Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 859 Knights' Battle

"That's it!" Momoi Reiko opened her eyes wide, looking at the transformation reflected by the mirror in surprise. The fighting posture that had never been seen under the flowing light, the golden horns, the red compound eyes... had already gone beyond the scope of human beings, but it was not scary at all. Instead, there was an indescribable sense of security spreading with the breath.

"What on earth is it? Why did Xiangyi..."

"Keng!" Xia Long's breath was stable, and he turned his head and looked at Momoi Reiko with his red compound eyes. He was not surprised by Momoi Reiko's shock, and he did not intend to hide the transformation from her.

Nodding, Xia Long's body shook and grabbed a wooden stick directly, and followed the monster into the mirror world.


In the mirror world, after several round trips, Xia Long had completely adapted to the surprise between the two worlds, and was not affected by the energy of time and space. He just stepped steadily and met the many monsters in the mirror world that surrounded him.

Almost all the headless monsters were ordinary knights, and Xia Long did not underestimate them too much. During the energy flow, he once again transformed into a blue sublimation form and rushed into the middle of the monsters.

Since Leo, he has been mainly engaged in close-range unarmed combat, and his weapons have only involved sword skills. However, even with the Qinglong Stick, the combat effect has not lagged behind by a single point. Various sword skills have evolved directly, and arcs of light have been drawn during the battle.

It didn't take too much time. Soon, the last monster was lifted high into the air by Xia Long and exploded with a bang.


Xia Long put away the Qinglong Stick and looked at the opposite side through the explosion flames. These monsters were still a little difficult for the blue sublimation form, but it was nothing. Instead, he was a little concerned about the person who could easily control the monsters behind him.

"Are you Kanzaki Shirou?" Xia Long looked at a tall young man in a windbreaker who walked out of the corner.

"Who are you?" Kanzaki Shirou looked at Xia Long and said, "You should not exist in this world? What happened to the transformation just now?"

"I am indeed not from this world, there is nothing strange about it."

Confirming that the young man is Kanzaki Shirou, Xia Long untransformed and said face to face: "You should know how to close this mirror world, right?"

"Knights from other worlds?" Kanzaki Shirou pondered and stared at Xia Long and said, "Not to mention that you have no ability to close the mirror world at all, even if you have it, I will never let you close the mirror world, at least not now."

"I know you want to save your sister, but is it really good to start a war between knights like this?"

Xia Long turned and looked in the direction of the abandoned factory on the other side.

He was fighting here, and there were also continuous sounds of fighting on the other side. Several Kamen Riders could be seen fighting from a distance, including the last Knight.

"If this goes on, more people will get hurt."

"You won't understand," Kanzaki Shirou also said while looking at the battle in the distance, "This is their own choice, and there is no time. If the outcome is not decided quickly... I will definitely not let Yui die, don't come to hinder me."

Kanzaki Shirou glanced at Xia Long with a half-warning look, and his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

Xia Long stood there for a while, and walked silently to the place where several Kamen Riders were fighting.

Except for Knight and Dragon Rider, the information of the other knights all appeared in Xia Long's mind.

It seems that the time he has been in the Dragon Rider world is just coming to an end. There are not many knights left, and they are basically more powerful knights, Zolda, who has strong firepower and relies on guns and cannons, Femme, a female Kamen Rider whose contracted beast is a swan, and Kamen Rider King Snake, who is obviously stronger and more fierce than others.

He has a shallow understanding of Kamen Rider, but through Zero's information and the battle in front of him, he has a general understanding.

In the world of Dragon Rider, the power of Kamen Rider and Contracted Beast can be combined to exert a very powerful force. The destructive power of the special move is even far greater than that of Kuuga's all-around Knight Kick. With such a strong force, plus more than one knight, if all of them are used to deal with the monsters in the mirror world, it is even possible to close the mirror world.

But now these people obviously don't have this idea, and the only one who thinks so, Shinji Shiroto, can't change anything.

Seeing that the battle is getting more and more intense, Xia Long no longer stands by and transforms into Red Sublimation again and walks into the battlefield.

"Huh?" Several knights in the fierce battle felt something was wrong, and they looked at Xia Long who suddenly appeared vigilantly.

"There are still knights!"

"Are you the last knight that Kanzaki Shirou said?"

After a fierce battle, several knights including Dragon Rider were in a bad condition. Only Zolda, who had powerful firepower, was still intact. After feeling the invisible pressure from Xia Long, everyone stopped moving.

"It's you!" Knight recognized Xia Long, "What are you doing here?"

"I just don't want you to continue the boring fight, stop it."

Xia Long didn't intervene too much. When he saw the knights stop fighting, he turned around and walked into the mirror beside him and left.

In the abandoned church, Knight's transformer Akiyama Ren, Dragon Knight transformer Shiroto Shinji, and Femme transformer Kirishima Miho, after fighting in the mirror world, all sat on the ground exhausted.

At this time, Xia Long brought Momoi Reiko into the church and walked in front of them.

"Shinji?" Momoi Reiko was surprised to see Shiroto Shinji, "Why are you here? Ah, and this woman..."

Noticing Kirishima Miho in the corner, Momoi Reiko's eyebrows jumped and said: "Kirishima Miho, you are indeed a marriage fraud."

"They are also Kamen Riders," Xia Long said with his back against a piano, "The one I just mentioned to you."


Shiroto Shinji laughed dryly and stood up and looked at Xia Long: "Shoichi, what are you talking about?"

"It's useless," Akiyama Ren still had a sour face and glanced at Xia Long, "He knows everything about us. He is the knight just now."

"The knight just now?" Shiroto Shinji thought of the sixth knight who appeared in the mirror world, and said in confusion, "Shoichi is also a knight? But why..."

"Wait a minute, Shiroto!" Momoi Reiko interrupted with a stern face, "Can you explain what's going on?"

"Ah, I..."

Shiroto Shinji was still a little confused in his heart, no Knowing how to deal with it, Xia Long helped to resolve the situation and said, "Forget it, Shinji must have his own difficulties."

Walking in front of the few people, Xia Long turned to Akiyama Ren and Kirishima Miho and asked, "Can you tell me why you want to participate in the battle between knights? If you gather your strength, you should be able to destroy those monsters very well."

"I must defeat that guy Asakura Takeshi!" Kirishima Miho clenched her fists and said, "That bastard killed my sister! There is no reason, just because he thinks it's fun... That guy is simply not a human!"

"Is Asakura Takeshi the one who transformed into a king snake?" Xia Long looked at the angry girl, "That guy is different from you. It will be very dangerous to get involved with him."

He has information about Asakura Takeshi. He is a vicious fugitive, cruel and aggressive. After becoming a Kamen Rider, his combat ability is far beyond that of ordinary people.

"No matter why you become knights, don't fight between knights anymore," Xia Long gave up asking and advised, "Even if you become a knight, you are still just an ordinary person. Leave Asakura Wei to me. Don't take risks again."

"Aren't you the same as us? Why do you say you are so special?" Kirishima Miho kicked the chair angrily, and said with red eyes, "How can you understand?"

Postponed to the next day

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