Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 724 Super Dimensional Demon King Beast

"Huh?" Jagula held the Snake Heart Sword tightly and said amusedly, "You say I'm escaping? I'm just facing the darkness in everyone's heart!"

"Kai has told me," Xia Long said calmly, "The Light of Orb didn't choose you at the beginning. Although I don't know what happened to make you like this, you were just escaping, escaping from your own heart and reality. …”

"Shut up!" Jakura tightened his hand, and the blade of the sword was pointed at Naomi, "What do people like you know!"

"Actually, everyone is the same," Xia Long glanced at Snake Heart Sword and continued, "Sometimes I am really powerless in the face of reality, unable to change my destiny, and not strong enough to face danger, so I can understand Your mood."

Jagula staggered a step and laughed angrily: "Are you kidding me? Ha, how could you understand?"

Xia Long ignored it and said to himself: "I heard from Kai that a very important person was killed in front of you in the past."

The words pierced Jagula's heart like a knife, and the smile suddenly froze on his face: "What do you want to say?"

"You can't protect the people around you, everyone is the same," Xia Long followed closely, "Isn't it because of this that Kai has been evading for a hundred years and only recently found his power?"

Seeing that Jiagulla was silent, Xia Long continued: "Jagula, do you know what is the biggest difference between you and Kai?"

Jagula's expression changed slightly and he looked at Xia Long closely. Even Hong Kai was mentioned in his thoughts. Naomi, who was being held hostage, was confused and looked at Xia Long blankly.

"It's courage and belief," Xia Long said slowly under the gaze of several people, "The reason why Orb's Light chose Kai has nothing to do with the strength of his ability."

Xia Long turned his attention to the growing storm above Tokyo Tower: "No matter how powerful the force is, it cannot always be smooth sailing. Strong enemies, crises, setbacks... Ultra warriors cannot escape and must have the courage to face danger. "

Jagula had a sullen face and seemed to have woken up, but he showed no intention of letting go of the Snake Heart Sword in his hand. He gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of Tokyo Tower and said: "Of course you would think so if you haven't experienced it, but it's different now. The real darkness is coming soon, and not only the earth, but also the universe will be completely swallowed up. Do you really have any way?"

"Whoops!" A distant sound suddenly came from the other side of Tokyo Tower, and a bright light could be seen flashing in the sky from a distance.

"That is……"

Xia Long and Hong Kai's expressions changed slightly, and they looked seriously at the huge speeding missile, while Jagula opposite showed a smile.


"The missile has arrived at the predetermined area!" All the combat personnel and senior officials of the Japanese branch of Team Wit, including Shikawa who had completed the mission, were all staring at the monitoring screen.

"There are 5, 4, 3 left until the target is hit..."

With the tense countdown, Shikawa's palms were filled with sweat, but at this moment, someone suddenly reported in alarm: "There are still people at the third pier!"

"What?" The moment the missile was about to hit, Shikawa looked at the enlarged picture on another screen and saw Xia Long and others in the confrontation at a glance.


"Bang!" Without giving Shikawa time to think, the missile hit Tokyo Tower directly.

"The spiral missile R1 hits the target!" The combatants confirmed the report, but their expressions soon changed.

After the missile hit, there was no expected effect, it just caused a circle of dust and mist...

"Sir, all the heat energy generated by the explosion has been absorbed!"

"How can it be?"

Everyone looked at the scene in horror. They saw that the storm that was originally spreading slowly suddenly increased in power, as if it had stabbed a hornet's nest. As the earth shook, a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky on the Tokyo Tower. After merging with the swirling clouds, A huge monster descended from the sky with red and black thunder and lightning.

"hold head high--!"

"The ultimate monster snake!"

At Pier 3, from the missile explosion to the appearance of the monster, in the blink of an eye, Jakula became a little crazy: "No, it is no longer an ordinary monster, it is just like the God of Darkness, the entire universe will be eaten by it. Lose!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" On the other side of the harbor, the big snake frantically unleashed its power, exploding everywhere, and in the end, even the buildings were being swallowed up.

