But no matter what, Zhang Jie can't take the red tea.

After this episode ended, Zhang Jie, who had temporarily declared the end of his vacation, gritted his teeth and handed Hongtu a ray of light, and could not wait to take Zog to leave.

Obviously I don't want to see Hongtu.

Hong Tu didn't care either, his attention was focused on the light left by Zhang Jie.

He had already returned home, and was sitting on the bed in the room at the moment, looking at the two small bottles on the table beside him unexplainably, while slapped Yitzhak, whose belly was completely turned over.

One bottle was the light he had collected before, and the other bottle was the light Zhang Jie had just given him.

"Noah's light..."

It seems that Zhang Jie has been prepared for him a long time ago, to prevent him from going directly to trouble with that Ultraman, and then to force a pump of energy or something.

Hong Tu carefully looked at the newly acquired bottle, and Noah's light was silvery white, and it looked a little inorganic.

Very wonderful light.

He turned to look at the other bottle, and the light collected by him seemed to glow with a seven-color light, which was very beautiful.

At this moment, he raised his hand slightly, two small crystal bottles rose, the mouth of the bottle opened, and the light inside flew out and gathered together.

The light easily gathered together, and the dazzling light lit up, causing Hong Tu to squint his eyes.

Itzhak, who was sleeping on his lap, was also awakened, but Hong Tu's hand was placed on its belly, causing the awakened tiger cub to turn over and fail.

When the light faded, a little golden light appeared there.

The golden light spot floats slightly in mid-air, warm and bright, just looking at it can make Hongtu feel a warm feeling.

He raised his hand, the mouth of the bottle tilted slightly, and the light spot was sealed in the crystal bottle intact.

The crystal bottle flew into Hong Tu's hand. He pointed the bottle to the sunlight outside and carefully looked at the light spots inside.

"Much better than Bai Wu's, isn't it."

The only answer to him was the dark circle that counted the newly acquired cards alone: ​​"..." Yes, yes, yes.

Now the Dark Circle has learned to answer in a perfunctory manner.

Hong Tu didn't care about the perfunctory of the dark circle. He looked at the light for a while, and slowly gathered his fingers, clenched the crystal bottle into his fist tightly, and held the crystal bottle carrying the light tightly in the palm of his hand. After a while, he let go again restrained and put the bottle back away.

"It's time to go back."

The dark circle on the side finally withdrew its attention from the numerous alien beast cards and a dark Ultraman card: "?" Did you go back? !

"Well," Hong Tu got up and came to the window, putting Yitzhak on the bed, "Go back and have a look."

The Dark Circle didn't think much about it, although it was a pity that the remaining alien beasts were left, but compared to those who didn't become a climate, the cards it had already obtained were more satisfying to the ring.

The satisfied dark circle is very easy to talk, although it is useless even if it opposes...

After passing the news to Mana, Hong Tu just stood by the window for an entire afternoon, while Yitzhak was still rubbing his trouser legs to seek ideas. After seeking no results, he simply grew bigger and lay in Hong Tu took a nap around her legs. One person and one tiger stayed like this until Mana came back.

"Have a good farewell?" Hong Tu turned around and asked Mana.

Mana nodded.

As soon as the Zarab star behind her wanted to say something, he saw Hongtu raise his hand. This cosmic figure became stiff, and his body escaped into red light particles, forming a card in mid-air and flew into Hongtu. Hands.

"Then let's go."

The stars flickered tonight, and a stream of dark red light flashed across the sky like a shooting star, and soon disappeared without a trace.

On the other side of the city, Zhang Jie raised his head and glanced at the sky with feeling, "Go away."

I don't know why Hongtu collects so much powerful light.

Outside the colorful world, the dark red ball of light flew quickly in one direction.

The dark circle looked at Hong Tu's direction without any hesitation, with some doubts: "?" Where are you going? This is not the direction to go to the empire universe!

Hong Tu did not answer, and flew straight in that direction. After flying a long distance, he came to a "bubble".

The dark red light ball stayed outside this "color bubble" for a long time before it flew into the world.

This earth is in a period of stability and peace.

The technology here is not developed, at least not as developed in the universe of the Kingdom of Light, but people have a very positive attitude towards life.

It seems that these people have some kind of hope in their hearts.

At this moment, there was only Hong Tu, and both Mana and Yitzhak were sent out by him.

Hongtu is very familiar with this street. He used to live on this street for six years as a human being.

But this street is also a bit unfamiliar. Some familiar shops have been closed and replaced with other shops. The street has also been renewed and obviously rebuilt.

The original street feels very narrow, because the roadside is always full of small vendors or vehicles, and the street lights appear yellow because of the long time.

But now, the streets are very clean. The small vendors have been arranged to fixed places, the roadsides have been cleaned up, there are lots of greenery, and the street lights have been replaced with new ones.

Familiar and unexpectedly unfamiliar.

Suddenly, his gaze paused and he noticed a picture posted on the door of a shop.

It was a bust of Servia, which happened to be the way he was when he first saw Servia.

It looks weak.

Hong Tu couldn't help being distracted. He stared intently.

Many children on the street are holding Servia toys, dolls, plastic models, masks, and even Servia lightsaber toys.

I can still hear the children yelling Silvia’s name, clamoring to knock down monsters in his fighting posture...

So, Servia has now evolved into a national idol?

His gaze passed over these children, and he continued to walk towards his destination.

Walking out of this street, a community soon appeared in front of my eyes. It is still familiar, except that the exterior walls of the community have been painted beige.

Before Hong Tu approached the gate of the community, the old man sitting at the door immediately noticed Hong Tu: "Xiao Tu, are you coming back so early today?"

"Grandpa Wang, good afternoon." He greeted quietly, did not deny the other party's words, but hung up his usual smile, entered the community with his usual expression, and went upstairs.

Soon, he walked up to the sixth floor and came to a door.

He was familiar with this door, and he personally selected it. At that time, the fingerprint code lock was a high-end lock.

Now it is convenient for him.

He raised his hand and pressed the fingerprint lock, and with a beep, the door opened.

The room is still the familiar room, except that some small ornaments have been replaced, and some have been replaced with new ones. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/107165 .htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download link: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/107165/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1014 Familiar Earth) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! I really don’t want to rule the world if I like Ultraman, please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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