"My name is Gal," Gal introduced himself. "It's a Protastar. How about you?"

The stranger on the opposite side just looked at him and did not answer his questions.

But strangely, Gal felt confused from this cosmic person. He seemed to be at a loss for his problems.


Gal heard the inquiry from the depths of his soul again.

"It's the name of my home planet." Gal subconsciously returned, "Because I come from Proda, so I am a Proda."

This almost idiotic answer made Gar himself feel confused. Why does he answer these?

The stranger on the opposite side looked even more confused, his head crooked.

"Planet, is there a name?"

The black-haired stranger cosmic man once again questioned his soul.

Gal: "..."

This time it was Garr's turn to be puzzled.

It seems that I don't care much about the names of the planets now... There seems to be no name for the planets now, at least those barren stars are not there, and his planet is gone.

Gal's mood fell again, but he got used to it and quickly adjusted his mood: "What's your name?"

"…first name?"

"How should I call you?"

"It's like calling a planet?"

"...Just like calling me. Gal is my name, so as long as you call him Gal, I know you are calling me."

The stranger on the opposite side nodded thoughtfully: "They call me darkness."

Gal: "?"

Darkness is obviously a general term. Who would take this as a name? !

The cosmic man on the opposite seemed to be aware of his thoughts and blinked at him and looked at him: "Isn't it this?"

Gal finally realized this. The strange cosmic person on the opposite side who didn't know what kind of creature might be in a state of amnesia or something, but it was not right anyway.

He couldn't help but looked at this strange cosmic person with sympathy: "Then, let me think of a name for you temporarily. It's called... Tu, which means black in the language of our family."


"If you don't have a name, I will call you Tuhao."

"Okay." Tu, who was given his name, nodded indifferently, "Then call me Tu."

Gal's expression relaxed, and it seemed that the whole person was a lot more relaxed: "By the way, Tu, do you know what happened before? Or, did you save me?"

He remembered the dark figure that appeared last in his memory.

But I don't know why, when facing Tu, he didn't have the nowhere fear that he had before. On the contrary, Tu was very harmless in his perception and seemed to be without any danger.

Tu tilted his head: "Probably."

He doesn’t seem to have much idea about the word “saving people”. It’s just that Proda’s teenager unconsciously expressed a strong desire to survive, so he did not choose to solve this intellectual life form, and because his sleep was interrupted, for a while I was not sleepy, so I didn't continue to fall asleep.

But I learned some interesting things from this intellectual being.

Does the planet still have a name? Do the beings living in the universe use names to distinguish each other?

He suddenly thought of some shiny guys, those guys who are a bit annoying about the dark seem to have names. But he had never cared before, because those shining guys seemed different to him.

On the contrary, he has been called "Darkness" and "Lord of Darkness". Isn't that "name"?

He subtly felt a little displeasure. But this inexplicable feeling came and went quickly, and he naturally quickly ignored it.

Gal didn’t know anything about the thoughts that flashed in Tu’s heart. He didn’t feel any malice in Tu’s body, and because of the other party’s "special" state at the moment, he had lost something, which should have been discarded by him. Sympathy.

Of course, there is no denying that there is a desire to use Tu's powerful force.

He subconsciously glanced at Tu's black robe: "Are you a dark star?"

Tu Xun noticed his black robe with his gaze, and then glanced at the gray robe on his opponent: "Yes."

He had an impression of the name "Dark Star Man", as if there had been a lot of people who quarreled him before calling himself Dark Star Man. And he should be considered a dark star.

"But you seem to be different from other dark stars." Gal couldn't help but think of the group of guys who chased them before. Standard evil and terrible.

In comparison, Tu seemed to get along well, without the evil aura of those guys at all.

Maybe he, like himself, had to join the Dark Star because he lost his home planet.

This situation is very common now, but the vast majority of cosmic people have chosen to plunge themselves into madness and completely become dark stars.

But Tu should be different.

Gal could not tell what was different, but his perception told him that Tu was not the group of cosmic people who had fallen into madness.

"Of course it's not the same." Tu showed a little disgust. How could those noisy guys be like him, they are just ants.

"So, do you have a place to go?" Gal finally revealed his purpose, "Can I follow you?"

Without thinking about it, he just said: "I don't have a place to go."

He was supposed to be asleep, but now he is not sleepy, he is not hungry at all, and he has no plans to eat.

Gal had even more thought of me: "Then do you need resources? I know the coordinates of many planets. We can find more resources..." He paused, and continued, "You can even find the legendary Dark One people."

The dark stars basically tried to follow the unknown dark person, although Gal was somewhat resistant, but this was a good excuse.

There was a slight pause in Tu's movement. His special pure black eyes looked at the intellectual lifeform opposite, and seemed to realize something: "Why are you looking for... the dark person?"

Gal was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "For strength?"

It was a rhetorical question, obviously he was not sure about it himself.

Tu frowned, "Why? I just want to eat my stomach."

He didn't want to give anyone any strength at all. Besides, even if given the strength, those guys will only become their own rations, but if they are all guys like this ant, it is not enough for him to even plug his teeth. Not as good as those shining guys.

"Then let's find food," Gal changed his mouth immediately, "I know many places with extremely delicious food!"

"Yes!" Tu Xinran agreed.

Although he is not hungry yet, this does not prevent him from marking food in advance. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/107165 .htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download link: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/107165.htmlUltraman I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/107165/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1023 Name ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! I really don’t want to rule the world if I like Ultraman, please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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