Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1015: Replace him as a human

Hong Tu walked into the house and looked at the furnishings in the living room like a stroll in the living room.

Well, he chose this long table for eight people. Although there will no longer be a dining scene for eight people at home, this table was chosen specifically to fill the entire restaurant at that time.

Of course, the result afterwards is...Four eight-person chairs were thrown away because they got in the way, leaving only the remaining four. Two were placed in front of the dining table, and the other two became commonplace in the game room and balcony. Resident.

The refrigerator in the kitchen is also a specially customized oversized version that can store food for a full half a month.

Thinking about it now, the appetite at that time seemed abnormal...

The tableware was replaced by a batch, but they were all replaced normally.

Hong Tu glanced at the cabinet and opened the refrigerator. Sure enough, it was full of fresh ingredients, and there were some drinks he hadn't drunk.

Hong Tu closed the refrigerator door, walked out of the kitchen, and went to the living room. She glanced at the neatly arranged things on the coffee table, and unexpectedly found that there were some more tea sets.

But the sofa is still a familiar sofa, soft but warm.

Hong Tu lay down on the sofa, put on a comfortable posture, and slowly closed his eyes.


Towards the evening, a man came to the front of the community with a bag.

Uncle Wang sitting in the concierge poked his head out: "Oh, Xiao Tu, you're back... When did you go out again? You are so old that you didn't even notice that you went out."

The man stopped, obviously stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and hung a gentle and harmless smile: "Ah, Grandpa Wang, it is normal that I didn't see the small door I walked when I came out. Besides, Grandpa Wang, your memory will not regress!"

"Is that so?" Uncle Wang was obviously persuaded, and he withdrew his head again with a smile.

The man paused on the spot, looked up at the residential building in the distance, and watched for a few seconds before raising his foot to the building again.

He entered the building as usual and greeted the neighbor who came down the stairs.

There were no other people in the stairs, it was very quiet, only the sound of a person's footsteps on the stairs alone and the sound of rubbing against the plastic bag in his hand.

But inexplicably, his pace was getting slower and slower, and when he reached the door, he finally fell into complete silence.

He stared at the door without moving, as if he wanted to see through it. But the terrible things in it had reduced his threat to a very good level, and he couldn't feel any malice at all.

But the next second, the doorknob moved, and the door was slowly pushed open by an invisible force.

"Don't come in?" the person inside asked lazily, "Or... don't want to see me?"

The person who stopped at the door finally lifted his steps and entered the house.

"It's just I didn't expect you to come back." The man entered the house, changed his shoes, walked to the sofa, and saw the red tea lying on the sofa without formality, "Should I say'welcome back'," Red tea."

This person has exactly the same appearance as Hong Tu. In other words, at this moment, except for their auras, they are exactly the same.

No, it's not right. The "Hong Tu" who just came in is obviously a bit older than the one lying on the sofa. It's about a few years old. You can't tell if you don't look closely.

"If you want to say it, I won't stop it." Hong Tu said that he was very generous.

"Heh." Wu Qi laughed, and walked into the kitchen with the bag, "So, are you going to get rid of me completely when you come back?"

"Maybe." Hong Tu propped his chin, "How does it feel to be a human?"

"Don't you know it yourself?" Wu's voice was as angry as ever.

"Because I know, I am curious about your opinion." Hong Tu said slowly, "Who would have thought that the big boss who was still clamoring to destroy the earth before has been living among human beings as human beings."

There was the sound of cutting vegetables and burning fire in the kitchen, but the sound of Wu never sounded again.

Hong Tu didn't care either, he closed his eyes again.

The dark circle that was hung around his waist flickered wildly. Obviously, with the little brain of the dark circle, it was impossible to figure out what happened... Oh, forget, the dark circle didn't have a little brain.

"???" Why is there still a nothing? !

Hong Tu was harassed very helplessly: "Did you not recognize it?"

"?" Recognizing what?

"That body is my human body."

The dark circle suddenly jammed: "?" Body? !

But the dark circle has long lost its specific impression, but vaguely remembers that Hong Tu once had a human body... but then it seemed to disappear because of it.

"!" But why is there no place? !

"Probably... because you want to try to be a human being?" Hong Tu gave a guess.

Circle of Darkness: "..."

Dark Circle: "???"

Hong Tu smiled mysteriously.

At the beginning, Hong Tu didn't expect Wuhui to use his body and identity to dignifiedly replace him to continue living in this world.

However, the uncle Wang at the gate of the community looked very familiar. In fact, Hong Tu didn't know this concierge at all. He was a skilled squatting at home before, and there would never be the phenomenon of greeting the concierge cheerfully and cheerfully every day.

The attitude of the uncle Wang told Hong Tu one thing-in the past few years since he left, "he" is still active in this world, and he is living very well. Has a good popularity, maybe there is still a good job.

There is probably nothing that can do this kind of thing.

But what Hong Tu did not expect to see was a nothing that did not retain much power, only maintained the vital characteristics of this body, and lived seriously as a human being.

It can be said to be unexpected.

The silence between the two continued until the dinner was prepared.

He brought the cooked meal to the table without any expression, and the meal was served, but it didn't mean to call it Hongtu in the slightest.

He even took only a pair of cutlery.

Hong Tu, who was awakened by the smell of rice, opened his eyes, noticed that he ignored his own attitude and then narrowed his eyes. He got up very consciously, went to the kitchen and took out a pair of chopsticks, and filled himself with a bowl of rice. He sat opposite to Wu's and began to eat.

He didn't care about that face that could almost shed water.

Oh, he also prepared a meal for himself-a small piece of the world.

Although I can't see it, I can't feel it!

This guy is a childish ghost at all! ! !

He bit the green vegetables in his mouth viciously, but looking at the expression, he seemed to want to bite Hong Tu's neck.

After the two of them had finished their dinner, Hong Tu consciously went to wash the dishes.

After washing the dishes, the two sat on the other end of the sofa and finally assumed a conversational attitude.

"So, are you planning to get rid of me now, and then continue to be a human?" Wu's tone was full of mockery.

Hong Tu held his chin in time and looked at Wu: "So, how do you feel about living as a human being for so long?" Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download link: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1015 replaces him as a human). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World" please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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