At Kanto Medical University Hospital, Kaoru Ichijo brought Godai to the hospital and went straight to Tsubaki Hideichi for a physical examination.

As a cooperative hospital of the Police Science Research Institute, Tsubaki Hideichi had examined the residual tissue of the unconfirmed life form No. 1 before examining Godai, and found that Godai actually had the same characteristics.

Compared with ordinary people, Godai's muscle tissue is strengthened, nerves are also very developed, strength and reaction are improved, and the most special thing is the belt integrated into Godai's body.

"The belt-like thing on his abdomen," Tsubaki Hideichi explained while looking at the scan of Godai's body, "the belt is extending something similar to nerve tissue to the whole body. I think it's probably because of this that the body has changed drastically. It's okay now. If this thing extends to the brain, it may no longer be human."

"Not human?" Kaoru Ichijo asked, "What will he become?"

Tsubaki Hideichi turned to the two people: "He will become a biological weapon just for fighting like those guys."


Bunkyo District, Bore Bore Restaurant, the owner searched in the attic for a while, and finally found two somewhat worn wooden masks.

"It seems that there are only these two left." The boss put back the mask worn by one of the children and handed Xia Long a mask that looked like it had two rabbit ears. "Are you going to a masquerade? In fact, I was also very popular when I was young..."

"I'll modify it again."

Xia Long reluctantly took the rough mask, ignored the boss's chatter, found some tools and paint, and walked out of the attic.

"Hey, are you leaving now?" The boss hurriedly packed up the sundries and said, "At least help me first, the guests are coming soon."

As he was talking, there was a sound of pushing the door downstairs, and the bell tied to the door rang repeatedly. Many people swarmed into the store. The boss didn't care about anything else and hurried downstairs to greet them: "Welcome, welcome."

Xia Long stood at the stairs and saw the boss busy and flustered. He smiled and shook his head. After putting the mask and tools in the bedroom, he also went downstairs to help entertain the guests.

"Oh, by the way," the boss asked Xia Long while making curry rice, "What's your name?"

"Xia... Real Xia Long."

"I'll call you Aaron. Can you get two cups of iced coffee for the guests at table 3?"

The restaurant doesn't have many dishes. It's an oriental restaurant. Most of the guests order curry rice or eel rice, and a drink.

"Can I have a cup of lemon tea? And another eel rice."

"Okay, it'll be ready soon."

"I'm telling you, the curry rice here is delicious," a couple walked in with a smile, and saw Xia Long, the waiter, and was stunned, "Did you change someone again?"

"No," the boss explained while serving the rice, "He's just helping out. Okay, the curry rice is ready. Aaron, help me get another plate."

"Please enjoy." Xia Long looked at the lively restaurant and served a portion of curry rice and two cups of black tea to the guests.

This was already the world he had been through. Ordinary people in every world were the same. They were afraid of unknown dangers and were trying to live in such a dangerous world.

After the meal, when the guests left, the boss was so tired that he could hardly breathe. He didn't even have the heart to chat with Xia Long.

"Thank you for your hard work, A'long. You helped me a lot."

"It's okay. I also want to thank you for letting me live here."

After helping to clean up the dishes, Xia Long returned to his bedroom upstairs and stared at the rabbit mask in a daze.

After a pause, Xia Long picked up the mask, first cut off the two eye-catching rabbit ears, and then carefully painted the front of the mask with paint.

After going to the police station several times, he also knew that it was different now and he couldn't fight rashly.

Although there was no Kamen Rider in Kuga's time and space, this was indeed a world of Kamen Rider. He couldn't transform and fight, but at least he had to disguise himself simply.

Using a knife to cut off the excess sawdust, Xia Long blew it and began to draw the pattern. Unconsciously, he looked a bit similar to Kalio after the transformation.

He stopped writing and looked at the modified mask. It was a bit crude and could hardly be sold outside, but it suddenly reminded him of his daughter far away.

