
Su Chen's figure flashed, holding the void in his hand, and the staff appeared in his hand.

"Lightning strike!" Su Chen mobilized his immortal energy, quickly released sword energy, and fell from the air, hitting the flame bird.

Looking at the sky full of sword qi, the flame bird had to block one by one with its wings. Suddenly, the sword qi scorched the flame bird's wings, and the flames on the wings were all covered by the sword qi, forming a black charred surface.

"Ow!" The flame bird groaned and howled, with a hideous face, and it was extremely painful to be burned by the sword energy.

Looking at the flame bird in front of him, Su – Chen shook his head and said:

"This monster is too weak? Even my fairy shield can't resist it."5

And the flame bird in front seemed to hear Su Chen's words again.


The wings vibrated, and the surrounding dust was fluttered.

"Ow!" Flaming Bird called into the air.

The sound filled all directions, and the body of the flame bird at this time also changed.

The wings that had just been scorched by the sword qi actually regained the slightest traces of fire, and the head with the savage face was actually covered by the flames, and the entire body was covered by the flames.


From the corner of the flame bird's mouth, another fire light was emitted, but the power fluctuation of this fire light actually had a more advanced power.

"What!" Su Chen was shocked.

It's not that I was provoked to create such a powerful force.

"Strengthen the Immortal Qi Shield! Su Chen quickly released the enhanced Immortal Qi Shield, and in an instant, Si Si Jian Qi gushed out a barrier from Su Chen's side, covering Su Chen's whole body.


The surrounding volcanoes were stimulated by this energy, and gradually spewed out hot magma, and the earth was fluctuated by this force, gradually forming cracks.

The air is filled with crashing noise, so harsh that if an ordinary person were standing here, he might be deaf on the spot.

Black smoke rose and gradually dissipated.

The dazzling sword spirit perseverance is around Su Chen.


However, Bai Ye and his little apprentice couldn't resist.


In the spring, when the sun is shining, magpies cry in the forest.

Yantang Kingdom, Lingzhou City.

Today is the day of Su Yue's wedding. On the road that the bride's sedan chair must pass to reach Ningfu, there is a sea of ​​people on both sides of the road, firecrackers are blaring, gongs and drums are in the sky. It was crowded early.

This Su Yue, who does not know, who does not know. No one does not know the name of Su Yue, the number one beauty in Lingzhou, Su Yue. She and Ye Bing'er are both talented women, and they are also called "the two beauties of the Tang Dynasty".

This time, the Han Dynasty is going to send troops to attack this city, and they also said that they must strengthen these two beauties.

But Su Yue already has a master. Su Chen2, who is riding a tall horse in front of the sedan chair, is the husband she is marrying.

"Groom, congratulations, congratulations, to have Su Yue as your wife, this is the blessing you have cultivated in your lifetime, this is really envious of me."

"Yeah, the groom is really lucky, it is said that Su Yueguo is beautiful,

These two beauties are really fragrant and national colors. I am afraid that these two beauties are no longer the yellow-haired girl who used to be Lu Xiuwei. Now these two beauties have a big family behind them, but they have already Become Su Chen's person.

Su Chen was on the horse, and everyone's words of compliment and flattery were all in his ears.

But, he is really panicked right now, and of course he is also confused

where am i?

Who am I?

where is this?

Su Chen only remembered that he seemed to be lying on the ground and was helped by his family on the horse, as if he was going to pick up the bride and go home.

Before that, he, Su Chen, seemed to be working overtime in a building, when suddenly it was dark, and he passed out.

Outside the earth, you can see the rare nine-star streak in the world.

I saw that when the nine stars were connected together, a golden light suddenly shot towards the building of a company. Unfortunately, Su Chen was in this building at this time.

After that, when Su Chen woke up, he was in this Ningfu.

I really didn't expect that I was actually fighting, why did I come here all of a sudden, is it because God gave me a chance to be reborn?

Su Chen said to himself, ecstatic.

Who is not happy about this.

・・0 for flowers 0.

I never thought that God would give me the chance to come back again.

Su Chen heard all the way along the way that passersby thought the person he was going to marry was a beautiful woman.

Su Chen showed a wretched smile.

Watching the suona playing on the street cheers, there are more than 100 bands playing.

Look at this outfit on yourself. On his head, he wears a beard with gold threads and eight treasures, a beard, and a beaded hairpin with five phoenixes and five phoenixes.

It seems that the reborn family should still be a wealthy family.

"Sina Su Chen, married with the bride Su Yue, now the wedding date has come, let's get married!"

"Worship the heavens and the earth!

"Two thanks to the high hall!

Husband and wife bye!

"Licheng, send it to the bridal chamber! 35

Under the leadership of some maids, Su Chen and Su Yue were sent to the new house in a confused way...

After all the tossing along the way just now, Su Chen has completely accepted the original memory of this body.

It turns out that the owner of the body is a very mediocre ordinary person. In addition to being handsome, his psychological endurance is also poor.

This Sina and the bride have been married since childhood, and in these very long 18 years, it turns out that Su Chen and Su Yue have only met once, and they were still 4 years old.

It's been more than ten years now, this beauty has already grown up, but this boy is taking advantage of it, but he died suddenly due to excessive excitement!

Su Chen is really happy now. He didn't expect to see such a woman just after his rebirth, but it's worth it.

"Oh, who cares, anyway, live again, then live a good life."

Anyway, what about him, let's take a look at the bride's hijab first.

In the new house, as soon as he approached Su Yue, Su Chen felt a fragrant and intoxicating aroma blowing towards him.

So all the people have already started to do some things that they can do.

After a period of time, someone finally came to this world.

Su Chen cherishes this time very much, after a long time... Six.

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