"Zi Shu, do you believe that people can be reborn after death?" Lord Grim didn't answer his question, instead he asked while looking at the moonlight sparse star in the sky.

"Young Master, Miss Bai has been dead for over a year." Zishu grew up as his reading boy, and he has a general understanding of his mood.

"People cannot be resurrected from the dead." Lord Grim muttered to himself.

"Young Master, we saw with our own eyes that Miss Bai set fire to the palace..." Zi Shu remembered Bai Xueling's despairing appearance and the raging fire, and he was deeply moved.

"At the beginning, the masters of Penglai Island said that as long as he is sincere, he will definitely be able to see her again." Lord Grim sighed with a smile.

"Sir, let's go!"

Su Chen was lying on the bed, with Zihua guarding outside, so she didn't have to be afraid.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she could see a desperate woman in a bright red wedding dress walking in front of her with a torch.

"Xue Ling, calm down." Lord Grim shouted desperately behind him.

"Grim, don't come here." She shouted angrily.

"Listen to me, I will take revenge for Prime Minister Bai.

"You don't need to be fake here." Bai Xueling continued to walk forward.

She remembered the heavy rain last night and the blood on the ground in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and her mind had stopped thinking.

"No..." Lord Grim's heart-wrenching voice came from outside.

The torch in her hand flew out, and she shed a tear in the deep fire.

She struggled to wake up, looking at the unfamiliar everything, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be just a dream.

She put on her clothes, and Wu Ma had brought her water for washing, "Miss, Rizhao Sangang, it's time to get up.

She put on her shoes, walked to the bronze mirror, and found that her face was sallow and hungry, obviously malnourished, and she needed to take good care of it.

Now that you have become another person, you must start anew, and write off the past.

"Are they gone `︾?" Su Chen asked casually.

"Already gone." Wu Ma said with a smile, her words changed, and there was a trace of sadness in her voice, "Miss, there is really a way, in the past, Miss really suffered from the grievances of the Li family. 55

"It's okay, Auntie, I, you and Butler Shu can live a good life in the future. No one dares to rob our house anymore." Su Chen smiled, "I used to be ignorant, but now I have figured it out. ."5

"That's good! In the past, the Li family always bullied you in different ways, and you didn't say a word. Butler Shu and I were really uncomfortable, and we couldn't help at all."

"Auntie, don't worry, Su Chen has grown up and won't let you worry anymore."

"But..." Wu Ma frowned, "I heard that the Li family wanted to go to the city to find Li Yinwen, what should I do?"

"It's alright, didn't the Ninth Prince say that he wants to support us?" Su Chen reassured, she didn't believe it anymore, could the little Li Yinwen still rob her property?

"That's good.""

"Has the guard outside the house gone?"

"I left at dawn." Wu Ma said, "I wanted to keep him for breakfast, but he refused. 35

"He's that kind of person." Su Chen thoughtfully, she carefully washed her face with warm water, looking through the bronze mirror, she found herself in the mirror, fair and translucent, with rosy skin, even like the original self.

Wu Ma looked up and was shocked, "Miss, you are getting more and more beautiful. 35

Su Chen was also shocked. This appearance is indeed a bit more beautiful than the previous self. I don't know why the original owner sealed up his beauty.

"Hey, that's not right. The young lady used to be a well-known beauty in the village. If the old man and his wife had passed away early, he would have been able to find a good husband, and how could he marry that wicked person from the Li family.

"Forget it, let's live a good life in the future!"

On the other side, Li Hee Hee walked down the road in discouragement, and was scolded all the way by Li Chen and Li Haha just now, her heart was full of anger.

"Hey, isn't this Miss Yinli from the Li family?" A man dressed as a peasant walked by the road, and he usually chased Li Xixi more closely.

"Shu Dali, why are you here?" Li Xixi said suspiciously, but he didn't expect him to see her embarrassed appearance.

"Of course I'm here! It's you, I heard that you were kicked out by Su Chen?" Shu Dali laughed loudly. He was usually not treated by this arrogant Li Hee Hee, but at this moment, he was excited to see her in distress.

"You..." Li Hee Hee had suffered all the grievances and scorned eyes today, but when he heard him say this again, he couldn't help jumping up to hit him.

Shu Dali ran quickly, laughing as he ran, "Girl's life, and trying to be a young lady, what a joke!

"Shu Dali, you bastard..."

"Come on, come and hit me! 35 Shu Dali made a face at her.

Li Hee Hee was furious, but was caught by Li Haha and threw it to the ground, `Do you want any more face? You have lost all the face of the Li family. 35

When Shu Dali saw the fierce Li Haha, he was so frightened that he ran away.

Li Hee Hee was dissatisfied, "If you didn't want to belittle her, would she take a bite back? Now it's my fault? Mother, look at him... He is ignorant and ignorant, and he's mad at me... …”

"You two renegades, shut up for me. Useless things, you're still in strife." Li Chen was really angry.

"It's all down to you!" Li Hee-hee shouted loudly at Li Haha, tears still falling.

"Where do we live tonight is a problem, asshole, if you make any more noise, I'll sell you to a brothel!" Li Haha grinned.

Li Chen ignored them and carried a few pieces of his own tattered clothes on his back. Fortunately, there was some usual private money hidden in it, otherwise he would have to sleep on the street.

The two brothers and sisters had been noisy all the way, until they saw their mother entering a deserted temple.

A ruined temple, three people, looking at each other (getting Zhao) and disgusting.

"Brother, I have an idea." Li Hee hee suddenly said, "I can make that bitch no longer dare to talk nonsense.

"What's your idea?"

"come here……"

Su Chen just came back from the county seat, bought some daily necessities and supplies, and also pulled a piece of cloth and kept it for clothes.

As soon as she stepped into the door, she saw Li Hee-hee waving to her. She ignored it and walked in. Unexpectedly, Li Hee-hee said loudly: "Su Chen, I have something to look for you."

"I don't have time to talk to you." Su Chen responded with a smile, "I advise you to leave my Shu residence quickly."

Li Xixi saw that the plaque at the door had been replaced with the word "Shu Mansion", and "Li Mansion" had been trampled into pieces and discarded.

"My second brother is back, he wants to see you." Li Xixi endured the tone in her heart, as long as she cheated this bitch away, she can guarantee that Su Chen will become the eldest brother, and she will see how arrogant she is in the future .

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