Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 742 Secret Base

In the imprinted space, the virtual light screen is filled with super domain data streams, and a huge light ball is suspended outside the platform. Kallio can be faintly seen shining brightly inside.

A few days had passed since Geide obtained his new form. After Xia Long handed over the SSP affairs to his subordinates, he carried out the final stage of hidden cultivation in the space alone.

It's almost here, the absolute defense field is about to take shape...

Xia Long felt the energy running on his hands, and the image of neutral planets being annihilated by the silver-robed men reappeared in his mind. Xiao Zhi's desperate cries still seemed to echo in his ears.

He couldn't change what happened in the past, but he would never let the same tragedy happen again.


The light energy of the evolution device flashed, and a steady stream of golden energy continued to blend into the surrounding light shield. There was no obvious change in appearance, but Xia Long still felt that the field effect was further strengthened.

Zero's analytical ability is much stronger than expected, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this level in a short time by himself.

However, when the absolute realm takes shape, there are still new problems to face.

The silver-robed man didn't have a lot of super-dimensional energy, but his strength had far surpassed his past enemies. Even now, he still has lingering fears about that kind of power, and he is not sure of victory in another fight.

What purpose the other party has in coming to this time and space is still unknown...

"Data collection completed." Zero's prompt interrupted Xia Long's meditation.

"I'll trouble you later."

Xia Long released his transformation and returned to the platform. His eyes fell on the analysis light screen, which not only displayed the latest field data, but also the attack data when the man in silver robe destroyed the neutral planet.

Taking one last look at the scene when the shock wave exploded, Xia Long took a breath and turned to leave the imprinted space.

"The next step is the public opinion survey. Ultraman Geed has caused controversy due to mixed reputations. This week, for the first time, more than half of the people who responded that they like Geed..."

"Blue Geed made his debut and gained a large number of female supporters..."

Outside the SSP headquarters, Xia Long passed under the giant advertising screen and was watching a report about G+D when he suddenly felt a strange energy fluctuation.

"This is?"

Xia Long looked away from the advertising screen and looked through the buildings to the other side of the city.

"President," the subordinate contacted, "it is confirmed that a monster has appeared in Himurocho!"

"Monster?" Xia Long looked at the message from the base on his phone.

It's not an ordinary monster, it's actually a Belial fusion beast that combines King Airei and Ace Killer.

"Has the Litru Star been found nearby?" Xia Long asked doubtfully.

"Nothing has been found yet. The investigation team has passed by."

"I have something else to do. Let the SSP team attack according to the procedures."

After contacting his subordinates, Xia Long put away his cell phone thoughtfully.

Since Geed appeared, the original research plan was temporarily terminated by him. Instead of continuing to provide SSP with powerful weapon technology, he switched to research on Litru Star and other aspects. So far, it seems to be good.

Although the undercurrent lurking in the SSP is still there, it has gradually stabilized a lot, and because the SSP team also played a considerable role in protecting civilians, it finally made some ambitious elements have some scruples, otherwise it would be a big deal for him. trouble.

"Right now, in Himurocho, Hoshiyama City, the battle between monsters and Ultraman Geed is still going on. With the help of SSP, the nearby residents have evacuated..."

Xia Long's figure was condensed in the streets of Himurocho. A huge advertising screen in front was still broadcasting news, but the surrounding area was empty without a single person.

Xia Long's eyes did not stay on the screen, and he walked through the empty streets and looked at the dusty and foggy battlefield.

The newly-appeared Belial Fusion Beast put Geed into a tough fight. It seemed that Geed was no match at all, but before the battle could continue, Zero's figure also fell into the battlefield.

"Huh?" Zero looked back at Xia Long on the ground with a feeling. Just as he was about to take over the battle from Ged, the Belial fusion beast suddenly disappeared. Leave the battlefield directly.

"Disappeared!" Also on the street below the battlefield, Toba Raiha watched the monster disappear, frowning and looking at Zero's huge red and blue body in surprise.

"Is that Zero?"

"You seem to know about Zero. Xiao Lu told you, right?" Xia Long walked behind the girl and looked at a metal ball floating beside the girl strangely.

The materials and structures that did not belong to the earth turned out to be a sophisticated small alien aircraft.

"Is this yours?" Xia Long turned to the girl curiously.

At the Observatory, Xia Long took an elevator with Xiao Lu and others, moving directly from the battlefield to a space 500 meters underground.

The elevator disappeared behind a few people. Before Xia Long could ask any questions, people who followed him down were shocked again.

"What happened to the elevator just now? Where is this place? What happened..."

Looking around confusedly, he noticed the alien child Pejia with horror: "Spaceman!"

Sero had no choice but to take the lead: "Be quiet, Renren!"

Helping Asakura Riku, who was slightly exhausted, to lie down and rest, Toba Raiha tried to communicate with Sero, while Xia Long looked at the underground base alone.

Except for the hall where a few people are located, which seems to be the control center, there are many rooms around it. As for the whole, it is a spaceship that far exceeds the technology of the earth.

It's rare for a group of people to get such a base, with an elevator that can teleport to anywhere, and with such a unique location, it's much safer than the SSP's base.

Xia Long glanced around, his eyes resting on a sphere emitting yellow light in front of the console.

In just a short while, Toba Kuroha established a direct connection with the Zero in the human body through the control system of this spacecraft. The image of Zero appeared on a virtual light screen and communicated with everyone.

"Is this artificial intelligence?"

"She is Lime," Asakura Riku may not be in a very good mood because of losing to the monster, but he still explained, "It's the system of this base."

"To be precise, it's the Central Command Room Report Management System." A female voice added.

"Oh!" Xia Long looked at the yellow sphere that made the sound more curiously, and couldn't help but think of the first time he met 001.

I wonder how the artificial intelligence here compares to 001 and Zero.

On the other side, Zero was still telling his story. Seeing that it would not end for a while, Xia Long continued to look at other aspects of the command room, and then noticed a lot of Flash Man peripherals, including posters, toys, and many CDs.

"I didn't expect that these things still exist now, it's really nostalgic."

Xia Long picked up a magazine casually, looked at the familiar leather case shape on the cover, and a smile appeared on his face.

Unconsciously, more than ten years have passed. When he first came to this time and space, the Fujiwara Ryu he possessed was also a Flash suit actor.

"Eh?" Asakura Riku was watching the TV report depressedly. He was stunned when he heard the words and said happily, "Does President Manatsu also like Flash?"

Xia Long turned his head, paused, nodded and smiled: "I guess so."

"I also like Flash very much!" Asakura Riku found a confidant, jumped up excitedly, and introduced his collection to Xia Long in high spirits.

Xia Long smiled bitterly to cater to Asakura Riku, but the mobile phone in his arms vibrated at the right time, and his subordinates just called.

"Sorry, I have to leave first, and the future contact..." Xia Long answered the phone and turned his eyes to the yellow sphere.

"You can communicate with me through the mobile phone," Lime responded intelligently, "I will transfer it to Xiao Lu."

"That's it."

Xia Long saw the contact interface pop up automatically on the mobile phone interface, nodded to Zero and ignored Asakura Riku's regret, and walked directly into the elevator that reappeared: "Please go to the SSP headquarters."

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