Wu didn't want to bother about Hongtu's problem, but from Hongtu's expression, he clearly realized that...this guy only cares about this now.

I didn't want to swear bad words, but his "conservation" stopped him.

He could only take a deep breath and comfort himself-this guy is just a snake-like disease, and he can't care about a guy with a pitfall in his head. Furthermore, he is now and without the power, and it is useless to care.

Recognizing the reality without delay, he continued: "You'd better not engage in these superfluous things."

Hong Tu felt that he had been misunderstood, and he was obviously asking seriously.

He introspected deeply, but still wanted to know the feeling of nothing, so he asked again: "So, what is it like to be a human?"

None: "..." I want to kill your feelings.

But looking at Hong Tu's enthusiastic expression, no one still chose to compromise. Anyway, even if he doesn't answer, Hong Tu will continue to ask until he answers.

"Weak and boring," he said without expression, "but surprisingly interesting."

Boring, interesting, two completely opposite meanings, but they are useless together.

For them, just a simple definition is enough to explain those gorgeous rhetoric that feels like it does not need to be written by humans.

And these two words are indeed the feeling of nothing.

When Hongtu was taken away by the dark circle, the dark energy floating outside the earth could not be stopped, but he picked up this discarded human body.

If the initial instinct of Hongtu is to swallow, then the initial instinct of that group of energy is probably returning.

Therefore, they poured into this body and gave birth to consciousness.

In fact, I can’t remember it without myself. After the initial confusion, why would it want to solve Hongtu and replace it? For this reason, it even released monsters around the world, set off panic, and strengthened itself, just to be able to cross the world. Go looking for Hongtu.

Although the final outcome was defeated by Silvia, he had to escape from the world in embarrassment.

But in the end Wu still separated his consciousness and returned to this world, draped the human body again, playing the role of "red tea" and continued to survive on this planet and in the crowd.

At this point, I don't think it is to completely replace Hongtu to do this kind of thing.

How about the other consciousnesses who separated out to search for Hongtu, I didn't know, he had long since broken contact with other consciousnesses without much power remaining across the world.

But the only consciousness that stayed in this world didn't have much power, and could only live as an ordinary person.

The life of ordinary people was very boring at the beginning, because Wu knew the dark thoughts of human beings more clearly.

But it’s surprisingly interesting, because he can also feel kindness from the people around him, just like a colleague upstairs who often brings him some small ingredients to help him eat, or a human downstairs who often shares lollipops with himself The child, or the janitor at the door. Although a lot of jokes were made at the beginning because they were not familiar with humans, there will always be people who will help him with those humans who are over-brained.

Speaking of it, the friend upstairs seems to have always claimed to be his friend...

It is undeniable that the non-integration is very good, and to some extent it is better than Hongtu's...

Hong Tu looked at this obviously distracted guy and couldn't help tilting his head.

After a long while, he sighed.

Sure enough, Wu was more like his human side... probably because of the human body that hosted him.

He had discovered before that Wu is easily emotional, which is more like a human than him.

fair enough.

Hong Tu stood up and stretched: "It's dark, and the game room will be mine tonight."

"So, why did you come back for?" Wu suddenly asked in a loud voice, "In order to be a human again? Also in order to completely solve me? Or for...light?"

He answered Hong Tu's question, and then it was Hong Tu's turn to answer him.

"For one, um, cut it off," Hong Tu replied without looking back, then entered the game room and closed the door.

This answer obviously cannot answer Wu's question, but Wu also knows how capricious Hong Tu is. He does not have the power to resist now, and everything can only wait for Hong Tu's answer.

"...That's why I hate you." He cursed in a low voice and returned to the master bedroom.

Now he is the human Hongtu, and he is the owner of this house! Sleep in the master bedroom, nothing wrong!


Early the next morning, she watched Hong Tu dangling out of the game room without a face and expression, and sat at the dining table confidently: "Is there no breakfast for me?"

"No." Wu retracted his gaze, too lazy to pay attention to him, "the monster doesn't need to eat breakfast."

Hong Tu: "..."

"Go to a place with me after I have eaten." Hong Tu said indifferently, his tone innocent.

"I'm going to work."

"Then ask for leave."

"Do you think it's easy to ask for leave?"

"Could it be that you still count on that year-end award?"


There is no need to count on it. In fact, the red race has enough property, at least enough for one person to live a prosperous life for several lifetimes. After Hong Tu left, those properties were naturally put under Wu's management, so Wuhui went to work purely to better integrate into human life.

In the end, even if he didn't want to be reluctant, Hong Tu asked for leave and went out with him.

When the two were walking on the stairs, they met a young man.

"Good morning, Hong... Tu?" The young man in his twenties blinked suspiciously, suspecting that he was wrong. He seems to have seen two red tea?

"Good morning." Nodding blankly, he knew that he was in a bad mood.

Hong Tu had a harmless smile: "Hello, I am his brother."

But he didn't mention a word about his name.

Wu on the side wanted to kick him directly on the back and kick the person down the stairs.

But as soon as he had this idea, he saw Hong Tu directly turned his head as if feeling, he could not help giving up this tempting idea, but he would not let Hong Tu run the train with his mouth full, he chose to hold Hong Tu directly. On his shoulders, he dragged him downstairs forcefully: "We have something to do, let's go first."

"Ah? Oh..." The young man who was obviously unfamiliar with him looked at the back of the two leaving behind, a storm in his mind.

And the person who forced Hongtu downstairs didn't want to suffer the same torture at all. He looked at Hongtu deeply: "Where are you going, let's go directly."

Hong Tu smiled slightly and expressed her refusal. She dragged Wu Shao leisurely out of the gate of the community, and greeted the stunned janitor friendly, completely disregarding the closeness of Wu's face. Expressions.

He even called a taxi, and only reported an address after dragging the car.

Although the driver was puzzled by this address, he didn't say much, so he started the car and drove to the destination.

When he heard the address, Wu also returned to his expressionless expression, leaning against the window and stopped talking. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 1016), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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