Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1003: Two battlefields in the World War

Gen Lai Jinzo was lost in thought, standing by the window not knowing what he was thinking.

Hong Tu came to Lizi, who seemed to be sitting there obediently, but actually kept peeking carefully at her side.

"Well, you're a small accident." He sighed. "Why are you here instead of in the shelter?"

Riko sat up unconsciously, and said obediently, "I'm sorry."

Hong Tu: "..."

Genrai Jinzo turned his head and looked at the two of them: "Do you know each other?"

It was a small accident that Genlai Jinzo would walk with Xiao Lizi.

He was caught by Riko while avoiding the memory police. A child standing on the corner of the street staring straight at him hiding in the corner, remembering that the police are about to come in the distance, if the child is found, he will definitely be found.

So Genlai was very helpless, pulling Riko and hiding.

He swears that he is definitely not a weird kid who abducts little Lolita, he is really just protecting himself!

But who knows how the child fell on him, and followed him all the way. In order not to be found, he could only carry this "drag oil bottle" all the way, but fortunately the child did not cry or make trouble, and was very quiet along the way.

It's a bit weird to be quiet?

Now, does Hong Tu actually know this child? !

"No," Hong Tu denied. "This is probably our first official meeting."

Riko also nodded and agreed.

"So, are you looking for someone?" Hong Tu guessed and asked Lizi.

Riko nodded silently: "Uncle knows who I am looking for?"

"You really are not afraid of me." Hong Tu sighed, "Obviously everyone else is afraid." For example, Tongye, such as Kira Sawayu.

"The person you are looking for is participating in that battle." He pointed to the sky outside the window. "But the situation may not be very good."


Dark Zaki rushed to the alien beast, fully attracting the attention of the alien beast.

The huge alien beast shook off the synthetic monster, and instead noticed the rushing dark Zaki.

It is a good food, but the breath on the body is somewhat familiar.

The huge eyes of the huge alien beast stared at the dark Zaki, and smelled the breath of the same clan from his body.

It hasn't seen the same kind in a long time.

The alien beast stretched out a tentacle and reached out to the dark Zaki.

But the darkness Zaki suddenly disappeared in mid-air, letting the tentacles miss.

"Huh?" The four big eyes of the alien beast rolled around, and finally noticed several other "food" in the distance.

Dark Zaki appeared behind Zog and the others, completely exposing the existence of several light attributes to the eyes of the alien beast.

If the synthetic monster is an interesting, tortured prey, and the dark zaki is a food that smells very fragrant, then these guys who exude an unpleasant light smell make the alien beasts want to be killed immediately. Flies.

"Roar!!!" Annoying, light! ! !

The alien beast was completely enraged, especially after discovering that one of the items was a collection that it had played for a long time, and it became even more angry.

It abandoned the synthetic monster that was teased by itself before, and no longer paid attention to the dark Zaki that just seemed to provoke itself, and only the light was left in its eyes.

The light-emitting organs on the alien beasts light up one after another, and the huge energy converges into a stream of light, first hitting the most dazzling Sylvia.

Servia immediately unfolded the barrier and successfully blocked the flow of light for the first time, but was pushed farther and farther by the flow of light, abruptly being pushed to the sky by another height.

Moreover, his barrier has already cracked, and the crack is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a tendency to crack.

After seeing this scene, Mana immediately rushed to the alien beast.

The sharp foot blades of the synthetic monster moved quickly, driving the huge body of the synthetic monster to start moving, and rushed towards the alien beast extremely fast.

The alien beast moved the huge eyes of the synthetic monster and quickly locked on the new synthetic monster. Another part of the light-emitting organ on its body lit up, and the gray slime on the ground suddenly burst out like a fountain. Splashed at the synthetic monster.

The synthetic monster nimbly avoided several liquid columns, but still had some slime splashed on its body, and quickly remembered the "sizzling" sound of biological cells being corroded.

But Mana didn't care at all, she still controlled the synthetic monster and rushed straight towards the alien beast, trying to interrupt the attack of the alien beast.

Zog took a step slower, but also reacted quickly, with his hands close together on his chest, a black and white light bullet was condensed, and she was pushed towards the alien beast.

The alien beast finally stopped attacking Sylvia. It roared, and one of its tentacles swayed randomly, breaking Zog’s light bullet, and the remaining tentacles firmly blocked the synthetic monster’s attack. tentacle.

It has a circle around its head and its eyes are turning randomly, and its gaze is turning on these enemies, measuring the number and strength of the enemies.

Siege? It doesn't matter, the alien beasts are not afraid.

Even it is bound to win, to kill all these guys, and then...eat it!

Sylvia landed slowly, looking at the alien beast very solemnly: "This guy... is very strong."

Zog next to him put on a fighting stance: "So let's not let it break into that world."

Mana on the other side of the alien beast controlled the synthetic monster to step back a long way, and distanced from the alien beast: "The monster in my hand is not its opponent."

Bright Mephistopheles' sight hovered between the dark Zaki and the alien beast for a long time, and cautiously asked, "What should I do?"

Sylvia glanced at him and looked at Zog: "You go and deal with Zaki first, and the alien beast will be given to us first."

Zog nodded: "I see."

Sylvia glanced at the synthetic monster in the distance, and through the hideous synthetic monster, he met Mana inside.

The two reached an agreement and rushed to the alien beast together without saying a word.

Their strength is the strongest of the four, so if the two of them work together, they can contain this alien beast. And in this battle, they will find a way to find the weakness of this alien beast.

However, Zog and Bright Mefister rushed to the dark Zaki, planning to fix this guy as soon as possible and go to help.

Compared to that terrifying alien beast, Dark Zaki seemed to have become incidental at this moment.

"Ha, I seem to be underestimated." Dark Zaki avoided Zog's attack, raised his hand to catch the fist hit by Guangming Meifist, drew him closer, and hit Guangmei with a punch. Pfister's abdomen arched the waist that Ultraman of Light had hit, and fell to the ground without force.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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