"Kai," Xia Long glanced at the huge snake with astonishing destructive power and said calmly, "I'm leaving it to you."

"Well," Hong Kai said cautiously, "Don't worry, Ryu-san, I won't let anything happen to Naomi!"

Xia Long looked at Jakura who was holding Naomi hostage, nodded slightly to Hong Kai, turned around and ran to the other side.

The Demon King Orochi itself is actually an energy body, and its strength far exceeds that of ordinary beings. In the past, Demon Kingmon was just a part of the Orochi, so its strength was also a collection of all Demon Kingmon. Now, a brand new one has appeared after integrating super-dimensional energy. Variety.

Different from the energy absorbed by Jagula before, the big snake seems to be completely integrated with the super-dimensional energy, or the super-dimensional energy has become a new body. The feeling of Xia Long's breath alone surpasses all the silver robes he has encountered. warrior.

"Bang bang!"

Xia Long ran to the coast facing the explosion. Looking at the big snake that was expanding as it continued to swallow the building, he raised his hand to condense the evolution device while running.


"Wow!" As the silver wings of the evolution device unfolded, Xia Long quickly jumped up and turned into a ray of light and fell into the battlefield.

When the halo bloomed, it pulled the big snake into the super realm, immediately limiting the big snake's damage.


The condensed barrier blocked the light emanating from the big snake. Xia Long's body shook and he took the initiative to cross the tall buildings and launch an attack.

"It's Kaos!" Outside the battlefield, Shantai, Asen and the worried Xiaoyao rushed to the scene and saw Xia Long appearing to fight.

Although they had confidence in the strength of the Ultra Warriors, everyone could not help but feel nervous. However, although the battle clearly seemed extremely fierce, the damage caused was not too great.

"It seems like we are fighting in another space again." Shanta got out of the car and looked at the battlefield carefully.

Similar but different from the last battle with the Orochi, this time the cracks in time and space appeared more frequently in mid-air, as if something terrible was trying to break free.

"Can Chaos really win this time? Damn it, if only I could know what that sentence in Taiping Fengtuji means..."

At the third pier, Jakura still held Naomi and Hong Kai hostage and faced each other.

Glancing at Xia Long, who was fighting, Jia Gula sneered and turned to Hong Kai and said: "Kai, it's impossible for you to succeed. Not only will you not be able to defeat the Moge Ultimate Serpent, you will also be unable to save this woman! This is reality!"

"Senior can definitely win, no matter who the opponent is!" Hong Kai said firmly, unmoved, "Jagula, darkness is by no means eternal."

"Why do you believe him so much?" Jagula looked across the coast and said, "Last time, he just lost both sides with the big snake, so why should he defeat the ultimate big snake? Ha?"

"Kaisan," Naomi said through gritted teeth, regardless of the blade in front of her neck, "Are you talking about Dragon-san? Dragon-san is Kaos?"


Next to Tokyo Tower, Xia Long and Orochi collided again, and the shock wave in the middle exploded. Even the super domain could not limit it, and all the nearby buildings were turned into powder.

not good!

Xia Long's figure was shaken and he quickly gathered his strength.

Super dimensional energy is really too dangerous, especially at the current combat level, when the enemy is not much worse than yourself, even the super domain cannot completely suppress it.

The scene of the destruction of the O50 planetary satellite seems like yesterday. If the earth also...


"Zizi!" Orochi had no scruples about Xia Long at all. Facing the warrior standing in front of him, he unceremoniously continued to increase his energy output, and red and black thunder and lightning light waves suddenly erupted.

"Bang, bang, bang!" In addition to the shock wave hitting Xia Long's protective shield, several small lightning beams accidentally shot past Xia Long and towards the ground.

"Huh?" Xia Long turned around suddenly and watched a beam of light sweep across the harbor and the third pier.

"Kai! Naomi!"

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