mountain Villa, but directly surrounded the entire villa, never letting go of a single gap.

The owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa hurried out after hearing the movement.

The sergeant separated from the two sides, and the three of them rode into the Silver Moon Villa without dismounting, just looking at them condescendingly.

The leader is a general in black armor, and there is a dark horse under his crotch, which is very handsome.

Beside the saddle hung a large black iron spear, the sharpness of the spear tip made people shudder.

"Are you the owner of Yinyue Villa?"

General Heijia looked at the owner of Yinyue Villa who was standing at the front, and said casually.

In his view, this person is not the slightest threat.

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of Yinyue Villa suddenly burst into commotion.

When were they so despised?

Before they went out, as long as they showed their identities as disciples of Yinyue Villa, no one would be treated with courtesy.

In their opinion, this black armor general is really deceiving too much.

"It's old age.

The black armor general looked young and had a golden core cultivation, so the owner of Yinyue Villa had no choice but to call himself "an old man".

General Heijia nodded, waved his hand, and a pair of sergeants rushed into the Silver Moon Villa.

Seeing the sergeant rushing in, the disciples of Yinyue Villa couldn't hold back, but it was not easy for them to have a direct attack in the presence of the villa owner.

They all looked at the village owner with serious eyes, and when he gave an order, they drove these arrogant sergeants out.

What they didn't expect was that their village owner had always been respectful and had no intention of attacking at all.

Let those sergeants rush into the Silver Moon Villa to rummage.

The black armor generals are a little strange. They copied the forces of the rivers and lakes along the way, and they did not resist.

"You don't resist?"

General Heijia became interested and took the initiative to ask the owner of Yinyue Village.

The owner of Yinyue Villa shook his head and said.

"The general is an official, and we are the people. Since ancient times, the people have not fought against officials. What's more, my Yinyue Villa has always been my duty. Although the disciples were a little unruly when I sat down, it was because of my poor education, but in the end they didn't do anything. What a shameful thing."

The black armor general couldn't help but glance at him.

"Aren't you afraid of their chills?"

The owner of Yinyue Villa became more respectful when he heard the words. He glanced at the disgruntled disciple behind him and sighed.

"Han Xin is just chilling, even if they don't recognize me, Yinyue Villa is better than losing their lives. In the past few days, there were disturbances all around, and I saw them all. They can't be magnanimous, but I can. My Yinyue Villa has always been This book is a copy..0”

Hei Jia general smiled involuntarily and nodded.

"You are a sensible person, I am an army, representing the Blue Star Imperial Court, if your Yinyue Villa has always been your duty, I will not embarrass you.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of rummaging in the Yinyue Villa stopped, and the sergeant who had just rushed in lined up again.

"General, we have searched inside and out, and there is no problem. 99

There are also scribes coming to report.

"The accounts have been checked, and although some of them are not correct, they are only from inside his villa, and there is nothing lacking externally. 35

After hearing the report, the black armor general was a little surprised.

Within a hundred miles, the forces of the rivers and lakes are headed by Yinyue Mountain Villa. Whether it is the number of monks or wealth, they are all at the top level.

A few days ago, after the imperial court came down to thoroughly investigate the forces of the rivers and lakes, the Heijia General has thoroughly investigated many sects, large and small.

There are more or less problems, those with many problems are directly killed, and those with few problems are all imprisoned.

The Yinyue Villa has a huge power, and compared with those sects, it is difficult for people not to doubt that the Yinyue Villa has no problems.

So hearing this result, the black armor general was still a little surprised.

The civil servants who went in to search and thoroughly check the accounts were not members of his army, but His Majesty's bug catchers.

Since they say there is no problem, then there should be no problem.

Insect catcher fighting may not be as powerful as a real sergeant, but the gathering of intelligence and so on is absolutely top-notch.

0.5 At least those things that Zongmen thought they had hidden deeply were dug up by bug fighters, so he still believed in them.

General Heijia looked into the eyes of the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, and the power of Jindan was running slightly.

Jin Dan's breath broke through the sky and pressed on the owner of the village.

The disciples behind the village master felt the aura and were terrified in their hearts.

The cultivation base was so weak that they even knelt directly on the ground. At this moment, they realized how irresistible the black armored general in front of them was.

The owner of Yinyue Villa looked at General Hei Jia, who was also Jindan, and he was not so embarrassed yet.

But he felt that those eyes were like mirrors hanging high, as if they could see through his soul at a glance.

"You, Silver Moon Villa, is there really no dirty place?"

The questioning words pierced into his consciousness with a sharp sword, making him not dare to lie.

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