Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 246 All the golden pills became famous, and the Blue Star talked a lot\r

The owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa was frightened in his heart, and the exercise method automatically operated, which was able to resist the coercion.

After stabilizing his mind, the owner of Yinyue Villa struggled to speak.

"My Yinyue Villa was established not much later than the Four Sects of the First Academy. These family backgrounds were earned by the ancestors from generation to generation, and they have never done anything to harm the world.

"If the general does not believe it, you can come and check at any time, and the door of my Yinyue Villa is open to the general at any time.

General Heijia stared at the eyes of the owner of Yinyue Villa for a long time, as if he wanted to see anything wrong.

After a long time, he nodded with satisfaction, took the pressure, and said with a smile.

"There are some problems with the accounts of Yinyue Mountain Villa, but they are not under my control. The master should be careful. After all, he has not committed crimes in the past, which does not mean that he will not commit crimes in the future, not to mention that not every disciple has the same heart as the master. , It's better to check it, otherwise I'm afraid it will kill a whole door."5

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and took the sergeant to leave the Silver Moon Villa.

When the sergeant disappeared at the end of the road, Yinyue Villa breathed a sigh of relief.

There were even disciples who couldn't stand it and fell directly to the ground.

"Who is that? The cultivation base is so high!?"

The 20 disciples did not disperse, and gathered together to discuss a lot.

Most of them are curious about the identity of the Heijia generals. They are the leaders of the nearby rivers and lakes, but they have never heard of such an almighty.

The owner of the village did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Some people are also curious about the last sentence he said.

"What did he mean when he left?"

"It means that there is rat shit among us, don't let rat shit ruin the porridge, or he will come back and smash the pot and stove together. 99


After listening to that person's explanation, all the disciples were shocked.

I don't know if it's the shocking remarks that Zhuang Zhong had rat shit or that he wanted to smash the pot and stove together.

"Master, what should I do?"

Yinyue Mountain Villa has worshipped and came over.

"Thorough investigation!"

"In addition, the order goes on, all disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa must not do anything that harms the world, otherwise people in the world will be killed!"

"Also, everyone in the imperial court should hide. The current imperial court is no longer the previous imperial court. The sky has changed."9

"It is necessary to let everyone know that it is true, and take the list to the past one by one, and no one must be ignorant.

The worship also knew the benefits and quickly agreed.

The owner of Yinyue Villa returned to his room and poured himself a cup of tea.

When I tried to drink, my hands were shaking.

When the black armor general's coercion came, he endured everything.

Although the disciples behind him knew that the black armor general was a Jindan cultivation base, they did not know his true strength.

But the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa felt it personally.

At that time, he only felt that he was being stared at by a peerless beast, unable to move.

"The pinnacle of Jindan."

The owner of Yinyue Villa sighed.

Although he is already a Jindan cultivation base, he is still so ridiculous in front of Jindan peak cultivation base.

If he was asked to do something to the general in black armor, he was not sure if he could raise his hand.

Fortunately, his Yinyue Villa strictly followed the instructions of his ancestors. Although he was a monk and sect, he was kind to people.

Although the disciple is a little arrogant now, the good thing is that the foundation is still clean.

Otherwise, after today, I am afraid that even the Yinyue Villa will no longer exist.

"As expected of the Blue Star Dynasty, the background is extraordinary, how can you say that you are exhausted, how can you look like you are exhausted?

"A bunch of short-sighted guys!"

He secretly rejoiced for a long time, and then remembered what the black armor general said before he left.

His expression turned cold, it seemed that his methods were still too gentle, and some people's minds were already crooked.

Overnight, although the sergeant led by General Hei Jia had already left, the Yinyue Mountain Villa was still not peaceful.

The next day, the disciples of the villa found that there were a few people missing in the villa, and they didn't know where they went.

The owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa was full of thoughts, and the general Heijia who left Yinyue Mountain Villa was also not at peace.

But he was happy.

His Majesty's arrangement finally worked, and the majesty of the imperial court among the people has also risen a lot.

As a Jindan cultivator summoned by Su Chen, although he has his own thoughts, he is absolutely loyal to Su Chen.

It can be said that his fate has been tied to that of the Blue Star Empire.

Now that the Blue Star Empire is prosperous, he is naturally very happy.

Thinking of the few Jianghu forces he met yesterday, his face turned cold again.

Since it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the forces of the rivers and lakes, then naturally one cannot be missing.

If Marshal Zhao is not the emperor, then the majesty of the court outside the imperial capital will be upheld by him.

Thinking of this, he stiffened his back again and urged the horse to move forward. There are still many forces that have not been checked.

Thinking about it, he will not have no chance to make a move today, and he is a little excited when he thinks of this.

In the Chiba City City Lord's Mansion, Tian Yi is now not only the commander of the Thousand Army, but also the City Lord of Chiba City.

The bug catcher reported the Chiba Castle incident to Su Chen truthfully through secret play.

Su Chen was overjoyed when he saw it, when it was said that Chiba City couldn't be without the city lord.

With a wave of Su Chen's hand, he gave him the position of the city lord.

After Tian Yi, who had only learned about military affairs, took over, looking at the official documents, he only felt that one head and two were big.

Fortunately, there were a number of civil servants in the City Lord's Mansion. They didn't know Hong Qing's identity. They could help him, so as not to cause chaos in Chiba City.

In fact, the root cause of the chaos in Chiba City was the surrounding sects.

The atmosphere of the rivers and lakes in the city is too heavy, and the people of the sect, 913, relying on their cultivation, continue to stir up the wind and rain in Chiba City.

Now, under Tian Yi's massacre, no one from the sect dared to set foot here.

Some small sects even relocated their mountain gates overnight.

Today's Chiba Castle is peaceful and peaceful.

Today's official documents were dealt with early, and Tian Yi went back to practice non-stop.

The officials of Chiba City had nothing to do and gathered in the restaurant to drink and chat.

"Have you heard that the Xuanjia Army has leveled several sects in one day?"

While talking, I talked about the deeds of various Jindan generals that have been rumored in succession recently.

"My Qianye Army is not bad, I don't know how much the threshold was broken that day, and the plaques were piled high, and a fire, it was all blazing into the sky.

Hearing people compliment other teams, a young general in the Qianba Army immediately became unhappy, patted the table and shouted.

"The court is really generous."

A few civil servants could not participate in the conversation of a group of warriors, and they talked aside with their wine glasses on their own.

"Hey, you said, the imperial court has released so many generals of Jindan at once, does every general have the same strength as our generals?

"Hey, don't say it, judging from the rumors of those generals, I'm afraid even if it's not as good, it's not much worse.

"It's really powerful.

The crowd was fascinated,

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