Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 800 Contact

In a stylish western restaurant, Xia Long sat opposite a man in a suit and enjoyed a steak.

He already knew the man's identity. He was the chairman of a heavy industry company in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, named Jin Guangfeng.

"Please enjoy." Jin Guangfeng greeted Xia Long and said nothing more. He cut the steak with a knife and fork.

Xia Long didn't know why the other party invited him. He also started to deal with the steak. His casual dress didn't fit in with the surroundings, but his movements were very skillful and there was no abruptness.

Jin Guang put a piece of steak in his mouth and looked at Xia Long unexpectedly. He had the illusion of having a meal with a business partner.

"Manxia, ​​where are you working?" Jin Guang asked casually.

"Ha, I don't have a job yet," Xia Long said with a smile, "I'm just a homeless man who travels around."

"Homeless man? Manatsu-kun's words are really interesting."

"Don't laugh at me, I just came here from Ryugu City today."

"Oh?" Jin Guang showed some interest on his face, and looked at Xia Long again and said, "Manatsu-kun should not have a place to stay yet? If you don't mind, stay at my house for the time being."

Xia Long couldn't figure out Jin Guang's thoughts.


"Don't get me wrong, I just want to thank Manatsu-kun. If it wasn't for Manatsu-kun just now, I don't know what would have happened."

Jin Guang's enthusiasm was strong, and he didn't give Xia Long a chance to refuse: "That's it, I will do my best to be a good host, Manatsu-kun, please rest assured to stay."

Xia Long didn't respond, which was considered as tacit agreement.

No matter what Jin Guang's idea was, it was destined to be useless. If he really just wanted to thank him, he couldn't waste the other party's kindness. It just so happened that he also wanted to take a look at the situation in Tokyo, and it would be good to have a good place to stay.

Although he had a good relationship with several members of the Ultra Guard, he was still unfamiliar with the Defense Force. His only impression was the Friendship Plan and the several space warp missiles he encountered when he first came to this time and space, which were quite dangerous.

In the evening, in the west of Ishida City, in a residential area.

“That’s it. Anyway, Manatsu-kun will stay for a while.” Jin Guang introduced to his family calmly.

“Excuse me.”

Seeing Jin Guang’s family, Xia Long couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, but Jin Guang’s wife was quite enthusiastic and immediately arranged to clean up the room for Xia Long.

In this high-end residential area, most of them are independent houses with many rooms, and the rooms for guests have been prepared long ago.

"Sit down for a while," Mrs. Jin Guang greeted Xia Long, then turned back to Jin Guang and said, "By the way, I've prepared the bath water for you."


Jin Guang nodded and said to Xia Long, "You're welcome, Manxia-kun. Just treat it as your own home."

"Thank you."

Xia Long put down his backpack, walked to the living room and sat down. He found a pretty girl at the stairs looking over here: "Who are you?"

"Da Da!" The girl didn't say anything when she was discovered by Xia Long, and immediately turned around and ran upstairs.

"She is our daughter Chunxiang, who is still in junior high school," Mrs. Jin Guang noticed the movement, explained, and greeted, "The room is ready, bring the things first."

"Oh, okay."

After so many years of experience, Xia Long did not say anything polite, and went directly into a second bedroom: "Excuse me."

The woman had a good impression of Xia Long, nodded and smiled: "I'll go prepare dinner first."

"No, Mr. Jin Guang and I have already eaten outside."


Jin Guang on the other side took off his coat and said: "Ah, I happened to go back to Shili City today for something, and I did have dinner with Manxia Jun. I will go to bed directly after taking a shower."

As the night deepened, Xia Long stood in front of the second bedroom window, silently looking at the starry sky, and suddenly there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door, which stopped at the door of his room.

Retracting his gaze from the window, Xia Long opened the door in confusion, and Chunxiang, who looked surprised, appeared in front of him, still in the posture of wanting to knock on the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Um," Chunxiang put down her hand, hesitatingly, "What's your relationship with my father?"

"We just met today," Xia Long looked at the girl strangely and responded, "Mr. Jin Guang knew that I didn't have a place to live, so he brought me here. Your father is really a good person."

The girl was a little confused as to why Jin Guang brought Xia Long home just after they met, but she didn't think much about it. When she heard Xia Long's words, her face froze slightly and she said, "He's not as good as you said. Maybe he's planning something again. Anyway, don't be fooled by him."


Xia Long looked at the girl who said bad things about his father with a strange look, shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, maybe you misunderstood, I'm just an ordinary traveler."

The girl turned and left quickly. Xia Long watched the girl go upstairs and his eyes turned to the bathroom inadvertently.

As a daughter, what she said may not be all misunderstandings, but these have little to do with him. If the other party had malicious intentions, he would not directly take him, a stranger he met for the first time, home.

The most important thing is that he is just the chairman of a heavy industry company and has no ability to attract his attention. Even if the other party makes any moves, it is impossible to escape his eyes.


After staying in Jin Guang's house for a few days, Xia Long originally wanted to investigate the defense army, but gradually learned about Jin Guang's specialness.

As the chairman of a heavy industry company that focuses on weapons and equipment, Jin Guang himself has a close relationship with the defense army. According to the information collected by Zero, the other party seems to have recently worked with the defense army to salvage a golden ancient bridge that sank in the sea.

Maybe we can contact the defense force through golden light...

On this day, Shinko Minami Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

Xia Long followed Jin Guang into the building, and was quickly greeted by the secretary he had met before.

"That's it, Manatsu-kun will temporarily work here," Jin Guang ordered, "You show him around here first, and I'll come over after meeting the guests."

"Yes." The secretary nodded and said to Xia Long, "Please follow me."

Xia Long watched Jin Guang enter the office seriously and asked his secretary, "Who does Mr. Jin Guang want to meet?"

"It's Staff Officer He Zhi of the National Defense Force." The secretary didn't mean to say more. After a brief explanation, he took Xia Long away and visited the club building according to Jin Guang's instructions.

It has to be said that the strength of Shinkonan Heavy Industries cannot be underestimated. It can be seen through the headquarters building. Being able to own such a skyscraper in the central area of ​​Tokyo is not an ordinary wealthy person. In addition, it can also be seen that the Earth Defense Force has a strong military influence. of attention.

In the president's office, Counselor He Zhi had been waiting for a long time, and even saw Xia Long brought by the golden light.

"Who is that boy?"

"It's a wanderer I met before. He's very skilled and should be a good bodyguard." Jin Guang nodded and sat down in his seat.

"Is this okay?" He Zhi looked away, sat down and said, "Let a person of unknown origin be a bodyguard."

"It shouldn't be a big problem," Jin Guang said, not wanting to talk too much about this issue, so he got straight to the point, "The Jingu Bridge salvage operation has been successfully completed. The proposal should be passed, right?"

He Zhi no longer thought about Xia Long and looked at Jin Guang with a gloomy expression.

"Don't worry," Jin Guang continued, "I will pass the proposal at the next staff meeting."

Staff Officer He Zhi felt relieved and said: "Now the world is filled with a weak idea of ​​peace. Those nerds who sing about harmony are flocking in from all over the world. They will use the media to exert great mental pressure on you arms dealers." pressure."

"That depends on whether it will become a pressure."

Jin Guang said unconcernedly: "As long as this matter is done well and goes smoothly according to the plan of Chief He Zhi, our New Jianaan Heavy Industry will be able to control the global economic situation. In other words, a private enterprise can have the kind of ownership like the United States." The powers are the same. I think this is a dual-acquisition plan that can simultaneously strengthen the Earth Defense Force and New Konan Heavy Industry.”

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