Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1004: Mephistopheles struggling in the light and darkness of the World Guard

He kicked Guangmei Feiste, who was bent down, kicked it directly to the ground, and turned his head to look at Zog: "I am not the little fish and shrimps before."

"Dark Zaki, everything you do has to pay a price!" Zog rushed directly to Dark Zaki, kicking his feet straight up.

Dark Zaki avoided this kick, took a step back, and leaned back to avoid the next back kick, and asked with interest: "What do you mean? What I deceived you? Or did I do it before? Those? Or... Saijo-kaze?"

Guangming Meifist held his stomach and straightened his body. After a few hard breaths, the timer on his chest had already flashed a red light: "Bring the wind back to me!"

He straightened up and rushed to the dark Zaki again.

"Ah, the wind, it's really good, isn't it?" Dark Zaki easily avoided his attack, still stimulating Mizulumu, "You know, the wind has the potential to become a dark Ultraman, just Like you, isn't it."

His words and sentences pierced the heart, causing the most painful experience in Mizulumu's heart.

A light whip condensed in Zog's hand and wrapped it around Dark Zaki's ankle.

Dark Zaki raised his hand to send out a black light blade, and missed the attacking light whip. Then he suddenly raised his hand and strangled Guangming Meifist's neck: "Angry?"

Bright Mephisto's offensive slowed down, painfully covering his neck and trying to break Dark Zaki's hand, but Dark Zaki's hand stood still like a giant pincer, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

"Obviously you were very happy when you fell into the darkness, didn't you?" Dark Zaki's voice was low and slow, like a bewitching demon. "Looking at those people struggling and crying for mercy, feeling control of them. Don’t you enjoy the feeling of life?"

"Shut up...mouth!" Guangming Meifist tried to shut him up, but he was unable to struggle at the moment, and was even dragged by the dark Zaki to move his neck in front of him, becoming a physical shield to stop Zog's attack.

"You know," Dark Zaki's voice remembered again. "Most of those things are what you want to do. Whether it is Saitian Riko or Saijo, most of them are what you want to do. Did it, didn't it?"

At first, he only ordered Miu Lumu to target Gumen and plunge Gumen into despair and darkness. He only mentioned the existence of Saitian Riko.

Whether it was turning Saitian Riko into a doll, or he took the initiative to invite Saijo to fall into the darkness, it was actually Mizoroki who did it spontaneously.

This human being is really suitable for darkness, isn't it?

Dark Zaki's words successfully passed into Mizulumu's heart, and Guangmei Feist struggling to stop. He thought of Riko Saita, of the pain and fear on her face when he killed the girl when he was a child. He thought of Saijo, thought of his girl’s disappointment and hatred when she saw him. He also thought of Yap. Yamariko, remembered the figure of the little girl who wanted to run away from her when she left...

Yes, he is the culprit of everything after all...

"Go into the darkness again..." The devil's whisper sounded in his ears, and then the familiar and cold power poured into his body.

Zog didn't expect that she only hesitated for a while, and Dark Zaki decisively attacked Bright Beauty Fest.

She watched the black-red light appearing in the Y-shaped timer on the dark Zaki’s chest, forming a band of light that rushed to the timer on Bright Mephistopheles’ chest, and the black mist gushed from Bright Mephistopheles’ body, and finally recovered. The lighted Ultraman made a painful sound, and the light on his body seemed to have a tendency to transform into darkness.

Human fighters in the sky decisively attacked Dark Zaki and interrupted Dark Zaki's behavior.

But it didn't matter. Dark Zaki threw down the miserable Mephistopheles and turned to look at the fighter plane in the sky: "The lone door... heh."

In the future he saw, it was this guy who became a light and defeated himself.

Now that the light is gone, what will he transform into?

Bright Mephistopheles curled up painfully on the ground, darkness and light clashed and entangled each other, but everyone could see that darkness had the upper hand and was gradually eroding him into the dark Ultraman.

Zog took a step forward and tried to remove the dark power from Mephistopheles, but Dark Zaki obviously wouldn't let her do what she wanted, and directly attacked him.

The fighters in the sky intervened in the battle, and the two fighters circled behind the dark Zaki, sending out laser shells to attack the dark Zaki's back.

Dark Zaki forced Zog back and turned his head to look at the fighters in the sky. He was not in a hurry to shoot down these disturbing fighters. Instead, he stroked the timer on his chest, and the red timer immediately appeared. A figure appeared.

It is Saijo style. Saijo Kaze's eyes closed tightly, his head hung down, his limbs were cross-shaped and surrounded by a mass of darkness, and he fell into a coma.

Trapped in, she lost consciousness and became the hostage of Dark Zaki at this moment.

"Saijo player!" Gumen stopped the attack subconsciously, looking worriedly at the timer on Zaki's chest.


"Do you remember what he was like before?" Hong Tu said to Riko, "Bewitched by the darkness, turned into that terrible look."

Riko nodded, her expression seemed a little scared.

"Now, he's going to be controlled by others again, and become like that." Hong Tu seriously relayed the current situation to Riko, "So he is in a very bad situation now."

Riko was a little anxious immediately. The quiet child who had no expressions immediately grabbed Hong Tu's hand, staring at him with those eyes, making a silent request.

"Don't you hate him?" Hong Tu tilted her head suspiciously. "He is the culprit."

Riko shook his head: "Please, please."

She thought for a long time before, about the sudden death of her parents, and the complicated feelings about the culprit.

After all, she was still just a child. She finally got rid of the terrible memory of the past but suddenly knew the culprit, and she didn't even know what hatred was.

So she can only think little by little, but in fact it is just staring at the night sky in a daze every night, thinking about the smiles of her parents over and over again.

She also tried to ask her brother: "If we know the bad guys who made us lose our parents, what should we do?"

But at that time, her elder brother just touched her head and said to her seriously: "Riko doesn't need to think about this. As long as Riko is happy, I have my brother in everything."

Obviously only a few years older than her, but her brother's tone is not casually comforting or joking, he really thinks so.

Revenge or something is not something that my brother had ever thought about. This brother who lost his parents and once lost his sister, only hopes that his sister can live happily and without worries. They have a future.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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