Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 778 Super Decisive Battle


Thunder and lightning loomed in the overcast sky, and soon it began to drizzle.

There were few pedestrians on the street, and only the huge advertising TV screen reported the news.

“Almost all shelters are now full. This morning, the actor who plays the Flash, the famous racing driver Fujiwara Ryu, and the actress Haruka came to Xingshan City to provide assistance...”

“What will happen to the future of mankind? Can Ultraman Geed save mankind?”

“We can only believe now...”

“Da Da!”

Xia Long stood under the TV screen for a while. When a little girl in a raincoat ran past him, she accidentally fell into a puddle, perhaps because she was attracted by the news.

Looking away from the TV screen, Xia Long tried to help the little girl up, but as soon as he approached, the girl got up with a look of fear on her face and hurried away in the water.

Silently withdrawing his hand, Xia Long looked up at the many helicopters patrolling over the city. As his eyes swept across, a faint halo flickered in the air, and a huge thundercloud vortex expanded over the helicopters.

After a day, the absolute domain was finally completely arranged. Even the super god could no longer easily use the super-dimensional energy. At least before he fell, all the super-dimensional forces would be forcibly pulled down to the same level.

In addition, the impact received yesterday has also been alleviated, and the time for fighting has come...

"Long-san!" Xiao Lu ran from behind with a light breath, holding the Geed Sublimator in his hand, and said anxiously, "Do you have to go? I also..."

"Xiao Lu, I'll leave everyone to you."

Xia Long turned around and finally reminded: "There is more than one enemy, right? After I leave, only you can protect everyone."


"Fighting gorgeously, winning handsomely, risking your life to protect important people... Xiao Lu, this is the hero you always want to be, right?" Xia Long said while watching the TV program, "More than ten years ago, when I first saw you, I felt that you can definitely become a hero in this world. Now that you have come this far, don't give up easily."

Unfolding the evolution device, Xia Long did not look back again, took a step and transformed into a beam of light and flew towards the thundercloud vortex.



The brilliant light gushed out, breaking through the gloomy sky with a long bright line, and shot straight into the vortex. The patrolling helicopter group did not even react.

"What was that just now?"

"Long Sang..." Xiao Lu stood in the rain, looking at the vortex with red eyes.

"Flash Man... is it you?"

Holding the sublimator tightly, Xiao Lu choked and didn't keep up after all: "I will, I will protect everyone!"


In the vortex space, although it is also covered by the absolute domain, it looks quite unique. In a huge space-time crack zone, countless suspended continental fragments and planetary debris are like a cosmic cemetery. At the end of the cemetery is the remains of God that once appeared in his dream.

Xia Long shuttled in with the light stream, and finally stopped on a huge rock continent rotating with the storm.

"Lord Kallio, have you finally made a choice?" The figure of the silver-robed man appeared in the turbulent space and time, "It seems to be different from what I hoped, what a pity."

Xia Long looked at the silver-robed man coldly, and his center of gravity sank slightly. The light on his body suddenly burst out and teleported to attack.


At almost the same time, dark clouds rolled at the whirlpool mouth, and the evil Belia holding the ultimate fighting instrument landed in Xingshan City again in the unexpected eyes of humans.

"Hehehe!" Stretching his neck, the evil Belia laughed evilly, "The guy who is in the way is gone, come out, my son!"

He didn't care whether he was a god or not. Before the destruction of this planet, he had to absorb the power of Geed at least, so that he could better control the power of God at that time.

"Beria!" Xiao Lu stared at the familiar figure under the dark clouds, looked at the direction of the whirlpool, and opened the capsule in a deep voice, "Come on, this is the last battle!"

After activating the Belia capsule and the first generation capsule in succession, Xiao Lu walked towards the battlefield without flinching, and his figure gradually became huge and turned into the original form in the blooming light.

"Ultraman Geed!"

"That is..."

On the AIB side, Zena, who was preparing for the game, looked at the battlefield in surprise.

Instead of waiting for the expected Kallio, a strange giant appeared in the city. Judging from Geed's appearance, he was obviously an enemy.

"Could this be Belia? Is what Geed and Zero said true?"

"What is going on?"

Zena was still hesitating, but Aizaki Moeya, who had always believed in Xiao Lu, could not wait any longer and urged anxiously: "Senior Zena, don't worry about it. Xiao Lu is too dangerous alone. Let's send out Saigang quickly!"

"That's the only way."

Zena nodded, made the final preparations and walked to Saigang's feet: "Kamtata Luchade, the God of Space Destruction Saigang!"

Like Kurut in the past, Zena wore a Saigang summoning device on his hand, and turned himself into a ball of light and merged into Saigang's body for control.

"Senior Zena..." During the confrontation between Geed and Belia, he saw Saigang joining the battle and followed him to fight.

Feeling the gaze of countless eyes, feeling the concern of his companions in the Nebula Manor base, and thinking of Xia Long who was fighting hard on the other side, Geed roared and rushed towards Belia with all his strength.

"I will definitely protect everyone!"


On the TV networks all over the world, the battle in Xingshan City was instantly transmitted to all parts of the world, and all mankind was attracted by this battle.

Although he was restricted by the absolute domain and could not use the super-dimensional energy, Belia's own strength was still terrifying, especially the fusion and sublimation of the Dark Road Gail Capsule and the Anpera Starman Capsule, plus the Ultra King energy remaining in his body, he was still a terrifying existence that made people despair.

At least the time and space destroyer Saigang did not play a big role. He was blown up by Belia with just one blow, and Zena barely escaped the explosion.

Although in the tampered memory, Kalio meant the end of the world and the Inpark crisis, the feeling of Belia in front of him was more intuitive and more real, and the fear suddenly exceeded that of the missing Kalio.

"The new terrifying giant appeared, his name is Belia, and Ultraman Geed is fighting hard now..."

"Come on, Geed!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" In the thundercloud vortex space on the other side, in just a few minutes, the entire space-time rift was shattered, and the originally scattered continents were completely cleared, leaving only the continuous afterimages left by the collision of the two giants in the middle.

"Lord Kallio," the silver-robed Super God envoy chuckled while moving at high speed, "Everyone is paying attention to Geed's battle, no one will care about you, why are you fighting so hard? You can't be my opponent now..."

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