"The formation? Do you really think this is the formation? The sixth devil?

The prime minister of the country where the sun never sets, listened to the words of the sixth demon king, and his face was full of anger.

In his view, this is not just a confrontation within the formation, but has evolved into a game of national power.

With the current popularity of the Destiny Formation, countless guides are immersed in the formation, and the real world has long since deviated from the original track.

If the world of destiny can be mastered, the changes to the real world are also obvious.

"The Blue Star Continent has become a second world. If we can't gain an advantage here, our leadership in the real world will gradually be occupied by guys like the descendants of the Wan family!"9

"Is this... so serious? 35

The Sixth Demon King was a little surprised. As a second-generation old rich man, he couldn't believe that this matter could have such serious consequences as "two-five-zero".

"If we don't gather the strength of the whole country and impose sanctions on the guy headed by the descendants of the Wan family, we will not be able to stop the rise of the ** in the real world soon! Don't forget, the descendants of the Wan family, but the ** people!"


"It does make sense..."

When the sun never sets, the people who said it nodded their heads incessantly.

Losing the world of formation is no big deal.

But if the real world is also affected by this, the consequences can be very serious.

"Quick! Hurry up and call on the people to invest in us! We want to change the situation of the war!"

"Contact the financial department and immediately allocate special funds to us! We must strangle the kingdom of Yan and Tang in its cradle!

"Call my dad, I have to go back to inherit the family property...

With such a call from the leader of the anti-academy family, the leaders of various countries and regions joined the huge confrontation ranks one after another.

Various countries on the earth have allocated special funds to the Destiny World Academy to which their country belongs, and invested vigorously in the Destiny World.

There are also quite a few rich second-generations who have invested all of their family property in the world of destiny, wanting to use this to punish the development of the divine kingdom of Yan and Tang.

As the chairman of Destiny Company, Su Chen received tens of billions of net profits in just one day.

Although these things, Su Chen did not know at all.

But the top executives of Destiny Company are all crazy.

"These guys are investing like crazy, aren't they going to do something big? 55

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, they invest and make a profit, it's us~"

"Hahahaha! Tonight, shall we be ashamed of the devil?

"It must be dropped! It must be a few more! Hahahaha~"

The executives of Destiny Company were immersed in the ecstasy of getting rich all day long.

The capital flow of the entire earth began to move towards the Destiny Company strangely.

The many instructors who wanted to defeat the divine kingdom of Yantang Kingdom in one fell swoop could never imagine that the person in charge of this fate company was their greatest enemy, the Master Yantang Kingdom!

As long as Su Chen said something, the formation mechanism of Destiny Company can make some minor adjustments internally.

As long as Su Chen exports, the kingdom of Yan and Tang will be unstoppable and invincible.

It's a pity that Su Chen is immersed in the world of destiny all day, and has no time to return to the real world.

He didn't even know that there were hundreds of billions of assets in his account.

"Su Chen! Su Chen! The Prophet's team predicted something big!"

The founding ceremony has just ended, and the college is in the midst of endless excitement.

At this time, Song Xialan ran into the main hall of Lingzhou City with a look of panic, and woke up Su Chen who was meditating.

"What's the matter, so nervous?"

"Su Chen, I just got the news that the guys who are anti-academy family suddenly became rich, the magic weapon was opened, and the hand of brushing was not soft. In just a week, they even took our Consumer traffic has exceeded! 99

"Hey, this thing, our academy hasn't spent any money recently, it's been hit so hard, isn't it normal for them to recharge with some money to reply!

"No Su Chen, it's every college! The consumption is higher than ours!


Song Xialan's words made Su Chen dumbfounded.

Does each college have higher consumption traffic than colleges?

how can that be?

You know, the college, but the famous rich college.

Every day's consumption flow can exceed the total amount of those small colleges in one year.

Even the consumption traffic of several other super unions may not be comparable to the college..0

But now, every college has achieved a go-ahead?

This thing is really strange.

"What do you think about this?"9

"I think they definitely want to take this opportunity to increase their strength!

"Nonsense, the question is, what are they going to do to increase their strength?

Su Chen frowned slightly, realizing that things might not be simple.

In everything, there must be an absolute motive involved.

It is impossible for these guys to win the lottery in every home, and frantically use money to invest in the world of magic.

Such a thing is absolutely impossible.

"Su Chen, I suspect that they are strengthening their power, or to target us..."

"Well, follow this line of thinking and check it down! Let all our affiliated colleges sell their residences! Let their people be stationed in our residences.

"Ah? Why is this?"

"On the one hand, it is to strengthen the garrison strength of our station, and on the other hand, it is to let those colleges study and learn, and the operation mode of our college will also lead to their growth."

"Got it! Su Chen is wise!

"Go! 35

Su Chen waved his hand and sent Song Xialan back to Moonlight City.

At this time, the Lingzhou City of the Yantang Kingdom already had a complete teleportation system, but they could travel freely in any location of the academy.

Su Chen didn't want to see a serious crisis like 0.6 in any college next time, and he could only sit there and wait.

The agony of waiting was too painful.

"Brothers, these potions, give me a hard drink! Within a month, you will all promote me to the god level!"

"Su Chen, how's the arrangement for leveling in the crack?"

"It's been arranged a long time ago! The first batch will start tomorrow, and Ikeda's team will go to me first! Everyone, everyone has a share! Don't worry! Don't panic!

In the lobby of the Black Dragon Society, the sixth devil is mobilizing his brothers.

This time, their Black Dragon Club has invested a total of hundreds of millions of funds.

All kinds of powerful equipment were forcibly brushed out by the Black Dragon Society under the madness of funds.

In the last battle, although the black dragon would suffer heavy damage.

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