Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1024: That thing is glowing

As Gal expected, Tu is very strong.

He led the way at first, planning to go to a trading star first and exchange the materials stored in his spiritual space with the resources they need.

Garr has their squad here, no, it should be part of the former squad's supplies, but basically they are all things they don't need, so it's better to replace it. He forced himself not to think about his former teammates, but to plan for the future whole-heartedly.

The problem is here.

As a guide who knows the way, it is naturally Garr who unfolds the barrier flight.

But Garna's emerald green barrier was naturally very conspicuous in the universe, so they were intercepted again during the flight.

Before, Gal failed to watch Qing Tu's move carefully. Now, he can see clearly.

After confirming that the guy on the opposite side is the guy who needs to be dealt with, the dark cosmic man floating cross-knee next to him just raised his hand, and the two dark purple energy **** blocking the road on the opposite side were directly exploded into spikes by the sudden condensed dark factory .

When the energy barrier gradually dissipated due to the death of the controller inside, the two black-robed cosmic people inside had also become two riddled space junk.

On the other hand, the chief culprit of the killing, boringly didn't even give an extra look to the other side, but eagerly urged Gal to speed up.

Gal: "..." For the first time, Gal deeply realized that the strange cosmic person beside him was a tangible and powerful dark star...

But in the next second, this powerful dark star looked at him harmlessly: "So, what shall we eat first?"

Gal: "..."

Suddenly there was no such terrible feeling.

Gal forced himself to ignore the "space junk" and continue to fly in the original direction.

On the way, both of them were very quiet.

Gal was not in the mood to speak much, while Tu was very quiet.

He didn't feel bored because of the long journey, but could keep a posture motionless for a long time, like a cosmic person who can endure loneliness.

After a long time, the two finally saw the planet they were looking for.

It was a light yellow planet, which seemed to emit a faint gleam in the dark universe.

This is a rare planet that can retain light, because this planet is composed of a special kind of fluorite. This kind of fluorite is combined with the planet’s magnetic field and will always emit this bright yellow gleam, but the magic is , Once knocked down, the knocked down part will only become an ordinary transparent spar.

This planet was once occupied by a powerful dark star. It was not until the universe was shrouded in darkness that it gradually opened up and became a trading post.

Although the fees are expensive, the planet is still safe, at least no battles on the inside of the planet are allowed.

"Let’s go to this planet to exchange supplies," Gal was actually the first time he came. He nervously took out a large black robe from his own space and replaced the gray robe on his body. Forgot to tell Tu to wear a hood and cover her face, "Because fighting on the bright side is forbidden on this planet, so we must try our best to take the road with many people. You must follow me and wear a hat. Don’t Be seen as it is."

Tu nodded, putting on his hat as if obediently, completely covering his face in the shadows. The corners of his black robe floated, like a visible shadow or darkness.

Gal found strangely that this person seemed to fit this black robe too much...

The bright green energy ball slowly landed at the stop point set by the planet, attracting the attention of many dark stars.

Their faces were covered by black robes, but the sight cast from that shadow was mostly unkind. These malice was reduced a bit after touching the black robes on their bodies, but there were still many guys staring at them sternly.

Tu slightly raised his head, and his gaze hidden in the darkness swept across these malicious guys, conditioned to raise his hand, but was quickly pressed down by the eyes of the people around him.

"Be patient." Gal was also a little panicked. He was stared at by so many malicious gazes. His legs were a little weak, but he was still sensible. He barely stepped on his legs and prepared to pull Tu to leave here.

But when he pulled, he couldn't pull the person behind him. Instead, he was staggered by the opponent and almost fell back.

Only then did his powerful and self-willed companion react, and took the lead in stepping up, calmly leaving the place with those sights.

Gal breathed a sigh of relief and followed behind him.

The planet is not very big, but very prosperous.

The ground on which they stepped was shimmering, very soft, and was used as the light source of this planet.

After leaving the specially isolated landing point, a city immediately followed.

The city is built of a certain kind of stone, and the urban layout inside is circular, and the buildings inside are very simple, more like some temporary stone sheds than houses.

To enter the city, you need to explain your intentions and show your own supplies. Only enough supplies can enter.

Of course, the cost of entering the city is one-tenth of the materials displayed.

Gal took out some special minerals, plants, and biological tissues, and successfully brought Tu into the city.

Tu's gaze stayed for a long time on the guards of the two cosmos, until the two guards' sights gradually became bad.

Gal drew people into the city before the guards violent.

"Don't look at others like that." Gal was worried about whether he would bring people in like this to pull the hatred, and he couldn't help but exhorted him anxiously, "You will be regarded as hostile by others, or you may be ambushed."

Tu tilted her head slightly and said straightforwardly: "But, they are a little strange."

"What's weird?" Gal was unsure.

The two guards were also wearing black robes, and only the irregularly shaped heads and the claws holding weapons were exposed. This looks really not strange among the dark stars.

Tu pointed to her chest: "There is something luminous here. I seem to have seen that kind of light somewhere."

Gal looked at him suspiciously: "They are all wearing black robes, how did you see it?"

Tu's tone was puzzled: "But, that thing is shining."

Gal: "..." But he can't see it when it shines.

As if perceiving Gal's dazedness, Tu no longer insisted, and took the lead to walk into the city.

Gall hesitantly glanced at the city gate behind him, and followed him, not entangled with it anymore.

He lowered his head and didn't notice, but Tu thoughtfully looked up in the direction of the city center, without taking his eyes back for a while. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorite\" records this reading (the thing in Chapter 1024 is glowing), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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