"Haha, you are really timid as a mouse, don't worry, it is estimated that there is a problem with the chip inside, I will refresh it again to see."

In the Kingdom of Mingshi, any mechanical device carries that kind of unique key, which few people can open except himself, and this kind of key has been specially encrypted, so it is absolutely impossible to crack it.


After scanning the code, a strange thing happened. The car lock that was supposed to be opened suddenly made a sound. The sound was like an explosion. Then, the car began to emit a burst of smoke, which clearly seemed to be exploding. movement.

With the sparks, the car lock began to emit thick smoke, and with the bursts of fire, the safety system of the entire flying car had been abolished.

This is impossible!

Wan Chen was surprised for a while. At this moment, there was a sound of wild laughter around him. The sound spread all around, as if he was mocking. Then, more than a dozen figures walked out of the darkness. These people immediately walked over. In front of Wan Chen, a few guys walked behind Su Chen, clearly blocking Su Chen in the surrounding circle.

These guys, all covered in hard mechas, are clearly a few vicious magicians. The so-called vicious magicians are like homeless people on the earth. They do not have any fixed residence or household registration. Some of the prisoners are scraps that were made privately by others, and some are old guys who were thrown in the garbage dump to recycle parts, but they don't know how to escape.

Su Chen has long heard of the existence of these people. After all, the group of vicious magicians is like a gang of beggars on the earth. Everyone knows it, but no one has a specific understanding, but one thing is certain, these have been broken. This guy doesn't have a good thing, like a mad dog, he will rush to see any benefit.

"Hehe, it's really unlucky, I really don't know how I can meet you garbage here, so I don't hurry away, be careful what I have in my hands - things don't have eyes.

Wan Chen immediately took out the flamethrower on his right arm. With a flash of light, the flamethrower was ready to fire at any time. In an instant, the hot light was surging in the nozzle, and the rhythm was about to go in and out in an instant. .

"Hehe, it seems that you are really good, but don't forget, you are only two people, can't we deal with the two of you with so many people?"

These robots were laughing wildly, and the madness seemed to be mocking. Wan Chen was about to attack, but it was too late.

"You guys are so brave, get out of here!"

Wan Chen roared loudly, but it was too late when he was about to attack when he suddenly heard a screeching sound, and a smoke bomb came from out of nowhere. The smoke began to emit bursts of thick smoke above his head, and along with the bursts of smoke, the entire surrounding was wrapped in thick smoke.

The thick smoke seems to be choking and uncomfortable for a while. The dark smoke has wrapped the bodies of the two in an instant. Wan Chen hurriedly waved his arms to push the smoke away, but before he could get these things away, he suddenly heard A cry for help came to my ear.

"Hurry up and save me, hurry up!"

Su Chen didn't understand what was going on just now, and suddenly felt that his body sank, as if something had grabbed his shoulder directly. In an instant, he felt completely weightless.

"What the hell?"

Wan Chen looked carefully, now the smoke had dissipated, looked at the other side carefully, and saw that Su Chen had been directly grabbed by several robots, two robots were grabbing Su Chen's arms, and the other two were grabbing Su Chen These guys directly pulled Su Chen up, and his body had already been suspended to the position beside the flying car.

These robots were holding sharp spikes in their hands, the spikes were facing Su Chen's belly, the sharp blades were about to poke at Su Chen's body, and the very arrogant expression was hanging on their faces.

"Hehe, you are such a pitiful person, you can't even look down on your own woman, I didn't expect that a smoke bomb would let us deal with you, and quickly call out that photocopier, otherwise we'll be really welcome.

The right hand of one of the robots has protruded spikes, the spikes are facing Su Chen's belly, and another spike is facing Su Chen's forehead, not only that, these two spikes are still running, From time to time, there is that kind of squeaking noise, which is clearly a naked threat.

··0 Flowers...  

"Stop! What do you want, as long as I can take it out, I will give it to you. Don't hurt my wife."

Wan Chen immediately became nervous when he saw Su Chen being arrested. The flamethrower he was about to activate had already been put away, and he frowned, staring at Su Chen with a bitter expression.

Su Chen was a little surprised. He had never seen Wan Chen's terrifying expression like this before. If he hadn't really liked Mu Qingxue, he would never have made such an expression.

"Hehe, what we want is of course simple, star coins and photocopiers, these two things are OK for us, no big deal."

The vicious magician immediately tightened the distance with his right hand. The drill was less than a few millimeters away from Su Chen's forehead. As long as Su Chen moved a little, it was estimated that a hole would be drilled out of his forehead by the sharp drill.


"Okay! You want star coins for you, and you want a photocopier for you. I just ask you to let my daughter-in-law go. Everything can be said."

Wan Chen stared at Su Chen nervously, with an expression like a child who had lost his mother, and even wanted to cry.

Su Chen was very surprised. He originally thought that Wan Chen's love for Mu Qingxue was just superficial, but now it seems that it is not at all. He is willing to do anything for the woman he likes. It is estimated that there is absolutely no man except true love. can do it.

The vicious magician's eyes glowed red, greedy eyes stared at Wan Chen's watch, then a vicious magician took the watch, together with the box of the photocopier, and they put these things in a safe Inside, he looked at Wan Chen with a carefree smile.

"Hooho, you are really unlucky, but your girlfriend is really beautiful, you didn't expect it, I'm not a robot, I'm just wearing robot armor, haha. 35

Originally, Wan Chen thought that this guy could let Su Chen go, but he was a little surprised. When he looked closely at the guy in front of him, he was shocked. He saw that the vicious magician had undone his armor, and the armor stood still, and then , he walked directly out of the robot's body, clearly a living human being.

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