Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1005: The world guard wars the clear child's heart

Just live happily...

Riko looked at the stars in the middle of the night, sat at the table for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

In fact, compared to those mentioned by Mizulumu, the alien beast was the most impressive thing in Riko's memory. But as Ultraman wiped out the alien beast, it turned into a dazzling light particle before her eyes, and the haze that hung in her heart also disappeared with it.

She didn't like those terrible memories, but she had already learned how to get out of the darkness by herself, although she didn't know this point herself.

However, Mizulumu has already apologized, and she ran away very rudely last time, so the kind-hearted Riko came to Mizulumu to accept his apology.

But since then, she has never seen the uncle again.

The uncle should have been caught by those wearing black suits.

So when she found sneaky, trying to avoid the roots of the memory police, she chose to follow the fat middle-aged reporter.

Then she saw Hong Tu. At the first sight of Hong Tu, she confirmed that this uncle was the same person as the uncle she was looking for.

"So, do you want to forgive him?" Hong Tu can't say that he had expected it, but it is not a surprise. "A good boy. Indulging in resentment can cloud the light of the soul, but such easy forgiveness also makes It feels worthless. But you just need to do what you want."

As he said, he blinked his eyes and gave the child a sly smile: "Maybe you can scare him later, let him live as a human being, and make atonement for the mistakes he made."

Hong Tu stretched out her hand: "Come on, give me your hand. Close your eyes."

Xiao Lizi obediently closed her hand and placed it on his hand, and closed her eyes.

The darkness enveloped her sight. Suddenly, the darkness in front of her disappeared, and a light appeared at the end of the darkness. At the end, she saw the familiar figure curled up in pain in a pure white space.

"Uncle!" Riko wanted to rush over directly.

But no matter how she runs, she can’t get close to the light. There is only darkness around her. The light seems to be close in front of her, and it seems to be far away in another world. touch.

But the figure curled up into a ball seemed to hear her voice, and looked up: "Li...zi?"

Mizulumu wondered if he had auditory hallucinations. He seemed to have heard the voice of the girl named Riko.

Thinking of Riko, the darkness on his body is even better. The vaguely foggy darkness overflows from his body, and has a vague tendency to spread to the surrounding field of light.

"Uncle!" Riko's voice came again, "Uncle!"

It really seems to be Riko...

He supported his body with all his strength, looked around, and finally found a touch of darkness at the other end of the field of light that was incompatible with this world.

Instinctively, he knew what it was. This is the dark power of Hong Tu!

But why does this force appear here! And there is Riko's voice coming? !

"Uncle, uncle, are you okay?" He really heard clearly this time, the voice did come from the darkness.

"Riko?" Golumu supported his body and climbed up from the ground, clutching his abdomen and staggering close to the darkness.

After finally getting closer, through the darkness, he saw Riko.

"Uncle," he said seriously, seeing Riko smiled at him, "great."


"Uncle, are you okay?"

"Ang." Mizulumu sat down, clutching his abdomen, the darkness that had overflowed his body gradually faded, "I'm fine. Sorry, Riko..."

Except for repeated apologies, he knew what to say.

"I forgive you, uncle." Riko's voice came quickly. "So, uncle must not lose. You can't be the same as before and do bad things."

Although still a child, she has a pair of eyes that can see through the truth that humans can't see. She seems to see the confrontation between darkness and light.

"That's it." Riko's figure disappeared, and Hong Tu's voice passed through the darkness, "Mizulumu, let's choose now, continue to be the light, or become a stronger darkness?"

"You know, Mephistopheles can't defeat Dark Zaki with Mephistopheles," said Hong Tu persuasively. "How about accepting my power? Don't worry, I am not interested in the evil taste of Dark Zaki, and I am also addicted to it. The dark people are not interested, just accept my power, how about it?"

This group of darkness circled in front of Mizulumu, and the center of the circle unfolded like a scroll, revealing the image of the outside fighting.

Zog and the fighters of the Night Assault team tried their best to attack the Dark Zaki, while the synthetic monster and Servia tried their best to contain the invincible alien beast. There is also Saijo Kaze trapped in darkness in the timer of Dark Zaki...

How to choose? The dark power that can save people, or stick to his heart?

Mizulumu suddenly didn't know how to choose, but the brand of Dark Zaki on his body began to fade. The darkness that Dark Zaki stayed in his heart gradually faded, and the pure white space around him became dazzling again.

He raised his hand and stretched out to the darkness, but at the moment he touched it, he waved his hand, trying to completely disperse the darkness.

Golumu turned and looked behind him, where he should go.


"Ah, it's a pity." Hong Tu opened his eyes. Opposite him, Xiao Lizi was staring at him with a slightly happy expression.

Gen Lai hides a dazed look on the side. In his sight, Riko placed his hand on Hong Tu's palm. The two closed their eyes. After a while, they opened their eyes. Happy face.

What the hell? Children play house?

Gen Lai Jinzang couldn't understand it, and didn't bother to think about it. Instead, he continued to look at the camera in his hand, flipping through the photos one by one, and fell into contemplation.

"Are you satisfied?" Hong Tu tilted her head and looked at Riko.

Riko nodded, "Thank you."

"Now that I'm satisfied, I can't run around without telling my family," Hong Tu couldn't help but touched her little head again, "rest assured, they will all be fine."

A cloud of darkness reflected in Riko's eyes again, but the child was still not afraid.

"Human beings are really amazing," Hong Tu tilted her head, "it can always give me some unexpected little miracles."

Riko shook his head: "That day, the uncle saved me."

"Huh?" Hong Tu raised her eyebrows unexpectedly and looked at her, "I remember you should be asleep."

"But I feel it." Riko smiled slyly, "I heard the uncle's voice."

Well, the reason for not being afraid of yourself is revealed.

Perhaps it is precisely because the child's heart is clear that he will not be contaminated by the darkness, and perhaps it is because of the child's dazzling heart that is keenly aware of the tenderness of darkness.

After all, he is a good boy.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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