Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 287 The Dugu family recruits troops\r

At this time, the Dugu family was in a tense period. Because now the Dugu family is plotting how to invade Xia Guo.

When the Dugu family was conspiring to do this, they immediately realized that the power of their own race was still unable to shake the Ouyang family.

After all, Xia Guo is also a country that has experienced thousands of years. If you say to shake him immediately, wouldn't it mean that ants shake the tree.

So now the Dugu family has to recruit troops and horses. In fact, the recruitment of the Dugu family is different from that of the Ouyang family.

The recruitment of the Dugu family is to cultivate more queens, use more resources to cultivate the queens, and then go to breed other members of the Dugu family who can fight.

And on the other side...

Su Chen and Su Yue have also developed fighter jets. At this time, they are studying how to put this weapon with large-scale lethality into mass production.

Once Su Chen and Su Yue can put this weapon into mass production, then the strength of the Ouyang family will be the most powerful country in the world.

But Su Chen and Su Yue just started to study this kind of fighter and they have already encountered an inevitable problem, that is, the problem of resources.

Yes, no matter how to produce this kind of fighter, resources are needed.

And the resources that they need most for fighter jets now are only available around the universe.

But after all, it is not the territory of the Ouyang family, where everyone will have it, and where it is mixed.

But for the development of the Ouyang family, Su Chen and Su Yue had to take desperate risks.

But what is unexpected is that the food and resources that the Dugu family needs are also around this universe.

And now both the Ouyang family and the Dugu family already know each other's thoughts, so the strategy must be very nervous.

So it is conceivable that once Su Chen and Su Yue go to the periphery of this universe, it is conceivable that Su Chen and Su Yue want to really mass produce this kind of fighter.

"Hey, Su Chen, are we going to dig out energy around the universe"˘?"

"Of course, otherwise how can we be worthy of the cultivation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?55

Although Su Yue is a robot, he can also think.

Su Yue thought to herself, if Su Chen and I really went to the surrounding universe to mine resources.

So I'm afraid it's a life-and-death situation.

Su Yue is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that Su Chen will lose his life.

So now it's not that he doesn't want to go, but after thinking about it, he can know an optimal plan.

This plan is to go by himself and let Su Chen develop it here. ,

Otherwise, if they really died around the universe, who would have developed such a thing.

So he wanted to hide it from Su Chen. In this case, he might be able to let Lin stay here, so the best policy at the moment is to let Su Chen not know about this.

"Su Chen, let's not imagine going to the universe to find resources recently, let's study first, can other resources be able to invent this kind of fighter, so that our risk factor will not be reduced?"

Su Chen was concentrating on his experiments, so he nodded his cute head symbolically.

So Su Yue felt a little uneasy at this time, because he knew that Su Chen couldn't listen now.

So Su Yue stopped thinking about these things, so he also began to concentrate on doing experiments.

After a period of time, Su Chen and Su Yue were still unable to use other resources to create this fighter.

So Su Chen had some ideas of going around the universe to start looking for resources.

So Su Chen began to go to the library to look up a lot of information, and then he realized that the resources he was looking for all existed in a substance called energy core.

This resource is only available on the cosmic periphery of planet Poseidon 749.

But the planet Poseidon 749 is near the Dugu family.

So Su Chen is also very hesitant at this time, because she likes Su Yue, she can go anywhere, but she can't and must ask Hei Liang to go to such a dangerous place with her.

But what he never expected was that Su Yue would actually go with her.

But when Su Chen wanted to check the way to Poseidon 749, there was no book.

In fact, it is not that there is none, but that these books have already been borrowed by one person.

That is Su Yue.

At this time, Su Chen felt bad. She knew that Su Yue definitely wanted to go to the planet Poseidon 749 to find energy.

So he didn't even know how to tell Su Yue about this.

Because she knew that what Su Yue decided was something that no one else could change, of course she was talking about this kind of big thing.

Of course, I will still listen to Su Chen in small matters.

The only way to find Su Chen is to find Su Yue. After all, where are those books in Su Yue?

So Su Chen ordered the robot next to him to send a message to Su Yue's watch.

Let's just say that Su Chen decided to invite Su Yue out for dinner tonight at the restaurant at No. 149 Ping'an Street.

After a while, a message appeared on Su Yue's watch. When Su Yue saw this message, his little face immediately turned red.

After a while, Su Chen suddenly looked up, and he also used his all-purpose watch to reply with a message, which was a great honor.

Su Chen, who saw the news at this time, was resting her chin on her hand, and she was thinking that since I can't persuade him, let's go together.

After all, we have experienced a lot of things, and now we have nothing to do.

So in the evening, Su Chen dressed up. After all, this was the first time he asked Su Yue to come out, and this might also be the last time he went out to dinner with (very good) Su Yue.

When Su Chen arrived, he saw that Su Yue had already arrived here, and he was wearing a suit and leather shoes.

At this moment, Su Chen was smiling happily and handsome.

Who can not be excited about such a scene.

Su Yue was also very excited.

That night they didn't talk about anything about mining resources, but they talked about life and their future.

That night Su Chen took all Su Yue's books away.

But Su Yue has already entered all kinds of routes into his watch.

So the next morning, Su Chen and Su Yue both started to pack their luggage.

Looking at Su Yue, he talked about all kinds of pulse weapons, survival devices, and combat equipment.

Look at Su Chen's side, there are all kinds of daily necessities, such as compressed biscuits, convenient houses, etc...

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