And Jin Buhuan did not explain, but shouted with a smile: "Is there any more.

Surrounded by the surrounding, I saw everyone bowed their heads.

"Ten bursting pills, plus a bottle of a hundred-year-old black leech blood." Nishi Gonghan said.

"Wow, ten bursting pills, that can raise a small realm.

"Take it at the peak of the innate, and you can directly step into the condensed pill. This is a real divine artifact.""

"And that black leech blood, that is something that can improve the quality of alchemy, and there are very few of them now."

"Yes, it seems that this basic tempering method is a good thing.

"I don't know who the flowers are.

"It's all rich people, just look at us poor people."

"That's right, when you get to know him.

"Ten bursting pills? A bottle of black leech blood. It's a big deal, but this old man needs this thing. 35 A man wrapped in black robes said.

"Whoever has the highest price gets it." Jin Buhuan said with a chuckle.

"Husband, is this thing really that good?" Li Yaoyao next to him was a little puzzled. You must know that the prices offered by those people are higher than each other, and each one is a good thing.

"Well, this is a method, not a practice method. The method is tempered, it will not leave dark wounds to the body, and at the same time, it will improve people's physique and become stronger." Su Chen took a sip of tea and said with a light smile. .

"Why are you willing to auction such a good thing?" Li Yaoyao was a little puzzled.

You must know that Emperor Sect needs this kind of basic things most now, after all, they are all newcomers.

"It doesn't matter, it's just one kind, I have others, but I'm very curious now, what can the man in black robe come up with, if you know ten bursting pills, he is a master at the condensing stage." Su Chen chuckled lightly.

"Although the bursting pill is powerful, it is the potential of the bursting person's body. After entering the stage of condensing pills, there will be no progress at all." Liu Piaopiao said softly.

"I know, but how many people are stuck at the peak of innate talent, so this burst pill is still very good, even if it can't advance half a point." Su Chen said.

"Boss Jin, see if this is worth it." After speaking, the man in black robe took out something from his arms.

Wrapped in a piece of cowhide, it seems that it has been some years.

I saw the man in black robe holding it in his hand, and with a flick, he threw it at Jin Buhuan.

Jin Bu changed his fingers and put it on the table.

Opened the cowhide, just glanced at it, and closed it without changing the gold.

"Yes, it's better than that." Jin Buhuan said with a smile.

"That's good, I will take the basic tempering method." The man in black robe walked up with a smile and took it from Jin Buhuan's hand.

When he got the basic cultivation method, several cold beams shot towards him around him.

"Boss Jin, your Wanbao Auction House will stop those people, right?" The man in black robe said with a smile.

"Of course, in Dixuan City, we will ensure your safety, but outside of Dixuan City, there's nothing we can do. Jin Buhuan nodded.

After all, the auction house has the rules of the auction house, and at least some protection is provided.

"That's good." After speaking, the man in black robe left.

"Follow." Nishinomiya said coldly.

A guard next to him disappeared immediately, and on the other side, Murong Batian also sent someone out.

Su Chen knew about this for a long time, but he ignored it, because in Dixuan City, no one dared to cause trouble.

As for going out of the city, I can't help it.

But now he is very interested in what is wrapped in the cowhide.

You must know that Jin Buhuan never made a loss-making business, what made him directly hand over the basic tempering method to the black-robed man.

Putting away the things wrapped in cowhide over there, Jin Buhuan took out the second treasure.

"This thing is made of black iron from Beihai. The long moon is 13 centimeters long and weighs 8.6 kilograms. It is a divine weapon. You have heard the name, Frost Sword." Jin Buhuan said with a smile.

"The Frost Sword? How can it appear here.

"Yeah, isn't that something from the Pingyi Swordsman?"

"That's it, what about Pingyi Swordsman?"

During the discussion among the crowd, Jin Buhuan had already left there and came to the back.

"If you don't exchange gold, you don't even care about the auction, what did you get?" Su Chen joked.

"Young master, you'll know just by looking at it." Jin Buhuan respectfully handed it over.

Su Chen opened the cowhide and took out a piece of gilded paper, without a word on it.

"This is?" To be honest, Su Chen really didn't know him.

"It's a wordless scripture," said Liu Piao Piao next to her tentatively.

"Yes, this is the Wordless Book." Jin Buhuan said solemnly.

"Wordless Book?" Su Chen flipped through it carefully, but he really didn't find any fonts, not even a few patterns.

"Yes, in the legend, the Wordless Heavenly Book records the supreme cultivation technique. Unfortunately, no one has obtained anything from it for thousands of years, but even so, the appearance of the Wordless Heavenly Book will set off a bloody storm. It's been a hundred years." Liu Piao Piao said seriously.

"Supreme practice?" Su Chen muttered.

"But why did the man in black robe alternate?" Su Chen looked at Jin Bu and asked.

"Just when I contacted him, I found out that the person has a dark disease. Obviously, there should be a problem with the practice. He wants to use the basic condensing method to eliminate his dark disease." Jin Buhuan guessed.

"There is another possibility 240, that is, he wants to divert attention and let everyone focus on our Emperor Xuancheng." Liu Piaopiao said.

"Yes, what the young lady said is also right. If there is a possibility, I have already sent someone to investigate. I believe there will be news soon. Jin Bu changed his way.

"Well, I see, you can go and host, I'll study this gilded scripture without words." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, young master." Jin Buhuan backed out.

Su Chen played with it for a while, and then asked Liu Piao Piao next to him: "Piao Piao, is this the only book without words? 39

"The legend is one, but no one has ever seen the real wordless book." Liu Piao Piao did not dare to confirm.

"Hehe, I haven't seen it before and robbed it. Really, it seems that someone is behind the scenes." Su Chen joked.

At this moment, only a cold voice was heard from the system.

"Discover the top sword cultivation method, whether it is included."

The voice made Su Chen stunned for a moment, and then nodded involuntarily.

You must know that the system produced is a fine product.

And what can make the system fancy, is not a simple thing.

And didn't I just say it, it's the top technique of Jian Xiu, which made Su Chen very interested.

Unexpectedly, a wordless scripture can bring such a big surprise, Su Chen is very excited, and of course, there are some expectations.

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