Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1011: World Guard Battle Noah and Zaki

Above the earth, the sounds of alien beasts can be heard everywhere in the city, people are running around in a panic, and TLT is constantly blocking the footsteps of alien beasts.

However, the alien beasts seem to be endless. These are not the powerful alien beasts, but the huge number makes the members of TLT tired.

Zog and others who were fighting with Zaki also discovered these alien beasts. Their sights wandered on the streets of the city, giving a panoramic view of the alien beast riots, the escaping of the people, and the TLT battle.

The anger first spilled into their hearts. Dark Zaki is taking these humans as hostages, threatening them, giving up fighting with him, saving people, or continuing to entangle with him, allowing more humans to bury alien beasts. In the mouth.

But...is there a choice?

Just when Zog and the others were about to save people, a sudden change occurred.


"Dark Circle!" A "memory policeman" in a black suit laughed and raised the Dark Circle, "show your might!"

The dark ring in his hand lit up with an unknown dark red light, which quickly dissipated and turned into dark red light waves invisible to humans, spreading across the city.

The alien beast chasing people in the city suddenly stiffened, gradually turning into red light particles and escaping into the sky.

Dark red light particles rise from all corners of the city, forming strips of light, slowly traversing various arcs in the air, and flying towards the center of the city.

With a certain shocking magnificence and mystery, they finally converged at the top of the building in the center of the city. Numerous red light particles passed through the dark circle and condensed into cards one after another at the other end.

The alien beast that made people fear just now disappeared suddenly, and the people who witnessed this scene stood still, looking up at the sky.

But humans can only see the scene of the dissipated alien beast, but they don't know where the dissipated alien beast is going.

But they saw the familiar giant...

Aside from Bright Mefister, the appearance of Zog and Ultraman of Light is enough to win people's favor.

Everyone felt relieved and felt the peace of mind they had been missing for a long time.

At this moment, only Zaki felt the heart congestion.

Circle of Darkness...

What a dark circle of God! Is this guy Hong Tu a little lingering? !

When the dark Zaki looked sadly at a certain cosmic person holding a dark circle arrogantly in the center of the building, the three enemies on the opposite side were already half-encircled, blocking his vision.

"Come on!" A familiar cheering sound sounded.

The three Austrians were taken aback, turned their heads and saw two familiar figures on the ground.

Captain Wakura and Saijo Kaze, the sound of cheering just now was made by Saijo Kaze.

"Come on!" Captain Hecang also echoed and shouted.

One after another, the surrounding humans began to shout in unison: "Come on!"

"defeat him!"

"Come on!"


Ultraman of blue light was startled, and suddenly saw a very familiar figure.

It's Ji Yajun.

Ji Shizhun looked a little bit dusty. He only carried a simple backpack on his back. He was not wearing the old leather jacket, but a gray coat.

The blue Ultraman nodded slowly at him, turned his head and looked at the dark Zaki again.

What is it just?

Ji Yajun, the first Ultraman fitter whom Gumen saw, had told him that the bond alone would be inherited.

What is it just?


NEXUS (link)...


The ripples of silver light appeared on him, and his appearance changed wherever he passed.

The blue turned into silver, and the body became stronger.

The most important thing is that at this moment, except for the silvery white that is not doped with extra colors, this Ao is exactly the same as the dark Zaki on the opposite side.

The same rounded head, the same Y-shaped red timer, except for the two more mechanical wings on the back, this black and silver two auspicious images are extremely opposite twins.

"Noah..." Zog recognized the identity of this Ultraman.

The dark Zaki on the opposite side was taken aback, and he felt bad when he saw the old opponent.

He didn't want to see his old opponent at this time! ! !

But Noah on the other side didn't think much, or to be precise, it was Gumen who didn't think so.

As Noah evolves, Gumen feels that he is full of an extremely powerful force...If it is the current power...

He rushed to the dark Zaki opposite without hesitation.

In the next battle, Zog and Guangmingmei Feist could no longer get involved.

Ultraman black and silver collided together, and their fists collided in mid-air, hitting a powerful aftermath of energy.

Noah suddenly took a step forward, retracted his arms, and turned his fist to release the strength of Dark Zaki. The arms bent and clamped the shoulders of Dark Zaki, and he slammed Ao to the ground.

Dark Zaki got up angrily, he knew it, he knew that when he didn't meet this guy, he would be beaten up for this kind of skill problem.

But Dark Zaki also refused to admit defeat as always, and he rushed up again without stopping.

But Noah was obviously better at hand-to-hand combat than Dark Zaki. He raised a light blade to miss Dark Zaki's offensive, stepped forward under his feet, punched out, and landed on Dark Zaki's chest.

The darkness Zaki immediately flew upside down.

Noah raised his left arm, his right hand swept across his left arm, the golden energy gathered on his left fist, he suddenly punched out, the golden light stream rushed out, and landed on the dark bar that had not yet landed in the distance. On Ji's body, the dark Zaki's figure rushed into the sky, broke through the clouds, and even rushed into the atmosphere.

Dark Zaki accumulated energy for a long time, finally stabilized his body, blocked and pushed with his arms, and finally broke through this stream of light.

The red bulb eyes and the milky white bulb eyes looked at each other at a distance. Even if one was on the earth and the other was in the universe, their sight was unhindered.

The two Austrians had their own actions.

Their movements are exactly the same, their fists pressed against the timer on their chests, and the dark red or golden light condensed on their fists. They stretched out their arms and drew a circle in mid-air, one hand into a fist and the other into a palm. The ground collides together, compared to an inverted L pose.

The red and golden light stream rushed out, collided high in the sky, and hit each other fiercely.

The two sides are competing, and the power is constantly pouring out, and the explosion will follow where the light streams collide.

But after a short stalemate, the golden light stream took the upper hand, pushing the red light stream towards the dark Zaki and swept away.

In the end, the golden light stream covered the darkness Zaki, and Noah stopped attacking. Above the sky he was looking at, a huge explosion covered half of the sky, and the aura of the dark Ultraman also disappeared.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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