Regarding the task of promoting Emperor Sect, Su Chen did not go to work on it for the time being, but first brought nine disciples to start practicing the nine secret arts.

under the tree of life.

Su Chen took out the nine secret techniques and handed them over one by one. At the same time, the system rewards were activated. Within the scope of this place, practicing martial arts can get started faster.

"Whoever of you enters first will be the senior brother, and you will go down in order, don't say that you have no chance to fight for it!

Su Chen smiled and arranged to go on.

This undoubtedly got everyone excited.

"I'm going to be a big sister.

"Nonsense, I'm the big brother!

Several disciples fought.

In Su Chen's eyes, there is competition and motivation, no matter where it is, it is the same.

It is not so easy to cultivate the Nine Great Secret Techniques to the entry level. Su Chen believes that, fortunately, with this assistance, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Su Chen spent nine days in order to get his disciples started, and everyone spent a day trying to get them started, and she really became a nurse.

Fortunately, the disciples that the system finds out for themselves have all talents and experience quickly, and the rest is up to them.

In order not to be disturbed, Su Chen even arranged a formation.

"It's not easy for you to be a master!"

Beside the artificial lake, Li Yaoyao chuckled lightly, "I will ask you to be the hand-dragging shopkeeper.

Liu Piao Piao followed with a smile and said, "Nine great disciples, it's a shame that you can find them, they are all like treasures! 35

The disciple who was finally found, Su Chen is indeed like a treasure, no wonder his woman would say such jealous words.

Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Master is definitely not good, there is no way, they are all my hopes, don't say I scare you, when they get started in cultivation, they are all first-class and powerful, even they are not. Not necessarily their opponent."

"No way!" Li Yaoyao said in surprise.

"I can't see it. 35

Su Chen hummed, "It's definitely not obvious now, that's because they're still in the entry-level stage, and when they're successful in their cultivation, they'll be the nine most powerful disciples of our Imperial Sect. Husband is very tired, geniuses are hard to find, and it is even more difficult to find geniuses among geniuses!"5

Only then did Li Yaoyao and Liu Piaopiao realize that they had underestimated those disciples.

They heard something different from Su Chen's husband's words.

"Husband, the law and order of our Emperor Xuancheng is getting worse and worse now, what do you think is good!" Li Yaoyao has been in charge of law and order, and the effect is very slow.

"After the propaganda of the Tianji News, our Emperor Xuancheng now has no less than dozens of representatives of large and small sects, and as for those who can't make it to the table, at least there are hundreds! 35 Li Yaoyao's head is now big.

Su Chen has never forgotten the task of controlling Emperor Xuancheng for one year.

According to the urination of the system, I believe that in the next year, there should not be many tasks released, and it is time to start.

"It's easy, you bring someone to give each sect representative an invitation letter, and say, three days later, I'm going to hold a meeting." Su Chen said without hesitation.

Li Yaoyao excitedly said, "Husband, are you finally going to take action? I have endured them for a long time, so what if they didn't come!"

"If you don't come, I don't mind sweeping them." Su Chen's cold light flashed, "I will personally take action at that time to see who can stop me. If I don't take action, I'm really a sick cat! 99

Controlling Emperor Xuancheng for a year, no one can stop him from elevating the condensing core martial arts to the level of the golden core martial arts.

Whoever stops his mission is the enemy.

"By the way, what about Qingya!" Su Chen asked.

"She has been cultivating lately, saying she wants to catch up with us! 35 Li Yaoyao said, "Sister Qingya, she works very hard, don't disturb him!"

Su Chen actually wanted to ask Bing Qingya if she had any good suggestions for promoting Dimen.

Seeing her husband frowning, Li Yaoyao asked curiously, "Husband, is there any trouble that bothers you? Why don't you tell me, there are so many people and so much power, maybe you can figure it out."

Su Chen thought about it and said, "Okay! 35

Several girls around him gathered around.

"I have been thinking about a question recently, how to improve the influence of our Emperor Profound City, and even the Emperor Sect, and let everyone know.

Li Yaoyao and the others all blinked.

"Husband, you really are, why do you think about such a question!"

"I don't think this is difficult. If you want everyone to know about our imperial sect, for example, when we come out with a powerful exercise, or something that everyone needs, then it is difficult for everyone to know. 35

・・0 flowers 0・・・・

"I also think it's good. Now many people remember our Emperor Xuancheng because of my husband's divine tree of life. In the whole of Asia and China, no one knows about it!"

Su Chen thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the truth.

"Yes, my tree of life is so influential. Although it is protected by a large array now, there are still many people who are secretly looking at it. If I can introduce some treasures about the tree of life, maybe..."

Su Chen slapped his forehead and suddenly realized.

Perhaps the system refers to the tree of life.

"You guys are so smart, come and kiss one!" Su Chen laughed happily, as long as the goal is determined, the rest is simple, no shock. "By the way, help me investigate, what is the most lacking in our Emperor Xuancheng at present, no, it is what everyone needs the most!


In Emperor Xuancheng, many representatives of the sect forces have received an invitation letter, which is a bit surprising.

Some sect representatives met.

"You said what they wanted to do!""

"Could it be that he wants to control Emperor Xuancheng, I don't think Su Chen is qualified!""

"If he dares to mess around, he will eat some fruit!"

"If it weren't for that formation, what would he be, the divine tree would have already fallen into everyone's hands!"

For the impact of this invitation letter, everyone disagreed.

On the face of it, Su Chen is the city lord of Emperor Xuan City, but if you ask how many people are convinced, everyone thinks that Su Chen has that formation, otherwise it is nothing.

They stay here, in fact, for the divine tree.

It is not a secret that Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao from Yanhuang City brought their disciples to cultivate in that villa. I don't know how many people envied them.

Cultivating under the divine tree is definitely a leap forward.

Who doesn't want such a good thing, but since the formation of the formation, everyone's thoughts have been cut off, plus they have been eyeing them before, but now they have not gained any benefits.

You said that it is absolutely impossible for everyone to give up on the divine tree. They are just waiting for an opportunity. If there is an opportunity, they don't mind taking a bite right away.

Such a treasure must not be possessed by Su Chen alone, but must be handed over and used together by everyone.

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