Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 811 New World

Nagano Prefectural Hospital.

Xia Long sat on the hospital bed, flipping through a magazine.

He was not very clear about other things, but he knew that he was in Nagano Prefecture, Japan in the year 2000.

What happened last night was still vivid in his mind. He tried to start the evolution device several times but failed, and he could not contact Zero.

In general, he seemed to have arrived in a place outside the Ultra Universe, where there were no monsters, but he did encounter a human-sized monster yesterday, indicating that this place was also not peaceful.

Xia Long's eyes fell on the light golden mark on the back of his left hand.

In this world, he could not transform, but the energy did not disappear, but was all concentrated in this strange mark that suddenly appeared, even the two divine powers also existed, that is, these two divine powers caused him to become like this, and for some reason they temporarily calmed down in his body and barely maintained balance.

Until now, he did not know what the battle between the two powers was. One of them was still familiar to him, coming from the gods mentioned by those silver-robed people, and the other seemed to be related to the unknown golden giant and the alien super-dimensional energy possessed by the equally unknown black giant.

Unlike his own power, these two divine powers seem to be unrestricted by this world...

"It's here." At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door, and a young man in a windbreaker followed the doctor to the door.

"To be honest, if an ordinary person had been injured like that, he would have died long ago..." The doctor introduced the young man while pushing open the door. Seeing Xia Long, who had already gotten up, his fingers trembled in surprise.

"How is it possible? Are you okay now?"

"Well," Xia Long put down the magazine and stood up, "I don't think it's a big deal. Can I leave?"

He thought of a very embarrassing problem. His usual things were placed in the evolution instrument. Now he had no money at all, and his identity problem was also very troublesome. Although his body had not fully recovered, he still had to leave quickly.

"Sorry, you can't leave for the time being," the young man said before the doctor, "I have a few more questions for you."

"Questions?" Xia Long frowned slightly.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself," the young man took out his ID and said, "I am the detective in charge of this incident, Xun Ichijo. Can you tell me what happened last night?"

Xia Long glanced at the ID and looked at the young man in front of him again: "Officer Ichijo, I don't know what's going on?"

"Why are you there? And who are you?" Xun Ichijo asked.

"This," Xia Long said with a pain in his neck, "I can't remember it clearly. I only know my name, and I really don't know anything else."

"I think," the doctor explained, "he may have been stimulated or have sequelae of injury, temporary amnesia, and needs to be observed again."

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow." Xun Ichijo curled his lips helplessly and turned around and walked out of the ward.

His partner Kameyama hurriedly followed and said, "Officer Ichijo, is that it? At least ask again."

"That person is lying, he doesn't want to tell the truth at all." Ichijo shook his head. He has been a detective for so long and he can see at a glance that Xia Long is not actually amnesiac and must be very clear about what happened last night.

"But why?" Kameyama asked in confusion, "We should ask him for clarification."

"I'll look for other clues first, and you can check his identity."

Ichijo Kaoru hurriedly left the hospital and said, "There's no need to expose him yet. He'll tell us when things are clear, and I don't think he has what we need."

"Officer Ichijo, where are you going?"

"That relic is a little strange. I'll go to the scene to have a look," Ichijo thought of the archaeological team's camera found at the scene, and turned back, "By the way, make a copy of the tape left at the scene when you go back."

"Oh, OK!"

In the hospital ward, Xia Long opened the curtains and watched the two policemen downstairs leave.

Of course, he didn't think he could hide it from the police. It was just a stopgap measure. The most important thing now was to protect himself first and find out the situation here as soon as possible.

Having power but not being able to use it really made him very uncomfortable.


The next day, Ichijo Kaoru didn't go to the hospital. Only the policeman named Kameyama personally took Xia Long back to the Nagano Prefecture Police Headquarters after confirming with the hospital.

At this time, after spending a day, Xia Long had almost figured out the situation. He knew that the mountain area he was in at the beginning was Jiulangyue, and the ruins were super ancient ruins that were being excavated and investigated. It seemed that something went wrong in the incident last night. Not only were all the members of the archaeological investigation team killed, but the entire valley outside the ruins was also destroyed by some powerful force.

Xia Long was taken to the lounge by Guishan. After getting some simple information, the figure of the mysterious monster appeared in his mind again.

Jiulangyue, ancient ruins, monsters... I always feel some impression.

Shaking his head, Xia Long frowned slightly. That kind of monster is too dangerous. After the police deal with it, he must quickly solve the physical problem, find a way to exert his strength, and then get rid of this monster that kills wantonly before leaving this world.

Judging from the destruction of the ruins, based on his current understanding, this world has no effective way to deal with the monster for the time being. If the other party enters human society, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the conference room, while Xia Long was waiting, Ichijo Kaoru was meeting a young man and woman, Godai Yusuke and Sawatari Sakurako.

"This is the tape from the time of the crime," said Kaoru Ichijo, holding a videotape. "It was left behind by chance in that tragedy."

"Are they all dead?"

"You can say that."

"You can say that?"

"Well," Ichijo explained to the confused two people, "There was actually a survivor at the scene, but he was not from the archaeological team. Almost all the investigators were slaughtered in a short period of time."

"Where is the survivor?" Five generations asked with concern.

"Anyway, you should take a look at the copied tape first." Ichijo nodded and signaled the staff to play the video.

After the lights went out, the video screen was presented at the end of the conference room. The blurred screen kept shaking, and the cruel scenes recorded were unbearable to watch.

Watching the investigators being slaughtered by a monster figure, Sawatari Sakurako turned her head away silently, just listening to the desperate shouts from the tape.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the picture and threw the monster down, and was thrown away by the monster in a shout.

"Transform... Transform..." Amid the chaotic shouts, a voice clearly reached Five generations through the noise.

"What is this?"

"Wait a minute," Ichijo Xun stopped the video and looked at the noisy screen, "This person is the only survivor at the scene."

In the screen, Xia Long can barely be seen being pinched by the monster and pressed against the wall. Wudai noticed a blurry light at the corner of the screen where Xia Long's arm was, and asked curiously, "What is that? It seems to be glowing."

"Huh?" Ichijo looked along and found nothing special. He shook his head and said, "It should be just a reflection. There are many lighting lights on the wall at the scene."

The picture itself was very messy and the light was very poor. Ichijo didn't care. He asked the staff to continue playing the video and then said, "It's not clear who the mysterious figure that looks like a monster is. I was planning to talk to the survivor. He has come from the hospital and should be in the lounge now."

"Can I go see him?" Wudai asked.

"Don't worry about this for now," Ichijo said as he opened a silver suitcase, "Actually, I asked you to come here this time because I wanted to show you this."

Ichijo showed the petrified belt in the suitcase to the five generations and said, "That mysterious figure, he seemed to be boasting about his victory at the end, and he pulled this belt off the ancient corpse. I am very suspicious about this. Please take it and study it first..."

"Officer Ichijo!" As he was speaking, Kameyama suddenly rushed into the meeting room, "Something happened!"

"Kameyama? What happened? Didn't you bring that person here?" Ichijo asked in confusion.

"No, I have brought him here, but it was somewhere else," Kameyama looked at the five generations and leaned close to Ichijo's ear and said, "Officer, there is an emergency. A huge spider web made by a mysterious creature appeared in Minami-Nagano..."

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