"Master, drink tea!"

The first one was Liu Changan, who first kowtowed respectfully, and then handed the tea.

He was the first to come here.

After arriving here, he realized that he was a lucky one.

He also pays attention to the news. The masters of the Imperial Beast Sect and Yanhuang City were all planted in Xiaoyao Mountain Villa in the end. However, this incident was a riot.

Rumor has it that Xiaoyao Villa is a forbidden place!

Anyone who breaks in will surely die.

Even now, the gate of the villa is open, and no one dares to come in. It was only later that I learned that there is a big fierce formation here, and anyone who enters will die in it.

Master drinking tea, a few words, Liu Changan is from the heart.

Liu Changan was followed by Liu Qiang.

One after another, the disciples came up to kowtow and offered tea.

When the last eldest Wang Dashan handed over the tea, Su Chen took a sip.

"Ding, complete the task and get nine secret techniques for system rewards!"

Su Chen is actually hanging on his heart. After all, it is one thing whether the system recognizes it or not.

Fortunately it was a success!

"The nine secret techniques are the same as I guessed! 35

Su Chen has been thinking that the system will definitely send a big 220 gift.

Now that he has made a move, the Nine Great Secret Techniques are indeed a great gift.

Su Chen smiled happily and did not rush to check.

"You guys recently gave me medicine pills to improve my physique, and then went to breathe under the divine tree." Su Chen said, "Only if your body is reborn, you are qualified to learn. The nine secret techniques I prepared for you. !"

"Master, the Nine Great Secret Techniques sound extraordinary!" Liu Changan was a senior brother for the time being, not a real senior brother. Hearing this, he was also moved.

The nine disciples present have all been to the divine tree.

Only when you get to the divine tree do you know that the divine tree is different.

Under the tree, that is the most comfortable time, any troubles will disappear without a trace.

"We got it!

Su Chen nodded, "You can go out now, before you learn the nine secret techniques, you can only stay in the villa, hear clearly!

Of the nine disciples that he finally found, Su Chen didn't want to make any mistakes.

In case someone loses one, it is false to say that it is not distressed.

When he was in the great world of immortality, Su Chen didn't have many disciples, let alone on Earth (caah), and established the Emperor's Sect. It can be said that these nine disciples will be the strongest force of the Emperor's Sect in the future!

Don't think it's easy to be a master, it's okay.

Su Chen knew very well that cultivating disciples, like taking care of children, is not an easy task.

"Sect Master, during your absence, the security of Dixuan City is very bad, Di Xuanwei is not recognized by everyone, and the ladies and the others are under a lot of pressure! Ye Cheng temporarily became a housekeeper.

Ye Cheng is well-informed and can solve some things very well, especially when he is away, he can manage things.

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time!" Su Chen wasn't worried about this.

"There are also Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao, who have been here several times, and it seems that they want to continue arranging people to practice under the divine tree! 35 Ye Cheng said.

Su Chen looked at Ye Cheng, "How do you think you can do it well!

Ye Cheng was rude, "Actually, we can come up with some places to win over some big forces. If I guess correctly, the energy absorbed by the divine tree should be divided into levels, and we can give them some side positions, and at the same time. , We can also expand our villa and divide the surrounding area of ​​the divine tree into primary area, intermediate area, and advanced area!"

Su Chen listened very carefully and seriously.

I have to say, Ye Cheng's suggestion is very good.

"I'll leave this matter to you. As for expanding the villa, it's also necessary, so buy all the land nearby."

In the past, Su Chen didn't care much about the size of the villa.

With the establishment of the Emperor Sect, the Tree of Life entered the growth stage. No matter how you looked at it, the villa seemed to become smaller, which made Xiaoyao Villa appear crowded, and this was just the beginning.

"I'll make arrangements right away!

After Ye Cheng left, Su Chen returned upstairs, set up the formation, and finally had time to check the nine secret techniques.


Nine secret techniques fell.

Su Chen picked up one of the books, "I want to see, what are the Nine Great Secret Techniques!""

The first book, Perfect Nine Worlds!

Just seeing a few words gave people a special sense of fantasy, as if a world was about to open, and Su Chen was shocked.

"It's incredible, the title of the book actually contains a trace of powerful spiritual power!

Opening the perfect nine-layer world, Su Chen was immediately shocked after a rough look.

"The system is really great!"

This first door made Su Chen feel that this secret technique is extraordinary.

The perfect ninth-level world is spiritual cultivation. When the ninth level is reached, an identical world can be created. In this world, he is an invincible existence!

This kind of spiritual power secret technique is really rare.

Now the system takes the initiative to give a door.

Such a perfect ninth-level world, once you get started, you can form a powerful mental attack. Ordinary warriors will be severely damaged by mental power before they fight.

Put down the Perfect Nine Worlds and pick up the second book.

This book is facing a sword intent, Su Chen waved his hand, and the sword intent collapsed.

"The Great Cut! 9

A few simple words, with a hint of sharp breath, constantly penetrated.

"Hahaha, now I'm relieved!"

Su Chen put down this book again, grabbed the rest of the book and read it, each one shocked Su Chen quite a bit, and it was shocked nine times, it was really eye-opening.

"The system is produced, it must be a boutique!""

System Rare Tsundere once.

Su Chen is very satisfied. To be honest, he has a lot of powerful exercises in his mind. Even with the help of the Divine Tree, it takes at least seven or eight years for them to have a certain combat effectiveness if they want to get started.

As for the current nine secret techniques, combined with the products produced by the previous system, one can get started in a short period of time, and master the powerful combat power from the powerless.

"Ding, the mission is released, the sect is established, and there are nine major disciples. It is also time to promote the emperor's sect. Please invite the host to expand the influence of the sect within a year, gain 5 billion attention, complete the mission, and reward. A one-time Nascent Soul attack scroll, the mission fails, and the strength is sealed for ten years!""

Su Chen blinked, this task came too fast!

Propaganda and promotion of Emperor Gate, five billion attention?

Su Chen is completely speechless!

How is this possible.

"System, are you sure you're not cheating on me!

"Host, you can do it, the system never cheats people!"

Five billion attention, just this number is scary, it is a completely impossible task.

Su Chen was under a lot of pressure, failed in his mission, and came to seal his strength for another ten years. It was really bullying.

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