Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1000: Zaki who died in the world guard battle

But this alien beast has no blind spots in its line of sight, it does not even have a front body or a back, so when the synthetic monster appears "behind" it, the four "back" eyes quickly lock the enemy and directly stretch out its tentacles. Caught it.

Mana immediately realized the strangeness of this alien beast.

She realized that it was wrong, and controlled the synthetic monster vigilantly and disappeared in place.

In the next instant, the mucus in the place where the synthetic monster was just standing suddenly bulged, like a column of water soaring into the sky, and then quickly dispersed.

Although it didn't hit, the alien beast laughed mockingly, its tentacles waved, and the two mouthparts spread out with an unpleasant snicker, and the entire alien beast trembled with laughter.

Mana squinted her eyes, the huge tentacles were rolled up, and a dark purple spear of light appeared and threw it at the alien beast.

The laughter of the alien beast paused, and the whole beast disappeared in place.

The synthetic monster turned his gaze, and keenly raised his head to look at the top of his head.

This time, the alien beast moved to the top of the synthetic monster and fell straight down.

As the alien beast appeared above, the lower body of the alien beast was finally completely exposed.

That is a big mouth full of sharp and sharp teeth. At this moment, the neatly arranged sharp teeth have been opened as far as possible, and the tips of the teeth are still wrapped in a layer of yellowish-brown corrosive liquid, constantly wriggling. With.

This is the mouthparts used by this alien beast to eat. If it is pressed by the alien beast, the claws at the tips of the tentacles will fiercely fix the prey, and then the huge mouth will gnaw the prey and secrete it. These corrosive liquids decompose prey.

It can be described as a brutal predator.

The synthetic monster quickly jumped away from the place, avoiding the alien beast that had been bitten by the huge bite, and withdrew a few steps, another dark purple spear was rolled up between its tentacles, and it was thrown at the alien beast.

The alien beast that has just landed does not evade, and a light-emitting organ on its body lights up, leading all the light-emitting organs around it to light up. These lights gather together to form a strong stream of red light, welcoming the attack. Gun of light.

The light flow collided with the light gun. After a short stalemate, the dark purple light gun was swallowed and annihilated by the thick light flow, while the red light flow hit the synthetic monster unstoppably.

The synthetic monster had no time to evade, so he could only hurriedly deploy the Jetton barrier to block the rushing attack, but even so, the barrier and the huge monster were still pushed by the light flow and moved a certain distance before stopping.

The alien beast removed the flow of light, and felt happy about the stubbornness of the prey.

It roared, the large red light-emitting organs on its body lit up, and dense energy **** of various colors appeared around it.


With the roar of the alien beast, these energy **** densely covered the huge synthetic monster.


The sound of Mana fighting with the alien beast could be heard even if they were far away.

The roar of alien beasts, explosions, and the sound of heavy objects falling constantly, especially the sound of alien beasts has never been weak. Humans cannot detect the gap in the roar of alien beasts, but Zog and Mizulumu are very different. clear.

The alien beast was very happy, and didn't have any irritation from the wind, which meant that the battle situation on Mana's side was not very good.

In the sight of Zog and the others, the broken alien beast "live" finally appeared in front of everyone.

"That's it."

Zog recognized the lair at a glance.

And everyone saw the giant stone statue exposed at the corner of the broken lair.

Servia's stone statue was lying on the ground, arms crossed in front of her chest, maintaining a protective posture and frozen into a stone statue, and the stone statue was also covered by the yellow-green slime, which looked rather miserable.

The command plane immediately flew towards the stone statue.

"Is it enough to just give that to the stone statue?" The captain's tone was slightly relaxed, which is probably rare good news.

Zog has unfastened his seat belt and stood up: "Leave it to me."

The fighter plane gradually approached the stone statue, but the change happened at this moment. A sudden light bomb flew from a distance and attacked a fighter plane.

"Be careful!" Zog's body glowed with a white light, and quickly turned into a barrier to wrap up the fighter, blocking this attack.

However, the barrier was also broken, and the fighter plane was lifted off by the aftermath of the explosion. After making a few circles in the air, it was about to deviate from its track.

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped in golden light suddenly protruded and steadily caught the fighter.

Hecang looked up and saw a familiar figure through the window.


That's right, it was Bright Mephistopheles that appeared suddenly.

Bright Mephistopheles flattened the fuselage slightly, the fighter restarted and slowly lifted off.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the fighters, Guangming Meifist turned to look at the culprit who had just attacked them.

It's Dark Zaki.

"Oh? It's my doll." Dark Zaki appeared beside the stone statue silently, stepping on the stone statue's arms crossed on the chest, not paying attention to the creaking sound under his feet. .

"Why, are you going to eat the Lord?" Dark Zaki is still dying, "doll..."

But in the next second, a beam of black and white light suddenly appeared, rushing to the dark Zaki: "Death!!!"

Dark Zaki was taken aback, but failed to respond in time, and was directly hit in the chest by this attack, and the entire Austrian flew out.

Only then did the light and dark beam fade away, revealing his true face, it was Zog who was furious.

At this moment, Zog is the valkyrie posture that once appeared. Her complexion is silvery white like Ultraman, with some blue lines on it, and her armor skirt is black and white, simple and capable.

"That's... the deputy captain?" Gumen couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Zog's changed Valkyrie looked sacred and inviolable, and with a certain judgmental coldness, like the legendary Valkyrie.

Zog landed on the side of the stone statue, looking at Zaki who was stabilizing his body in the distance, and finally his gaze fell on the stone statue by his feet again.

"You guy..." The ethereal voice was worried and grateful.

She leaned over and stretched out her hand to stroke the stone statue. The silver-white light followed her hand around the stone statue, removing all the mucus wrapped in the stone statue’s outer layer, and finally the light gathered at the timer of the Serbia statue and slowly penetrated into it. among them.

A small lightsaber fell from her palm and into the timer on the chest of the stone statue.

All the light was condensed, and the neatly restored stone statue fell into silence.

Everyone watched this scene nervously, and even the solitary door held his breath.

In the next instant, a little golden light flickered on the timer of the Ultraman stone statue, like a light called hope.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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