Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 777 Broken Bonds (Part 2)

Tsutsui Hospital.

Igali Renren was successfully out of danger and was pushed out of the emergency room. Rumina, who was waiting outside, finally let go of her tense heart, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and followed her daughter Xiaojian to the ward to take care of Renren.

When Xia Long rushed to the hospital after making a phone call, he did not see Asakura Lu, so he had to ask the nurse to find Renren's ward.

In the battle with Belia, Zero was seriously injured, but fortunately, Renren's life was finally saved.

Xia Long stood at the door, looking at Renren sleeping peacefully inside and the mother and daughter who were silently guarding beside him. He did not go in to disturb them. He stood for a while and then retreated to the aisle.

Just at this time, Xiao Lu also came back with a few meals, and saw Xia Long hurried over.

"Long-san," Xiao Lu said worriedly, "Everyone seems to be a little bit wrong, as if they have forgotten Belia, even on TV..."


Xia Long looked at Xiao Lu in confusion, his ears moved slightly, and he walked towards the hall.

"This is..."

In front of the TV in the hospital surrounded by patients, Zhida Guangkuo program was reporting the battle just now, and it was the scene where he stood in the ruins at the end.

An expert appeared on the TV and talked freely.

"The giant that appeared this time seems to be the culprit of the Parker crisis. Can humans really face this crisis? Looking at the damage he caused and the natural disasters that have occurred all over the world in recent days, I can say with certainty that this is a sign of the second Parker crisis..."

"Isn't this too pessimistic?" The host said uneasily, "Isn't there Ultraman Geed?"

"Not pessimistic at all," the expert said decisively, "In fact, whether it is Ultraman Geed or Ultraman Zero, they are no longer the opponent of that Kallio. His power is too strong. Now the only hope is to see if he can cooperate with aliens..."

"It's too much!" Xiao Lu's blood boiled, gritted his teeth to finish watching the show, turned around and was about to rush out of the hospital, but Xia Long grabbed him in time.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Long scolded.

"I..." Xiao Lu opened his mouth, hesitated for a while and said angrily, "I'll go find Zena and the others!"

The dark clouds covering the earth still did not dissipate, and the pessimistic atmosphere spread in the city. Extreme despair even triggered the final madness of repression.

Not only did the sunlight disappear, but even the light of Xia Long's bond with the human heart gradually began to disappear...

Xiao Lu left the hall to contact AIB, leaving Xia Long alone standing behind the patient, watching the TV program silently, and a feeling of extreme weakness suddenly came from deep inside his body.

"What's going on?" Xia Long's face changed slightly, and he gently pressed his chest.

The energy in his body began to become restless and out of control. Was it the influence of those white lights?

"Now that the SSP has been taken over by the government, there are rumors that the president of SSP, Manatsu, is actually related to Kallio..."

"The police have decided to arrest Manatsu Ryu."

"Huh? No way?"

"But this is indeed true..."

"We can't let Kallio succeed!"

"This is a war for the entire universe!"

Amid the TV program and the complaints of many patients, Xia Long groaned without warning and half-knelt on the floor of the aisle. At the same time, a large number of fear and resentful voices came to his ears, and even the chaotic situation of SSP was clearly reflected in his mind.

"Lord Kallio," the silver-robed man's chuckle sounded in Xia Long's heart, "The humans you protect have given up on you, and all humans will regard you as an enemy. Now even the fragile bond is broken."

"Hmm!" Xia Long's pupils suddenly expanded.

All the sounds around seemed to hit my chest like a heavy hammer, and my heart contracted and beat violently...

"Only the super dimension is the real power, Lord Kallio, there is no need for bonds to exist at all!" The silver-robed man snorted and laughed, "Then, Lord Kallio, make the right choice, or I will solve this planet for you..."

The silver-robed man's laughter faded, and his breath disappeared again in Xia Long's perception.

He clenched his fist tightly, and before Xia Long moved, he heard the discussion of the patients in front.

