Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 723: Terror is Coming (Part 2)


From time to time, thunderous noises are heard from the direction of Tokyo Tower, and the storm vortex clouds covering the sky can be seen in the distance. The commotion caused by various anomalies is getting bigger and bigger. Before the monsters appear, great pressure has already enveloped them. All of Tokyo.

Xia Long and Hong Kai hurriedly found the Witt Team branch building, but the Witt Team was at its busiest and had no time to pay attention to the two of them. Not to mention meeting the top management of the Witt Team, they couldn't even enter the building.

"Please," Xia Long tried his best to discuss with the security personnel, "we really have something important to say to the branch chief..."

The guard stopped him unmoved and said: "Unrelated persons are prohibited from entering, please leave as soon as possible!"

"Long Sang? Kai Sang?" Shechuan happened to come out of the branch building and saw Xia Long and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Xia Long quickly said: "Mr. Shichuan, can you take us to see the branch chief? The new missile will only make the situation worse and must not be launched!"

"What?" Shichuan was stunned, shook his head violently and said, "This is impossible. You should go and take refuge quickly. The early attack is a decision made by the headquarters. Even if you see the branch chief, it will not be useful."

Xia Long and Hong Kai looked at each other, not expecting that things would be so troublesome.

"What's going on? Why did Team Witt make such a decision?"

"It's the alien named Jakura from before," Shikawa explained. "Actually, we happened to catch him after he was defeated by Uub last time. He also revealed the crisis in advance."

"Jagula?" Hong Kai trembled slightly and frowned, "He can't be so kind. He must be playing some trick!"

"We don't believe him either. In fact, just now that guy escaped from our branch, but all the omens he said came true," Shibukawa looked helplessly towards the chaotic Tokyo Tower and said with a worried look, "And Team Witt has indeed detected a huge accumulation of heat energy, and the energy reaction is likely to threaten the entire earth, so they can only find ways to prevent the monsters from appearing. "

After a pause, Shibukawa narrowed his eyes and said: "Anyway, you two should go to seek refuge with Naomi and the others as soon as possible. It's best to leave Tokyo. We don't know what the situation will be like after the missile attack."

Obviously Shibukawa himself has no expectations for Team Wit's actions, but the new missile that is about to be launched is already the most powerful weapon that humans can use now.

Nodding apologetically to Xia Long and the other two, Shibukawa hurriedly left the Witt Team branch and rushed to the scene.

Xia Long glanced at the Witt team branch silently and did not embarrass Shichuan any more.

The sound of explosions in the distance continued to echo, and Team Witt continued to issue emergency evacuation warnings. The attack time was getting closer and closer, and the air seemed to become heavier.

"Buzz!" The vibrating sound of the mobile phone suddenly broke the silence. Xia Long answered the call, and Shanta's anxious voice immediately came to his ears.

"No, Long Sang, that alien named Jagula took the captain away!"


Hong Kai's expression changed, and he hurriedly took the phone from Xia Long without caring about the others: "Santa, what is going on?"

"It's all our fault," Shanta blamed himself, "I originally wanted to find you and Long-sang, but I ended up meeting that Jagula..."

"Buzz!" Before Zenta could finish his words, another call came, this time from Naomi.

"Let's talk later." Hong Kai stopped talking to Shantai, looked at Xia Long, and pressed the answer button calmly.

"Hey," Jagula's familiar laughter sounded, "Senior, or should I say, Kai? You should be together, right?"

"Jagula!" Hong Kai suppressed his emotions and said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Kai," Jakura grinned, "It seems you already know, aren't you surprised? I'll wait for you at the third pier. If you don't come, Naomi will die! Bye!"


The call ended abruptly. Hong Kai gritted his teeth and silently returned the phone to Xia Long.


"I'll go with you," Xia Long said in a deep voice, "I can't possibly watch something happen to Naomi."

"Yes!" Hong Kai nodded and quickly set off with Xia Long to the third pier.

On the other side, Shantai saw that the call was hung up and put away his phone uneasily.

"How is it?" Asen asked concernedly.

Shanta shook his head: "Long Sang and the others seem to have gone to find the captain, but..."

"There is no other way. Kaisang is so powerful that he can definitely rescue the captain," Asen took a deep breath and said, "Now we must find the warriors mentioned in Taiping Fengtu Ji, otherwise the earth will be over."

Shanta said in frustration: "It's impossible. Since they say they are non-existent warriors, how can we find them?"

Asen frowned: "Does it have other meanings?"

The Third Pier is just across from the Tokyo Tower area. It has a wide view and can clearly see a series of anomalies surrounding Tokyo Tower.

When Xia Long and Hong Kai arrived here, Jakura was holding Naomi hostage, and he was looking at the expanding storm vortex clouds in the sky.


"Ryu-san, Kai-san!" Naomi said anxiously when she saw Xia Long and the other two appearing, "I'm fine, don't worry about me for now, go help Zenta and the others. Only by finding warriors who don't exist in this world can we save the earth!"

"Huh?" Jiagu pulled Naomi and laughed, "Aren't you still giving up? The earth is hopeless!"

As he spoke, Jagula turned to Hong Kai and said, "You think so, right? Kai, the earth you love is going to disappear soon! Everything will end!"

"Gagra, don't make mistakes anymore," Xia Long said solemnly, "Let Naomi go!"

"Don't come over!" Gagra held the knife across Naomi's neck, chuckled and looked at Xia Long, "This time is different from the last time, the snake will be resurrected soon, and become even more powerful, really surpassing you, senior."

"Senior?" Naomi froze in pain, "Long-san..."

Gagra ignored Naomi, his eyes passed Xia Long and turned to Hong Kai: "Kai, you and I have already experienced countless vicissitudes, whether it is the explosion of Diamond Nova or the appearance of the Golden Galaxy The aurora... these memories will eventually disappear, just like the stars, they will all disappear in the end, and the same goes for this planet, destruction is only a matter of time. "

Tears ran down Gagula's cheeks, and suddenly he smiled and said: "Do you know what the only eternal thing is? It is a void of darkness, the darkness in your heart and mine, and in everyone's heart!"

After smiling, Gagula said to Xia Long: "Senior, you are right, I am very weak and can't do anything, and now you are the same."

"Gagula," Xia Long said in a deep voice, "you are just running away!"

It's a bit difficult to write, I will make up for it later

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