Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1012: The best veil of the world guard war

Sylvia's fists collided in front of his chest, and the golden light flashed from the timer and gathered on his arms.

He stretched his arms to draw a circle in mid-air, and the golden light energy followed his fists to form a ring in mid-air. The golden ring slowly contracted and condensed into a ball of light.

Sylvia staggered his fists, and the golden ball of light hit the white demon.

As soon as Bai Wu got up, he was instantly hit in the chest by a ball of light.

The golden ball of light exploded in an instant, and the explosion completely engulfed Bai Wu's figure.

When the flame dissipated, Bai Wu's figure had disappeared, and was completely wiped out in the explosion just now.

Sylvia slowly retracted his hand and looked to the other side.

Talos flicked his spear and looked down at the alien beast on the ground from above.

The four alien beasts were forcibly tied together by invisible power, completely no longer the way they had opened their teeth and danced their claws.

They froze in place, maintaining a struggling posture. Starting from the tentacles, their bodies slowly began to escape into red light particles.

The alien beast has also been resolved.

Perceiving Servia’s gaze, Talos slowly turned his head and looked at it. There seemed to be a faint flash of dark gold in the dark red bulb’s eyes. Before Servia could take a closer look, Talos had already turned away. Sight.

He loosened his hand, the spear disappeared, and the dark Altman rose again.

"Then it's time for dinner."

Silvia and the synthetic monster immediately understood what he meant.

The Yiao Yi monster immediately retreated, and they retreated a step, and their body disappeared in place.

In the place where they just disappeared, the dull darkness has begun to spread...

Sylvia flew out from the passage of the world, with one hand slightly close, holding it in front of her chest, and it was Mana who was waiting in her palm.

He landed gently, placed Mana on the ground, and turned to look at Noah and the others.

The four behemoths glanced at each other in the city, nodded slowly, and the huge body gradually disappeared.

People cried out for joy, hugged each other and cheered, feeling joy for victory.

Zhang Jie and others walked out of the corner of the city, looked at the cheering crowd, and showed a faint smile.

The passage of the world in the sky was filled with darkness, slowly repaired, and finally disappeared, which means that the earth has completely passed the crisis.

Zog stood beside Zhang Jie. Without waiting for him to say anything, Zog smiled extremely beautifully, but before Zhang Jie hadn't reacted, he had already prepared a punch and hit his stomach hard.

Zhang Jie: "Woo!"

Zhang Jie, who just showed a handsome smile, bends down in pain.

Satisfied Zog grabbed his collar with one hand, lifted him up, and hugged him: "Welcome back."

Zhang Jie slowed down, hugged Zog back, and held her in his arms: "Ang, I'm back."

Ji Shizhun stood in the distance, watching their scene in full view, showing a small smile, and then quickly turned and left.

The person in charge of Suteng stood among the crowd, holding a mobile phone-like amnesiac in his hand, watching the cheering crowd, slowly closing it, and giving up his plan to clear the memory.

At this moment, she clearly realized that perhaps without erasing memories, people can defeat alien beasts, and use the hope and light in their hearts to defeat the fear in their hearts.

In the basement of Hongtu's house, the egg-shaped capsule was opened, one hand stretched out from it, and was directly held by the other hand.

Rui Sheng exerted a little force and pulled Qian Shuren out of the capsule.

Shiori moved her fingers on the hospital bed in the medical department of TLT's base and slowly opened her eyes.

In the command room, Kira Sawa and Manager Matsunaga looked at each other, both of them with relieved smiles on their faces.

Different from the joy of human beings, the red tea in another world has been completely enveloped by darkness.

This world is much larger than the world he was going to swallow last time, and it takes a lot of time to swallow it, especially after the world is completely isolated from the earth, the swallowing speed has become a lot slower.

It will probably take a while.

The red tea floats in the dark world, and the surrounding darkness is still further expanding, bit by bit swallowing all the parts of the world.

If someone stands outside the world and observes carefully, they will see that this "gray bubble" is gradually turning into black from a certain point, and as the black area expands, the "bubble" gradually begins to disintegrate into countless small ones. The fragments finally disappeared in the darkness.

This is a scene of complete destruction of a dead world, returned to darkness, and a scene of the end of a world.

The torrent of time and space is still going on, countless "bubbles" together form this superb view of time and space, and no one will find that one of the "bubbles" is being swallowed by darkness.

With most of the world being swallowed, Hong Tu's eyes closed tightly, but a satisfied smile evoked at the corner of her mouth.

So, let's get some sleep.

In the darkness of no one else, only the dark ring was shining with red light, and fell into a deep sleep with him, waiting for him to wake up again.

After the end of the battle, the interior of TLT was reorganized.

With the proof of Kira Sawa and the visitors and facts, the "Forget River Project" was completely terminated.

People will not be erased anymore, they know the existence of alien beasts, but they also know the existence of the night raid team and Ultraman.

Although alien beasts will still appear, after losing Zaki's control, it is difficult for alien beasts to reproduce powerful giant individuals.

Ultraman was given the name-Nexus Ultraman because of the solitary door's suggestion.

Ji Shizhun continued to be the reporter, still running around in the war zone, but not at a loss, and was accompanied by someone else.

Qian Shuren's life was successfully extended after Raphael's treatment, and the relationship with Ruisheng was confirmed.

Gumen and Lizi successfully met again and quickly stepped into a period of passionate love.

Mizulumu was forcibly taken into custody by TLT, and will atone for his sins by destroying alien beasts in the night raid team all his life. Xiao Lizi also came to "visit the prison" and seriously accepted his apology.

After talking with Ms. Suwon remotely, Saijo Kaze finally got rid of the hatred in his heart, and learned to use "love" and "hope" to enrich his heart and make himself stronger.

Shiori was successfully discharged from the hospital and returned to the team, once again fighting side by side with everyone in the night raid team. Although occasionally I still look at an empty seat in a daze.

Genlai Jinzo succeeded in reporting the truth he wanted to report, but TLT in his article is not an unknown force that deceives the masses, but an unsung hero who has always guarded mankind. Maybe since when, he also unknowingly became a big fan of the Night Raiders.

Everything seems to be developing in a better direction.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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