However, with such a huge capital injection, the Black Dragon Society's combat power has increased significantly.

Whether it is the Sixth Demon King, Tanaka Qilang, Qiandao Wanren and other leading leaders of the Black Dragon Society, they all benefited a lot from this capital injection.

Those little guys who are not very good at combat have tasted a lot of sweetness because of this incident.

"Su Chen! Can we really defeat the Yantang Kingdom? They have so many creatures from the Yantang Kingdom.

"Boy, you have to have confidence in us, what are the creatures of Yantang Kingdom?"

"However, no matter how good we are, we can't stand the number of people."

"Boy, the creatures of Yantang Kingdom, we have our own way to deal with it! You guys, just give me a good boost of strength!"

"it is good!!

The sixth Demon King's words greatly boosted the morale of the Black Dragon Guild leaders.

The same situation happens repeatedly in other colleges.

The entire Blue Star Continent seems to have entered a strange era of Great Leap Forward.

Everyone started frantically brushing levels, increasing their combat power, and filling up their equipment by 20.

The average combat strength of the guides in the entire Blue Star Continent has risen by more than a level.

Even the Temple of War, which has been guarding the abyss crack, has gained a lot of benefits because of this incident.

Everyone wants to enter the cracks to farm monsters, so naturally they have to provide a lot of benefits to the Temple of War.

After going back and forth like this, many academies have come and gone, and naturally brought great profits to the Temple of War.

"Lord God King, everyone's injuries are almost healed... You see...

"Have everyone returned to their peak fighting strength?"

Zeus frowned, looking at the submissive look on the face of the goddess of life, full of anger, nowhere to vent.

In the last war, Wan's descendants used their own power to defeat the gods, and the scene is still vivid in my mind.

He, Zeus, could never imagine that the descendants of the Wan clan would use the power of one person to beat the gods of the various seminaries to shit, and each of them suffered different injuries.

What is even more strange is that the goddess of life, such an auxiliary type of god, was not severely beaten by the descendants of the Wan clan.

In doing so, a series of internal contradictions arose throughout the seminaries.

Among them, the suspicion of the goddess of life is more than ordinary people can imagine.

"Maya, do you really have no connection with the descendants of the Wan family?"

"Wang... Is our tens of thousands of years of friendship really going to be ruthlessly cut off by this defeat? If I have contact with him, why should I save everyone's life?

"This... Maya, don't blame me for saying it badly, everyone is injured, only you are intact, which is really easy to think about.

"Wang... I, Maya, dare to swear to this sky that I really have no connection with the descendants of the Wan family."

"Okay...that's the go out first..."

Zeus sighed and sent Maya, the goddess of life, out of his room.

Today's seminary, although the strength is too strong, but when everyone mentions the four words of the descendants of the Wan family, they are still in a state of fear and panic.

The shock Su Chen brought to them was too much, too much for Zeus to bear.

The various theological colleges are such a scene, and the academy where the sun never sets is a sign of bad luck.

The top instructors of the Sunset Academy have all been beaten by the last battle and have lost their fighting spirit.

Even if the Sun Never Sets Country has invested a lot of money into the Destiny World, everyone has no intention of upgrading, just drinking and having fun in the Blue Star Continent, and there is no positive look at all.

Although the battleships of the Yan and Tang kingdoms in various countries are in full swing, the scene of the academy where the sun never sets is really not very good.

"Brothers, the average combat power of the Black Dragon Society is one million higher than ours! Can we use our hearts to spend that money on the blade?

The Holy Knight, as the top of the academy where the sun never sets, naturally also experienced the last fierce battle.

The horrific sight of the warriors being beaten by the academy still lingered in his mind.

"With your heart? How with your heart? The divine kingdom of Yantang is like a cloud of masters, and there are countless creatures from the kingdom of Yantang! With our strength, how can we fight against others?"

"Yeah! If you want to fight against the kingdom of Yantang, isn't that just courting your own death? I spent tens of thousands of knives on equipment, and I killed it all in one battle! I'll go dry with you!

The instructors of the Sun Never Set Academy were full of complaints, and each of them was unwilling to provoke the dignity of the Kingdom of Yan and Tang Kingdom.

"Brothers! You can rest assured! In this battle, we have the whole world behind us! How many things have you lost before! After this battle, you will definitely get double rewards!

"Holy Knight, your family is a royal family, and you have too much money. I'm just an ordinary second-generation rich with tens of thousands of properties. How can I compare to you?

The super cannon of the academy where the sun never sets suddenly stood up from the deck and walked in front of the holy knight.

"Sixty or seventy thousand, it may not seem like much to you, but do you know that that's my pocket money for a week!"

"Super Cannon, you'd better show some respect to me! If I give you a satisfactory answer to 263, I will give you a satisfactory answer! Don't disturb the morale of the army here!

"Military heart? Look at the big guy, which one seems to have a military heart!

Super Cannon laughed, picked up a large glass of rum on the table, and poured tons of rum into his stomach.

"My Holy Knight promises that if you win this battle, if you want any equipment from those guys in the Yantang Kingdom, I will try my best to meet your requirements! I will convert the lost levels and equipment into cash to make up for you. !"

"Holy knight, don't make trouble here! There are tens of thousands of people in our academy, and each of them comes with equipment for one hundred yuan, and you can't afford it."

"Put down your dirty hands, super cannon, you said, I'm a royal family, I want as much money as I want!

The holy knight pulled the hand of the super cannon off his shoulder, his face full of contempt for these guys.

A failure, so dejected.

You are not qualified to be the instructor of the Academy where the sun never sets!

Such a scene, of course, is also being staged in various places in the entire Blue Star Continent.

In addition to the diverse expressions of the instructors, there is a mysterious powerful force hidden in the innermost part of each academy.

That is the prophetic team of each academy.

The Prophet team is not only the privilege of the Academy or the former Fengyun Academy.

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