It is really the only pulse chip successfully developed by the Academy of Sciences, and now it is the only one. Although the design drawings are already available, it is impossible to copy it in a short period of time. to make it well. 99

"But don't worry, we will hurry up, we will make the extra chips, and then design the raw materials for the AX fighter for you.

Dean Yixi's words were sincere, and Su Chen was actually moved, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of guilt in his heart.

This white-haired old man looks to be in his fifties, but his actual age seems to be much older than his real age. Now, Su Chen feels that the dean must have worked hard, otherwise he will definitely I wouldn't make a middle-aged man look like this.

"087" Su Chen took the shining box, grabbed it with trembling hands, and carefully handed it to Wan Chen.

"Thank you for your trust, but I would like to ask how long it will take to develop a fighter jet, and how long it will take us to complete the task. After all, the zircon material needs to be purified, and then the fuselage is designed to verify the performance of the material. One cycle may not be enough. "

Su Chen immediately thought of the difficulty of making a fighter jet. After all, the ugly words are in the front, and this is also to protect himself. If there is really not enough time, it is not a joke.

After Su Chen finished speaking, the dean had an indifferent expression on his face. He seemed to be very calm, the kind of rhythm that he wanted.

"Well, let's put it this way, this kind of chip design does take a lot of time, but our fighter jets can't be delayed for too long. Well, the next chip won't be off the production line until half a month later. I estimate half a month. There's enough time, and that's it."


Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the dean has really given enough time. This is the country of Mingshi. The performance test of a fighter can be done in minutes, and a cycle only takes a few days. This half a month Time is enough for Su Chen.

? Now I don't know how long it will take, but Su Chen has already begun to thank Dade, the dean left, and Wan Chen and Su Chen immediately got into the laboratory.

The crystal clear box was placed on the laboratory booth. The boxy box seemed to be emitting some kind of radioactive light, but Su Chen opened the box and was even more surprised.

I saw an oval chip inside the box, like a drop of mercury falling into it, the liquid glowed with luster, and the dazzling light made people feel even more heartbeat.

The ripples that emerged seemed to have a beating feeling, and Su Chen was even a little surprised. What kind of chip was this? It was clearly like a beating heart, moving up and down.

"This is the pulse chip, my goodness, it really takes no time to get through the iron shoes, it's really amazing. 99

Wan Chen has already wanted the pulse chip to evolve his mechanical skeleton. If he can get this thing, Wan Chen's mechanized body can instantly enhance a lot of combat power. As for Wan Chen's ultimate goal, Su Chen is of course very clear, that is Capture the Red Society and directly become the boss of the machine.

The atmosphere in the laboratory seemed a little weird, Wan Chen seemed to be crazy, holding on to the pulse chip and didn't put it down, he stared at Su Chen with those very strange eyes, and suddenly he turned around, stunned. He grabbed the chip box and shoved it into his stomach.

"What are you doing? Crazy, right? This chip is not something you can easily possess. If the fighter jet project is stranded, we will all be arrested."

Su Chen was really angry in his heart, so he hurried to the past, and before Wan Chen's action was over, he instantly stood in front of Wan Chen with his earthly martial arts, grabbed the box with both hands and put it directly into his pocket .

Wan Chen was stunned for a moment, but he didn't continue to fight, and bursts of pink instantly appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, I really want this thing, but you are right, if I take it away now, the people of the Academy of Sciences will find out immediately, it's useless at all.

Su Chen was relieved to see Wan Chen regained his senses, he shrugged his shoulders and stared at Wan Chen with a very helpless look.

"Since you said you want this chip, I think it's better to copy one now. If you can copy this thing, wouldn't it be the same with the copied thing? 35

Su Chen knows that Wan Chen is going to win, and now he can only help him. Su Chen knows that if Wan Chen didn't help him, maybe he would have died, but now, it is not clear at all, what is in Wan Chen's heart? what do you think..0

Wan Chen was immediately excited when he heard Su Chen's words, staring at Su Chen with that excited expression, clearly the kind of excited face of a child.

"Easy to say, no one can make this kind of thing now, and it is impossible to say that it is impossible to copy. Now I don't know the design drawings of this chip. If we can really get the blueprints, we may have any hope. But now it seems that we really have no hope.

Wan Chen stared at Su Chen's face in frustration, a rhythm of despair.

"Hehe, there is no way to be perfect, it depends on whether you can come up with a way, if we can really find a way to copy it, we can immediately copy the exact same chip, what do you think.

When Su Chen said this, Wan Chen immediately froze for a moment, as if he suddenly remembered something, that excited expression naturally hung on his face.

"Hehe, don't say it, you reminded me like this, I really thought of a very good method, I guess the blueprint is 0.6 in the old dean's lockbox, right in the villa's room.

When Wan Chen said this, Su Chen also seemed to have some impressions in his mind. He remembered it right. Last time, he was a guest at the old dean's house by virtue of his identity as Alpha, and he saw the lockbox.

There is a quantum lock on the heavy password box. If there is no matching original key, there will be no chance of opening the box. In this way, if the blueprint can be found, it is the only way to copy the pulse chip.

Su Chen was thinking about what to do when suddenly Wan Chen's expression looked a little frightening, and that kind of excitement was not something that ordinary adjectives could describe clearly.

"I thought about it, it's better for the two of us to just plan on getting married, and then distract the old dean from the attention. There are also those security systems, and there are so many people, so we have a chance to come into contact with that secret.

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