The two of them bring these things every time, because the two of them are used to each other.

Therefore, when they pack their luggage, it is not comprehensive, and only when the two of them are together can they pack up.

After a while, the two of them came to the fighter takeoff room...

At this time, neither Su Chen nor Su Yue thought that they could meet here.

But both of them said in unison at this time: "So what are you going to do now?"

In fact, both of them know it, but neither of them will say it.

After a while, the two of them got on the spacecraft and started to go to the planet Poseidon 749.

Both Su Chen and Su Yue knew what the other was thinking.

So they are all deeply hidden in their hearts.

In fact, Su Chen and Su Yue also knew that there is a possibility to obtain resources, that is, by beheading the Dugu family, they can also get a lot of energy from their lives.

After a while, Su Chen and Su Yue arrived on this planet. After all, the wormhole shuttle technology of the Ouyang family was not covered.

This time Su Chen and Hei Liang can finally fight side by side again.

When he arrived at Guixu, Su Chen knew that this was the "Tai Shang Jian Jing" he was looking for. Of course, Su Chen had to pass the test before he could take the "Tai Shang Jian Jing" he wanted.

In fact, Su Chen also wants to get this "Tai Shang 227 Sword Sutra"

But when Su Chen got there, there were guardians of the return to the ruins.

Su Chen looked at the incomparably tall flame giant in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The flame giant is a hundred feet tall, and his body is full of raging fire. The appearance is like a pile of fire elements piled up, and two huge iron chains are in the hands of the flame giant.

"Come on!" Su Chen looked at the flame giant in front of him and was extremely excited.

Because he needs the "Tai Shang Jian Jing", that is, he wants to enter the guardian cave of this Guixu

And the "Tai Shang Jian Jing" he needs is in it.

The "Tai Shang Jian Jing" here is also Su Chen's most important "Tai Shang Jian Jing".

Su Chen needs this "Tai Shang Jian Jing" very much, that is, he must need strength.

And the guy in front of him is the gatekeeper of the return to the ruins.

He came to turn on the switch of returning to the ruins.

"The guardian cave of Guixu is officially opened." The flame giant shouted from the air, his voice was very ferocious, was there a trace of sparks coming out?

Immediately afterwards, the flame giant used the flame to open up a space, and a space with a height of 100 meters suddenly emerged from the air.

This seems to be the entrance to the guardian cave of Guixu.

"Enter quickly, the entrance will last for ten minutes." The flame giant shouted from the air.

Su Chen looked in front of him and hurriedly flew into the entrance of the guardian cave of Guixu, into the extremely dark cave.


Su Chen woke up from his eyes, looked around, surrounded by volcanoes, rising flames appeared on the ground, and lava was adsorbed from the surface.

If it is an ordinary person from here, it is estimated that it will be melted into powder in an instant.

"As expected of this cave guarding Guixu." Su Chen sighed inwardly looking at the scene in front of him.

There is power permeating the whole piece of Returning Ruins, this huge force is indeed worthy of the legendary Returning Ruins.

At present, Su Chen's purpose is to come here to find it, but Su Chen doesn't know whether he can find it or not, he can only see his luck.

After all, this "Tai Shang Jian Jing" can make Su Chen stronger, what a terrifying "Tai Shang Jian Jing", such a "Tai Shang Jian Jing" is unexpected to everyone.

The realm of ordinary people is limited, and the energy that can be stored is also limited, but if you can use enhanced power, then all this will be solved, and even your own power can be increased by leaps and bounds.

That's why Su Chen wants to find it.

This kind of thing that greatly improves his strength, he must get it.

Now Su Chen has never fought against a very powerful person. In the face of all kinds of strong people, he has no power to fight back. Only by improving his strength can his life be guaranteed, and he can dominate everything. Under others, all this will have to be tested by oneself to be safe enough.

(caag) Of course, the Bai next to him is not an honest person, and Bai still has the ability to fight with Su Chen.

Just like when he met a former master, Su Chen couldn't even breathe when he looked at him. If he was hostile to him in the future, he could kill himself in seconds.

"Huh?" Su Chen hurriedly looked in the west direction.

There was a very huge fluctuation of power there.

Su Chen quickly ran to the west, wanting to find out.

There have been many people in this Guixu, and this Guixu can only be opened once every six years.

So there are bound to be experts here.

But this return to the ruins is also very magical, and he will naturally increase everyone's strength.

How much power this can improve depends on how powerful one's realm is.

So now it is very beneficial for Su Chen, because Su Chen's realm is extremely powerful.

In this cave guarded by Guixu, there must be not only him alone, there may be other practitioners who covet the "Tai Shang Sword Sutra" from here, Su Chen also had to sneak carefully.

At present, with his strength, releasing all his strength will only defeat two or thirty cultivators at most, and then he can only escape.

"What is that?" Su Chen looked in the west direction.

That turned out to be a flame bird!

Su Chen observed the breath of this flaming bird, and it was enough to match his strength.

"This level is comparable to the monster of the thundering black goat," Su Chen looked at the monster and frowned.

"Never mind, try my current strength." Su Chen jumped and flew to the side of the flame bird.

The flame bird, who was foraging for food, looked at the dark shadow in the distance, and then roared, screaming and shattering the surroundings, and the flames on its wings became more vigorous.

The entire body of the flame bird was covered with flames, leaving only the head area, and the body was as large as an elephant.


The flame bird looked at the dark shadow in the distance, and shot a cannon directly from its mouth, hitting Su Chen.

Seeing this, Su Chen took a hold of the void. At the same time, the power of the spiritual sea was mobilized, and the thunder barrier suddenly emerged from around Su Chen.


The artillery hit Su Chen's body, and the smoke dispersed.

"This power is not very good." Su Chen looked at his unscathed body and his persevering shield, and mocked the flame bird in front of him.

"Chi!! 喳" the flame bird seemed to understand Su Chen's words, and jumped angrily, then waved its wings, and multiple flames attacked Su Chen.

Su Chen mobilized the strength of his whole body and released the sword qi arrow and the flame of the flaming bird to cancel each other out.

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