Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 821 Tokyo (Part 3)

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Xia Long was waiting alone in a lounge, thinking of the mysterious rose girl who appeared when the police car left.

Judging from the language she spoke, the woman should be the same kind of monster, the Gurongi clan.

It feels that the woman is a little different from all the monsters she met before, giving people a very strange feeling. If Gurongi is divided into levels, her status must be high, and it may be related to Zero who has never appeared.

If I meet him again, I must check it out...

Xia Long secretly clenched his fist and looked at the light golden mark on the back of his hand.

After fighting continuously, he has gradually adapted to the power of the mark. In this world, the power of Riot Time and Space cannot be used, but the influence on the power of God is very weak. I believe that the next time I meet Zero, I will definitely be able to control the power to defeat the opponent.


On the other side, the police finally surrounded No. 5, but not only did they fail to eliminate No. 5, but the police suffered heavy casualties.

Faced with this terrible situation, Kaoru Ichijo hesitated again and again and secretly handed over the new motorcycle developed by the Metropolitan Police Department to the Five Generations. Finally, in an abandoned building somewhere in the Musashiyama area, Kuuga successfully eliminated No. 5 under the witness of the police.

"Was Manaka Ryu caught at the scene?" Kaoru Ichijo hurried back to the Metropolitan Police Department after helping Kuuga to eliminate No. 5. After learning the details from the police in question, his face changed.

Last time in Nagano Prefecture, the patrolman said that in addition to Manaka Ryu, there seemed to be a monster suspected to be No. 3 flying away.

And the time at Professor Natsume's house...

Kaoru Ichijo rushed to the lounge, thinking deeply with a gloomy face, and immediately opened the door when he arrived outside the lounge.

"Ma Xia Long, didn't I tell you to stay at the station? How did you get involved in the incident again?"

"Officer Ichijo," Xia Long saw Ichijo Kaoru coming in and hurriedly said, "I saw that Godai hadn't come yet, so I wanted to look for him, so... I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble again."

"Forget it," Ichijo Kaoru wanted to be angry, but looking at Xia Long's appearance, he really couldn't be angry. Thinking that Xia Long had just experienced danger, he said helplessly, "I'll take you to a place tomorrow, and you will stay there temporarily."

"Is it the classmate you mentioned last time?"

"No, this time it was Godai who introduced me."


At around nine o'clock the next morning, Ichijo Kaoru drove Xia Long to a restaurant called "Bore Bore".

When he walked into the restaurant, a middle-aged man was busy at the bar, and he didn't see Godai.

"Yeah, welcome."

"Boss, is Godai here?" Ichijo Kaoru asked after looking for a while.

"Godai? Are you looking for Godai?" The middle-aged man was stunned and complained, "That guy didn't come. It's always like this recently, leaving me alone. Are you friends from Yusuke's college days?"


"Are you friends from adventures?"

The boss seemed very talkative and kept chatting with him. Xia Long followed him to sit in front of the counter and found that the TV news was still repeating the report on the unconfirmed life form No. 5.

Last night, he heard from Kaoru Ichijo that Godai was the last person to solve No. 5...

"Boss," Ichijo patiently listened to the boss' nonsense for a while, and couldn't help interrupting, "In fact, we are not only here to find Godai, but also for this guy."

Ichijo said and looked at Xia Long: "I heard from Godai, so I would like to trouble you to let him work here temporarily."

"Work?" The boss turned off the TV and said enthusiastically, "Of course, ah, it really helped me a lot. Yusuke has been taking leave recently, and I have been wanting to recruit another person."

Xia Long glanced at the boss who was a little unreliable, pulled Kaoru Ichijo aside and whispered: "Officer Ichijo, do you really want me to work here? To be honest, I am also very busy..."

"I have asked around," Ichijo Kaoru Ichijo looked back at the boss and said, "The boss here is a pretty good person. You should make do with him for now. It just so happens that Godai also works here."

"How is it?" The boss smiled when he saw that both of them were looking at him, "Have you thought about it?"

Without waiting for Xia Long to respond, Ichijo said decisively, "Well, he will trouble you for a while."

At this time, Godai Yusuke came in from outside with a cardboard box: "Sorry, I'm late... Officer Ichijo?"

"You're here." Ichijo greeted Godai and told Xia Long by the way, "You stay here. I have something to do with Godai at Kanto Medical University Hospital."

"Kanto Medical University Hospital?"

"Well, I'll contact you next time."

Nodding to Xia Long and the restaurant owner, Kaoru Ichijo took Godai and left through the door.

"Why do you want to go to Kanto Medical University Hospital?" Godai asked in confusion, "Is there another incident?"

"No, I saw that you haven't been to Dr. Tsubaki, so I took you there." Ichijo said as he walked.

"Dr. Tsubaki? The doctor who's going to check me up?"

"Yeah, he was my classmate in high school, and he's pretty tight-lipped."

Ichijo walked to the car he had driven, and said to Godai who was riding the police motorcycle TRCS2000: "By the way, were you okay yesterday?"

"I was fine, this motorcycle was really nice to drive," Godai said as he put on his helmet, "but speaking of which, I felt something was a little strange when I was fighting No. 5 yesterday."


"It feels like that guy was injured before," Wu Dai gestured with difficulty, "I can't tell, anyway, it's a little different from the beginning, it seems that he was knocked down easily."

"Injured?" Ichijo couldn't help but think of Xia Long, his face tightened, "Could it be that at that time..."

"What happened?" Wu Dai asked curiously.

"Ah, nothing." Ichijo was silent for a while, shook his head vigorously, stopped thinking about it, and said, "Doctor Tsubaki is waiting, let's go quickly."

The subsequent report only mentioned that when they arrived at the scene, only Xia Long survived, and No. 5 escaped before, no one knew what happened, maybe No. 5 was injured afterwards.

In the Bore Bore restaurant, Xia Long and the boss stared at each other for a while, and finally the boss broke the silence and said: "Are you not used to unfamiliar places? It doesn't matter. I think I'll tell you about my adventures first. Don't look at me like this. I used to go on adventures all over the world like Five Generations..."

"No, thank you," Xia Long sat down and said, "Boss, I may not be able to help you too much, but it's good to live here. Don't worry, I will pay the rent in the future."

The boss looked at Xia Long blankly, smacked his lips and said, "It's okay, you are Yusuke's friend, just live here... By the way, what did I say just now, uh, I'd better tell you a few more adventure stories."

"That's really not necessary, boss."

"Why? To be honest, I have climbed almost all the mountains you can name, such as Mount Everest..."

Xia Long Frowning slightly, he said in embarrassment: "Boss, you just mentioned this, and that is Mount Everest."

"Ah? Is that so?" The boss was a little confused, paused and said quickly, "Then let me tell you something you don't know. It seems that you haven't been to many places."

"Let's talk about it next time."

Xia Long didn't want to listen to the boss's nonsense anymore. He looked at the furnishings in the store and asked: "Boss, do you have anything here that can be used to make masks?"

"Mask?" The boss was stunned, "Why do you want to make masks?"

"Well, I've suddenly become very interested in masks recently."

Xia Long retracted his gaze from the various weird furnishings: "If there is nothing, forget it."

The boss couldn't keep calm when he heard what Xia Long said, and hurriedly said: "How could there be nothing? I remember that I seemed to have brought back some masks five generations ago and put them upstairs. I'll help you find them later."

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