"Hey, is that the SSP president mentioned on TV just now?"

"What a joke, how could the SSP president be here?"

"But it really looks like..."

"Long-san!" Xiao Lu ran into the hall, saw Xia Long in a bad state in the aisle, and looked at the patients who were talking about it. His face changed, and he hurriedly crossed the hall to help Xia Long leave.

"I'm fine."

After leaving the hospital, Xia Long forced himself to hold back his breath and recovered from his sudden weakness. He looked up at the sky and said, "Let's go back to Xingyun Manor first."


Suburban Observatory.

The Xingyun Manor spaceship slowly landed and then sank into the ground.

"Switch back to base mode and confirm the damage..."


When Xiao Lu helped Xia Long back to the base command room, the spaceship was in chaos, but fortunately it could still maintain basic operations.

"Xiao Lu," Pejia followed and said worriedly, "Are you okay? Everyone outside is looking for Long Sang now."

"Let's see first, it should be safe here."

Xiao Lu was in a heavy mood. Belia's matter had not been resolved yet. Now things have become more complicated. Zero was seriously injured and Xia Long was in a bad situation...

"What's going on?" Lai Ye walked to the command room, looked at the silent Xia Long, and hugged his arms waiting for Xiao Lu to explain, "The TV said that Long Sang was related to that Kallio."

"Have you forgotten even Lime?"

Xiao Lu sat down on the chair in disappointment: "After that light burst, everyone changed. Not only did they forget Belia, they also regarded Long Sang as an enemy."

Lai Ye and Pejia looked at each other and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"In fact, Long Sang is Kallio," Xiao Lu tried to explain, "but Kallio is not an enemy, but our companion. It was Belia who caused the Inpak crisis."


Lai Ye thought hard, but he couldn't remember anything. He just felt that something was strange.

Pressing his forehead with a headache, Lai Ye said confusedly: "It seems that something is wrong, but is there really someone who can change everyone's memory? And why do you remember it?"

"Not just Xiao Lu!"

The elevator reappeared, and Ren Ren walked into the command room with the help of his wife Rumina, and said with difficulty: "I remember it too."

"Ren Ren?"

Everyone looked at Rumina and her daughter and Ren Ren who was still wrapped in bandages in surprise. Their ugly faces did not look like they had recovered.

"Why are you here?" Asakura Lu said anxiously, "The doctor said you can't move now..."

"He said you must come." Rumina's tired face showed helplessness.

"I'm fine." Renren took off his glasses with pale lips and handed his body to Zero.

"Sorry, Renren." Zero knew Renren's physical condition very well, but he had to insist on saying to Lai Ye and the others, "Everyone's memory has been tampered with. The reason why Xiao Lu and I are fine is because of the power left by the King of Ultra."

"Now even Mr. Zena and the others don't believe in Long Sang."

Xiao Lu thought of the news he got when he contacted AIB: "Saigang has been repaired, and they are going to find an opportunity to use it against Kallio."

"It's really bad," Zero looked at the people in the command room, and his eyes fell on Xia Long who closed his eyes to rest. Although he didn't know the specific situation, Xia Long was obviously greatly affected, and the hidden danger left last time seemed to be detonated all at once.

"I came here because I knew this would happen," Zero said solemnly, "Now it's up to me and Geed to stop it. No matter what, at least we have to let everyone recover."

"But you can't transform yet, right? Your current body..."

"There's still one day left." Xia Long suddenly interrupted everyone.



"Before Xiao Lu's next transformation, I will cover the earth with my domain," Xia Long opened his eyes, stood up and said to Zero and Xiao Lu, "By then, the enemy's strength will be limited. Xiao Lu and Zero will stay to protect everyone, and I will go to fight."

Just now, he received news from Zero that the absolute domain can already cover the entire universe, but in order to maximize the effect, covering the earth is the most appropriate.


"I'll make it a conclusion."

Xia Long looked at the evolution instrument on his wrist, and his mood became calmer: "This is my battle."

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