When he was still a suit actor, Wu Mei had also made an Ultraman mask with paper. Time always passed so quickly. It has been a while since he left. Wu Mei is probably married now. I don’t know how she is doing in the other world.

Thinking about it, he took out the shell amulet from his arms. Although it was worn out, it still brought him a little warmth...

"Along," the boss suddenly knocked on the door, "Are you in there?"

"What's wrong?" Xia Long came back to his senses, "What's the matter?"

The boss pushed open the door: "I saw that you have been silent for a long time. You should be hungry. Go downstairs to eat something. You should also try the delicious curry rice I made."

"Okay," Xia Long put down the mask and said, "I'll go down right away."


At night, after entertaining the last guest, Xia Long was having dinner with the boss, and the TV news suddenly reported the battle between No. 4 and the unconfirmed life form.

"This afternoon, there were multiple jumping accidents in Minato and Shinagawa. The police have confirmed that it was the unidentified life form No. 6. No. 6 appeared in Suginami earlier and disappeared after fighting with No. 4..."

"No. 6?" Xia Long put down the spoon and looked back at the TV.

The boss said with a grim expression: "It's these guys again. There have been too many tragedies recently. Aaron, I think I should try to go out less in the future."

"I'm full!" Xia Long put the half-remaining plate of curry rice on the counter and picked up the phone to contact Ichijo.

"Hello, Officer Ichijo, I just saw the report...Godai was injured? Yes, I know, but I want to go see Godai."

"What happened?" The boss said anxiously, "Who are you calling? How did Yusuke get injured?"

"Boss, I'll go out for a while!" Xia Long put down the phone and hurried out of the restaurant.

It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening when Xia Long arrived at Kanto Medical University Hospital. Before entering the hospital, he saw Godai riding the police motorcycle and hurried away. He disappeared at the intersection in the blink of an eye.


After staring at the direction where Godai left for a while, Xia Long walked to the hospital lobby in confusion and found that Kaoru Ichijo and Sawatari Sakurako were both there, as well as a strange young doctor.

"Officer Ichijo, didn't you say that Godai was injured?"

"Yes, that's right," said Kaoru Ichijo, looking very guilty, "He was indeed seriously injured, but..."

Tsubaki Hideichi continued in a deep voice: "With such injuries, an ordinary person would have died long ago. Because his body is strengthened, I can't say for sure, but normally it will take a month to fully recover from the injury."

"One month?" Xia Long looked outside silently, "How could he be so seriously injured? Is No. 6 very strong?"

"Yes, Godai suddenly turned blue during the battle, and it seems that he is no match for No. 6 at all."

Ichijo apologized to Sakurako: "I'm very sorry, it's the same as you worried."

Xia Long remembered that Sakurako had Because he was worried about Wu Dai getting into trouble, Yi Yichi tried to stop him. He looked at the silent people and smiled, "I think you should trust him more. This is Wu Dai's own choice. Since he has become a warrior, injuries are inevitable."

Sakurako moved her lips and turned to Xia Long and said, "Why are you talking so easily like Wu Dai? Wu Dai may die if he is not careful."

"So you should support him more, right? Don't worry, Wu Dai will be fine."

Xia Long looked at the time and said, "I think he should go back now. I will go back to take care of him. If you have anything, you can call the restaurant and I will answer it."

Nodding, Xia Long turned and left the hospital.

There are very few people who are not afraid of death, and he is no exception. To be honest, from the beginning of his evolution to now, he has always been a thorough human being in his heart. He is also afraid of death and pain. However, when there is a meaning to fighting, many things will become very different. Wu Dai is probably the same as him.

It was almost 11pm when we returned to the Bore Bore restaurant. Xia Long saw the five-year-old motorcycle outside. When he entered the door, the boss immediately came to greet him.

"What happened? Yusuke went upstairs to sleep as soon as he came back."

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