"Start recording." The cold voice of the system rang again.

In just a few minutes, the system was successfully included.

"Shushan Sword Canon?" Su Chen looked at the name and said in a daze.

What is Shushan, it is the fairy gate in ancient legends.

Shushan Jiandian, as soon as you hear it, you know that it is the treasure of Shushan's town school.

"Can I practice?" Su Chen pressed his excitement.

"Yes, but the host lacks a sword heart, and without a sword heart, he cannot become a sword cultivator." The system said coldly.

"No, I found this precious thing, don't you have no reward, why don't you give me a sword heart?" Su Chen tentatively asked.

The system didn't speak, just when Su Chen felt hopeless, the system spoke.

"The host triggers thousands of Taoist methods and rewards Jianxin's cultivation method."

"Really give it." Su Chen couldn't help it at the moment.

"At the same time, trigger the side quests, collect ancient exercises, and the rewards can be used to learn ancient exercises, and you can also get the corresponding cultivation conditions. After the system finished speaking, there was no more sound.

In Su Chen's mind, the cultivation method of Jianxin soon appeared, and the Shushan Sword Canon has also been engraved in his mind.

Having obtained these two things, Su Chen felt it was worth it.

Jian Xiu, that is capable of leapfrog combat.

Su Chen is now at the pinnacle of condensing core, and ordinary golden core stage can also resist one or two.

If you have practiced the Shushan Sword Canon, it may not be impossible to touch the old monsters in the Nascent Soul period.

Seeing Su Chen's mood swings, the two women were dumbfounded, and asked worriedly, "Husband, are you alright.

Su Chen was awakened by the joy of the two, and then directly hugged them in his arms, and said with a light smile: "What can I do.

"But." Liu Piao Piao was still a little suspicious.

"Okay, it's alright, I'll give you this wordless book and put it in the Treasure Pavilion in a while. 35 Su Chen said with a smile.

66 "Yes."" Liu Piaopiao took the Wordless Book and put it on the table next to it.

"But next, shouldn't we take a good care of it?"" Su Chen said with a smirk.

"Huh?" The two girls were stunned.

You must know that this is an auction house, and it's still daytime.

"Ah what, my husband misses you." Su Chen said, and slapped Liu Piao Piao's mouth next to him.

The other hand, has already climbed above Li Yaoyao's jade peak, and began to play casually.

The two women suddenly became a little shy, but under the teasing of Su Chen, the two women couldn't help it.

Soon, the shy voice came from the room.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the room is very good, otherwise it would be a loss for adults.

The fighting lasted for more than an hour before it stopped.

Seeing the mess on the sofa, the two women's faces immediately turned red.

Su Chen didn't care, and hugged the two girls directly and said, "They are both old and married, and they are still shy.

"I hate it." Liu Piaopiao beat Su Chen lightly, and then leaned into his arms.

Saying so, Liu Piao Piao's heart is very sweet.

Lying beside Su Chen, that kind of fulfillment, that kind of security is full.

And when Su Chen was still flirting, half of the auction over there was over.

I have to say that the things in this auction are all good things, and everyone is rushing to exchange them.

Jin Buhuan is about to burst into laughter over there, I haven't felt this way for a long time.

"The next thing is amazing, everyone should have heard of the pear flower needle in the rainstorm." Jin Buhuan said with great appetite.

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle? Isn't that the number one hidden weapon in the world? Didn't the Tiangong Sect be destroyed a long time ago.

"That's right, it can't be fake. 39

"Impossible, there will be no fakes for a character that cannot be exchanged for gold.

"If it's really a rainstorm pear flower needle, that's amazing.

"Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle, contains 108 needles as thin as a cow's hair, each needle has undergone a specific transformation, which can easily break the martial artist's body protection qi. Duan Murong whispered over there.

"This kind of thing has also appeared, do the remnants of Tiangongmen still exist?" Murong Batian said coldly.

"Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle, hehe, it's getting more and more interesting.

Looking at everyone's discussion below, Jin Buhuan chuckled and said, "Yes, it is the No. 1 Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle.

Saying that, he picked up a small thing from the table, like a small flashlight.

"One hundred and eight broken needles, even if it is Jindan stage, will be killed directly if there is no precaution. After 35 gold is not exchanged, he circles there.

"Start the auction." As Jin Buhuan's voice fell, someone immediately made a bid.

"Three superpower advanced pills, in addition, plus a blood dragon stone." Nishi Gonghan directly offered a huge price.

Jin Buhuan nodded slowly, and then looked around.

"Father? Are we not going to take action?" Murong Cong asked curiously.

"That thing is useless to us. With this thing, Xi Gongzi has an extra trump card." Murong Batian said softly.

Such as `but. "Murong Cong was still reluctant.

"Don't talk about it, there are more important things later, you guys just watch, besides, the blood dragon pattern stone has come out, we are not worth it." Murong Batian refused directly.

Soon, the Pear Blossom Needle in the Rainstorm was handed over to Nishinomiya Han by Jin Buhuan.

At the same time, he also took back what Nishinomiya Han gave.

"Three superpower advanced pills, when Yaoyao hits your breakthrough, the chances are much higher." Su Chen joked.

"Well, I didn't expect this kind of thing to be in their hands." Li Yaoyao said softly.

"In their hands, it's not the same as returning it." Su Chen said while playing with her big white rabbit.

"That's right." Li Yaoyao smiled and tapped Su Chen's face.

Looking at her charming body, Su Chen reacted again.

Soon, he was lucky again.

Who would have thought that the goddess of ice and snow in Dixuan City would have such a side.

The auction passed bit by bit, and the time was approaching noon.

Most of the things that have been distributed have gone out, and only the qualifications to cultivate under the divine tree are left.

This is what everyone is most looking forward to, and even those loose cultivators are ready to try it.

As for those with financial resources, let alone those who have already prepared things.

Jin Buhuan looked at everyone's emotions, then sat directly on the auction table, and then took a sip of tea without haste.

"Okay, the next step is the final auction, the qualification for cultivation of the divine tree."

As Jin Buhuan's voice fell, everyone at the scene was boiling.

"finally come.

"Waited for so long."

"By the way, how is this going to be auctioned?"

"I don't know, look at it, I hope we can find out."

"No need to dream, have you seen those people?"

"See, didn't they just come here?

"It is indeed new, but each one is bigger than the other, look at it, this is another battle between dragons and tigers.

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