Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 999: World Guardian War Monster vs Behemoth

"Go for a walk." Hong Tu walked outside the door.

The sky was covered by dark clouds, and it was hard to tell whether it was day or night.

But fortunately, ordinary people don't need to know this at this moment. They can't even see the sky at this moment. They can only gather in the air-raid shelter, looking at the fully equipped armed men around with panic.

The parents hugged their children and coaxed patiently. The young people looked at the armed men impatiently and fearfully, and couldn't help but shrink their necks.

It's not that no one wants to resist, but the weapons in the opponent's hand still frighten these people. Although they are just shots at the open space, who knows if those guns will be aimed at them after being impatient.

And they don't even know who these people are, they can only vaguely see that they are the army.

In silence, some people began to get together, discussing what they knew in a low voice.

Such as that huge monster, such as that Ultraman.

After Wang Chuan was destroyed, the negative energy in it was absorbed by the dark Zaki, the machine was completely declared broken, and the memory that was taken away by TLT was also remembered by people.

The people who remembered those memories gathered together in a low voice, and began to talk about the giant of light and the monster.

"Have you seen that giant before..."

"Yes, yes, I remember too."

"I still remember the battle scene at that time, and the demon..."

"Strange, why did we forget before?"

"I do not know……"

Probably the existence of the giant dispelled the fear in their hearts. People subconsciously ignored the alien beast that threatened them, but focused on discussing the giant. Various speculations appeared one after another, and there were all kinds of magical speculations.

But it seems that following this speculation, the haze that hung in people's hearts has been dispelled a little.


Of course, it is not that some disobedient guys have escaped the TLT restrictions. There will always be some people who have keenly escaped the chase of the memory police, hiding in an unmanned city, and looking at the big hole in the sky secretly. Or thinking about how to escape from the city and make these unknown truths public.

Well, I'm talking about people like Mr. Genlai.

But with Mr. Genrai, there is another... child who shouldn't exist here.

Hong Tu originally came out to pass the time while preparing for the dinner he was about to start.

Then, he ran into the sneaky duo.

Why would Mr. Genlai be with Xiao Lizi?

Hong Tu blinked, a little surprised. It is normal to find that Mr. Nerai escaped from TLT, because Mr. Nerai is also very experienced, so you shouldn’t be too proficient in escaping memory police or something while in chaos.

However, Riko is different. Let's not talk about why Riko appeared here, but first why Riko would actually be with Genlai? I wouldn't meet him halfway, and then Mr. Genlai abducted Little Lolita?

The expression in Hong Tu's eyes looking at Mr. Genlai gradually became meaningful.

Of course, when he stood so carelessly at the entrance of the street, he was quickly noticed by Genlai. Mr. Genlai was startled subconsciously, and then rushed up quickly, holding Hongtu with one hand, and Xiaolizi with the other, and quickly hid into a wall. Side, and stretched out his head to look around, his posture was very cautious.

Hong Tu: "..." It seems, kind of interesting.

He raised his head and glanced at the edge of the city, raising his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Ji Yazhun is here too.


The synthetic monster that Mana turned into fought with the alien beast on the opposite side.

Synthetic monsters and alien beasts are very large in size, and there is a lot of movement in the battle.

Their tentacles were entangled in the air, whipping each other, accompanied by ugly and hoarse beast roars, but they did not immediately approach each other.

This is just a warm-up before the battle, they are initially competing for each other's strength.

Synthetic monsters don't have many tentacles, only eight, but the four hooks on the tips of the tentacles are closed, sharp and sharp like a drill, with the sound of breaking wind between swings, which is full of threats.

However, the alien beasts on the opposite side have many tentacles, with a dozen or so close to 20. The sharp claws are flexible and tough, and they can block all attacks with the synthetic monster. There is even a leisurely mind that stretches out more. The tentacles try to catch the synthetic monster on the opposite side.

The synthetic monster quickly realized this, and quickly threw away a few tentacles stretched out by the alien beast, and then tried to get away from the alien beast a few steps later.

The tentacles of the alien beast on the opposite side closed slightly, and did not immediately pursue the victory.

It has a bad habit of torturing its prey. After finally encountering a prey, its first reaction is not to kill it first, but to torture it.

Probably it has been lonely for too long. This guy intends to let the prey on the opposite side jump for a while.

Therefore, its tentacles are slightly gathered around, but the end points to the synthetic monster on the opposite side, ready to go.

Mana leaned over slightly, although she had been prepared, but at this moment she still felt troublesome for the entanglement of the alien beast.

The two fighters of the night raid team had already flown away. Then, after the warm-up was over, she had to be serious.

The huge synthetic monster rushed to the opposite alien beast at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with its size.

The alien beast reacted swiftly, and its slightly close tentacles immediately stretched out and grabbed the attacking monster directly.

But in the middle of the journey, the huge synthetic monster directly disappeared in place, instead appearing on top of the alien beast, smashing the alien beast below with the momentum of Mount Tai.

The tentacles of the alien beasts immediately turned a direction in the air, thinking that the synthetic monster in the sky rushed over.

Countless dark red **** of light lit up from the lighting organs on the chest of the synthetic monster, and fell on these stretched tentacles.

But the alien beast was not afraid at all. A red light-emitting organ on its body was lit up, and a rainbow-colored barrier was unfolded to block these fireballs and incidentally, the synthetic monster that was falling.

The huge synthetic monster flipped its body flexibly in mid-air, letting its scorpion-like lower body face down, and its sharp bladed feet and limbs fiercely stuck on this barrier.

A few cracks appeared on the barrier, but it steadily caught the momentum of the synthetic monster.

The huge monster stomped fiercely, then the barrier leaped high and flew into the sky again.

The alien beast removed the fragmented barrier, another light-emitting organ lit up, and yellow energy bullets spewed out from the huge mouths on both sides of its head, rushing into the sky in densely composed monsters.

The synthetic monster quickly shifted its position in the sky, avoided some missiles, and exploded the remaining missiles directly with its tentacles.

But the alien beast spit out more missiles, covering the synthetic monster in the sky.

The synthetic monster directly disappeared in mid-air, and this time appeared behind the alien beast.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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