Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1002: The Unknown Heroes of the World Guard

The three of them were in an unmanned reception room, which had regular drinking water and small snacks, where they could take a break.

Hong Tu found some small snacks, tore open the package and handed it to Lizi.

And the child was not seen outside, took the snack channel and thanked him, and then began to eat.

Genlai Jinzang opened a bottle of mineral water and took a sip, unconsciously looking out the window.

This is the third floor. You can see the street outside through the window. It is quiet, without a single figure, only the city lights shining brightly.

"It's terrible, it's like the end of the day." Especially the big hole in the sky gave the world a broken illusion.

He looked at the watch on his wrist, and more than eight hours had passed since the sky fell into darkness. Because of the indicator in his hand, he couldn't even tell whether it was day or night.

Maybe it's dusk?

Who knows? Anyway, it's just darkness now.

But Genki Jinzo couldn't help cursing, and remembering that there was a child, and finally shut his mouth, just stood by the window and looked at the city outside, then took out the camera and carefully looked at the photos he had taken. .

"What the **** is going on in this world... after all, what happened?"

"Probably... the final battle for the future of the earth." Hong Tu said jokingly, "the righteous giant of light defeated the evil boss threatening the earth or something."

But Genlai Jinzo immediately looked at him seriously: "What do you know?"

Xiao Lizi, who was eating, couldn't help turning his head and looking at Hong Tu curiously.

Hong Tu didn't mean to hide, he touched Lizi's head and handed her a bottle of water: "I know what Mr. Genlai wants to know."

"Who on earth... are you?"

"Well, one, audience?" Hong Tu said uncertainly.

Gen Lai Jinzang looked at him for a long time, his face turned against the light and his expression could not be clearly seen, but the pair of eyes covered by the glasses were carefully examining Hong Tu.

Genlai Jinzo didn't know Hongtu before. The reason why he paid attention to Hongtu was only because of Ji Yazhun at the beginning.

Ji Yazhun had been to Hongtu's shop, and the two people in the store seemed to have met Ji Yazhun, or even familiar.

Genki Jinzo’s impression of Ji Yajun a long time ago was that he was still the passionate reporter who could take stunning photos. He was shocked by the feelings that Ji Yajun expressed in those photos on the battlefield, so he decided to be a reporter like Ji Yajun. , To take photos that represent the "real". But he didn't have the courage of Ji Yajun to go to the battlefield of life and death, but could only silently search for the truth in the city, like Ji Yajun once did.

Later, after seeing Ji Yazhun again, Gen Lai Jinzang was shocked by the man's state, and his familiarity with Ji Yazhun made him immediately realize what secret this man was carrying, and this secret pressed the man hardly to stop.

That must be some truth worthy of him to explore, it is definitely the absolute truth that has been concealed under the false reality.

At that moment, the reporter's intuition drove him to search for secrets, following Ji Yazhun to find the truth.

Then, he found the memory police, found the TLT, found the night raid team.

It was not that he hadn't noticed that every time Ji Shizhun appeared, he seemed to be injured, and he was also very cautious.

But in the shop called "Hongshi", he seems to be able to relax a lot. This attitude naturally attracted the attention of the roots.

Therefore, when Ji Yazhun disappeared, he subconsciously thought of those memory policemen, and subconsciously thought of Hongtu.

The memory police may be the one who arrested Ji Yazhun, but Hong Tu and Mana were closer to the secret.

And now, this person seems willing to tell him more truth.

Genrai Jinzo felt that the truth of everything was right in front of him.

"What the **** is that big hole in the sky?" Genlai Jinzo chose the first question.

"That, it's a passage to another world." Hong Tu thought for a while and gave a metaphor, "It's like two bubbles colliding and fusing together. Although the bubble and the bubble fit together, but there is something in the middle. A barrier, if the barrier is opened, there will be such a hole."

"Another world?" Genrai Jinzo murmured, "That monster is..."

"It's the only living creature in that world, a powerful alien beast."

"The only living thing... alien beast?"

"Yes, just as you think, if you let that guy over, this planet, no, maybe this universe will be eaten as clean as that world."

Gen Lai was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly turned his head to look at the sky outside the window. The huge alien beast could no longer be seen at the other end of the big hole, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Give it to the Night Assault Team, and Ultraman of Light." Hong Tu handed Riko a tissue, "They are the first line of defense in this world."

"But why do they hide the truth?" Gen Lai Jinzang looked at the deserted city with a heavy heart.

Those people were supposed to be heroes, but he had already noticed it, but he was full of revealing the truth in that world and refused to ponder what these people were carrying.

He inexplicably thought of Ji Yanzhun, is that man fighting for this?

"Because of alien beasts," Hong Tu said, "fear will promote the growth of alien beasts, especially intellectual life forms like humans."

He walked to the window and pointed to the shadow of a street.

The roots were hidden and I saw the small alien beast crawling out of the shadows. The alien beast has no fixed form yet, like a cloud of dark brown mud wriggling, which has absorbed the city. It grows like this because of its fearful aura, and then as long as it draws enough biological genes, it can grow into a true alien beast.

But with the sound of some gunshots, several laser shells hit this guy, causing the alien beast that had not yet grown up to explode into a black-brown liquid flower.

A team of well-equipped armed men approached here. After confirming that the alien beast had been killed, they took out the communicator and contacted the other team.

Not long after, a team of people wearing white isolation suits ran over, skillfully collected these exploded liquid flowers with special instruments, cleaned the scene, and left quickly.

Soon, the two teams evacuated the scene.

Genlai Jinzang really realized at this moment what the vague gunshots in the city represented.

Everyone in the night raid team and Ultraman are fighting for the world at the other end of the world, and the remaining TLT members are trying their best to guard the safety of the rear.

"The unsung hero hiding in the dark, that's probably it."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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