"Grandma, I can do it." Su Chen smiled and said firmly.

"We don't agree, unless someone is willing to marry her, otherwise we don't agree to divorce. 99 Li Haha said slyly, "If we can't find a good husband's family for Su Chen, our Li family will never agree to divorce. 55

There must be no one in the village who wants to marry her. Everyone knows that Su Chen loves Li Yinwen and wants to marry him back then.

"Is this true?" Su Chen asked.

Li Chen and Li Xihe pulled Li Haha, he whispered: "Mother, sister, don't worry, look around the whole village, what kind of good boy doesn't know that Su Chen's little hoof is stalking us Yinwen. Oh, who would want a cheap hoof at this moment? Besides, how could those Erlangs who play well with me offend me at this time?

Su Chen looked at the same uncles and uncles, and they also looked helpless.

Grandma Shu frowned, "Jin'er, there shouldn't be any sons around your age in our village.

Li Haha smiled proudly: "Am I?"

"This..." The uncles hesitated.

This Li Haha has been idle for 20 years, molesting women from good families, and has a bad reputation in the village. Therefore, it is almost twenty-five, and no girl is willing to marry him.

Su Chen frowned, wouldn't anyone want to marry her? She couldn't let the Li family lose the rest of her life. After all, the future path is hers, not the original owner.

Besides, the revenge of the Bai family has not been avenged! How could she stay in this small place?

"This king is willing to marry her." Suddenly a familiar voice came from the crowd.

Su Chen looked at Lord Grim in disbelief, and saw this man's face was serious and innocent.

Grandma Shu was a little puzzled, and then smiled: "I didn't expect that the Ninth Prince would actually fall in love with my Jin'er!"

Lord Grim smiled, "Grandma Shu is polite, Miss Shu is extremely courageous and courageous, and this king admires it. 55

"Jin'er, why don't you serve tea to the Ninth Prince?" Grandma Shu gestured to Su Chen, hoping that she would understand what she meant.

Su Chen froze in place, he was not the same as before.

"Miss, hurry up!" Wu Ma immediately brought the tea and put it in Su Chen's hand.

For everyone, she has climbed the Ninth Prince. Therefore, we all hope that she will be more acquainted and quickly grab this tall branch.

I saw Su Chen bowed and handed the tea to his hand, "Nine Princes, please drink tea."

Grandma Shu then smiled and said, "That's right!"

I saw Su Chen said indifferently: "Grandma, my uncles, according to the laws of the Chengyuan Dynasty, we do not need these rules at all. If the Li family forces me to do this, then I have to go to the government and sue me. At the same time, thank you Jiu. The kindness of the prince, I Su Chen know that I am a humble person and a humble identity, and it is really difficult to step into the threshold of the palace. 99

There were whispers in the crowd.

Lord Grim glanced at her without realizing it, and said with a smile, "Interesting, interesting! Su Chen, if the Li family doesn't part with you today, this king will decide for you. 35

"Thank you, Lord Nine.

"It's okay, this king is not in a hurry." Lord Grim said with a smile, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Su Chen turned to the Li family and said, "I will limit you to move out of Shu's house at noon tomorrow. Everything in this room belongs to my Shu's house, and I hope you don't move around at will.

"Su Chen, you bitchy hoof, I have to tear your mouth apart." With that, Li Xixi rushed towards Su Chen's body.

Su Chen flashed lightly, grabbed her hand with a backhand, and let her hear the sound of bones "clicking", and her arm was dislocated.

Li Chen lifted his daughter up distressedly and pointed at her with trembling arms, "You...you are so cruel?"

"When you planned to kill me and rob my family, why didn't you say that you were cruel?" Su Chen never thought of giving a good life to those who hurt her.

In the dead of night, only the crows wailed from the trees outside the house.

Inside the house, the lights were bright, and Li Chen was crying.

Su Chen asked Butler Shu and Wu Ma to send everyone back, seeing that only Lord Grim was left in the room.

He was supported by the quilt and stood up. Zishu was handsome and fair-skinned. He was his book boy. He grew up with him since he was a child.

Zishu asked carefully: "Young Master, everyone is gone. The night is cool, you should go back and rest."

Lord Grim coughed a few times, took the silk handed by Zishu, wiped his mouth, "No hurry."

Su Chen saw the blood on the silk with sharp eyes and couldn't bear it. This man could always pluck the sensitive string in her heart at any time.

"Ninth Prince, thanks to you for helping us today." Su Chen thought about it, and he still had to nag a few polite words.

"This is what this king should do." Lord Grim smiled weakly, "It's getting late, and it's not convenient for this king to stay for a long time. Zihua, if you stay here to take care of the aftermath, what can you do to help Miss Shu?

"Yes." The bodyguard who was called Zihua answered decisively.

Su Chen watched him walk out of the Shu family compound with difficulty, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Miss Shu, Zihua is at your command." Zihua looked at Su Chen in a trance and said.

Zihua is a son of Wu, just like Zishu, but he is good at dancing with knives and guns, and Zishu is good at drilling power.

"Zihua, go ahead and rest! These people don't dare to make any fools." Su Chen said familiarly, as if this action had been repeated a thousand times.



"Mother, where are we going next?" Li Xixi's eyes were filled with tears, she didn't want to leave the big yard.

"Where else can you go?" Li Chen snorted angrily, "You two are useless, you can't even fight a cheap hoof. What a waste of you!"

"Mother, why don't we quickly write a letter to inform the second brother and let him come back and decide for us? Li Haha said immediately.

"It's a good idea, I'm not afraid of her being unattractive." Li Chen said fiercely.

"Mother, let's go and clean up!"

"What can I do, isn't it all her Shu family's?"

Zishu supported Lord Grim for most of the walk, and he coughed badly.

Zishu was very worried, "Young Master, you coughed up blood."

"It's okay." Lord Grim said nonchalantly, as if these things were commonplace.

"Young master is cold at night, hurry back and rest, or else your body should be ill again." Zi Shu supported him and casually tossed the silk.

In the darkness, a man in black picked up the silk and quickly disappeared into the night.

Go some way.

"Master, that person has left. Zishu whispered in his ear.

"He still doesn't trust me." Lord Grim frowned, "Instruct the pharmacy to continue to boil the medicine."

"Is it worth it? 35 Zishu asked.

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