Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1027: The assembled dark stars and the light camp

Tu couldn't help but sneered, making no secret of his ridicule of Servia.

Those depressive emotions that had just emerged in Serbia's heart were suddenly turned into anger by this sneer: "What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny, do you know?"

Tu sneered, and the mockery on his face was even stronger.

Serbia: "..." Very angry!

"Where will the person of darkness appear?" Gal promptly relieved Servia, "If it were that person, the movement that would be caused when he appeared would be very big."

After all, that is someone who can swallow the world.

Serbia also nodded in agreement: "So, I plan to find the dark star first to find out if the dark power suddenly becomes dense. The place where he sleeps, the darkness will definitely be more dense."

Tu asked very sincerely at this time: "Why wouldn't it be more rare?" It was obvious that the dark power had always been scarce in the place where he was sleeping.

Oh, this is because he was absorbed inadvertently.

But Sylvia didn't think it, he even laughed at Tu in turn: "That's darkness, and there will only be more dark power in the places where he travels."

He said vowedly, and he didn't intend to communicate with Tuduo. Gal on the side nodded, indicating that it made sense.

Seeing this, Tu simply stood aside and asked enthusiastically: "So, have you figured out what?"

Servia: "...a little bit."

You can feel his guilty conscience by listening to the tone. Tu suddenly felt that this Ultraman of Light seemed a bit unreliable...

Forget it, he was also curious about how the other party wanted to stop himself in the end.

As a result, he rarely choked, but went along and asked: "So, where are we going to find first?"

Sylvia glanced at him curiously, instinctively felt something was wrong, but didn't get too entangled, there was more something wrong with this guy.

"Let's go and take a look at a star field near here," Sylvia said, "I heard some dark stars say something is wrong."

Tu nodded, so the three of them took a break, uh, it should be Gal.

Sylvia's power is light, so naturally it is not suitable to be released to drive, Tu refused to do such a thing, so the work of the drive fell on Gal again.

When Gal had a good rest, the three set out, heading to the star field that Servia said.


In a certain world, a large number of dark stars are rushing to the same destination.

If anyone can recognize the identity of these guys, they will find that these guys are notorious evil stars. Of course, there are also some lonely dark stars, but at this moment, when these guys meet each other There will be no disputes, but instead of turning a blind eye to each other, and rushing on their own, the only unfriendliness is probably the competition between each other's speed.

These guys look all kinds of strange, most of them don't look like good people, let alone the dangerous weapons and monsters they carry.

And the place where these dark stars gather is a huge pale planet.

As the dark stars descended, some faint "spots" appeared on this planet.

It can be clearly seen from the outside of the planet, and it can be seen how many dark stars have gathered inside.

But this has not yet reached the limit, and more dark star people are pouring here, and even at the other end of the star sea, there are several huge technological fleets slowly approaching.

At the same time, in addition to these well-known dark stars, some news spread among the dark stars in other worlds.

[The personnel of the hexagonal meeting are gathering the dark stars, preparing to attack the light camp, and a showdown, to seize the final territory for the dark king. 】

Countless dark star people are excited about this, but they are not qualified to know the specific solution to the planet. They can only gather together in private to form a group, ready to participate in this decisive battle between light and darkness.

As for the outcome, is there anything else to say?

With the king of darkness, how could the dark camp lose?

The Dark Stars were full of confidence and prepared for the upcoming battle.


"Noah, Sylvia is gone." An Ultraman flew to Noah's side, "He may have gone to the Dark Universe."

This Ultraman is presented in silver and red, and the timer on the chest is in the shape of a red cross.

"Irata, I can't see Servia anymore," Noah's voice was low as always, "I can only see darkness."

"Isn't Sylvia very dangerous?" Altman named Erata suddenly became a little anxious.

"No, on the contrary," Noah shook his head slowly, "In the future I see, the dull world has changed, like a small ripple."

He turned his head: "We may believe Servia."

"But..." Elata obviously hesitated.

"We used to trust him, and now we should trust him as always." Noah said softly, "He might be able to bring new miracles as always."

Elata was persuaded that Serbia’s sometimes was indeed a miracle Austrian, at least, he had never seen that Ultraman give up lightly.

"There will always be miracles..." He repeated Silvia's words unconsciously, and suddenly laughed, "That's right, that guy can always do miracles."

"Is there any news from Regedo?" Noah asked, "The Dark Stars have assembled."

"It's ready." Speaking of business affairs, Elata immediately became serious. "The other universes of light have been contacted, and all intellectual life forms have begun to prepare. Almost, no, all intellectual life forms have already begun. We all choose to fight side by side with us."

"We must fight them back." Noah said seriously, "This is the last universe of light, and we must protect it."

"Even if you bet on everything!" Erata's voice was firm and solemnly swore.

Even if they are facing the dark star people gathered from several worlds, even if they are facing the endless darkness itself, they will never take a step back!

Noah stopped talking, he stared at the sea of ​​stars as before, at the brilliance of those stars, at the universe itself.

As beautiful as ever, it shocked him as always.

This is what the world he loves loyally looks like, and there should be many such worlds, but now there are only a few left. But even so, the only remaining worlds are still radiating their own brilliance.

Elata has left at some point, and only Noah Ultraman stays here.

"I don't know if there is any chance to continue to write down that travel note." His voice was slightly chuckled and stunned. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Collection\" records the reading record of this time (the dark stars and the light camp assembled in Chapter 1027), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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