Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1028: Darkness, light, travel with the universe

Under the leadership of Serbia, the three of them first came to a star field.

"Some dark stars say that there are often cosmic people missing in this star field," Sylvia pointed to several distant planets, "mostly it happened near there."

Tu just glanced at those planets randomly, and said directly: "There is only one monster here."

Serbia: "?"

Sylvia suspected that he just wanted to take advantage of himself.

"How do you know?" Garr asked.

At the beginning, Gal did not dare to join the battle between these two men.

But the two choked at each other on the way, but neither of them did it, which made Garr a little bit relaxed.

And, to be honest, he worked so hard to control the way, and the two people were arguing around, which was really annoying.

Thus, from the beginning of the trembling between the two big guys, Gal turned into speechless watching two naive ghosts arguing.

Now, he has calmed down his mind and intends to be a lubricating agent of emotion between the two big guys.

"I saw it," Tu raised his chin, "Hey, where is it."

Sylvia and Gal looked together, only to see the dark universe, but did not see any signs of monsters.

"What's the matter..." Before Garr finished speaking, he saw Serbia suddenly raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Transparent monster Mylongga." Silvia turned her head and glanced at Tu next to her. Without saying anything, she flew straight out of the emerald green barrier and rushed towards a certain place.

Before Garr could react, he saw that Sylvia was getting bigger and bigger, and a long sword of light appeared in his hand, and he slashed at a certain place fiercely.

As the lightsaber fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the seemingly empty universe.

The figure of the monster slowly turned from transparent to solid, and a huge monster emerged.

This is a monster with an oblate body. It has three curved and pointed horns on its head, a wide, thick and barbed carapace on its back, and its limbs are short but thick and have sharp claws.

"Melunga..." Gal was startled, but he didn't expect that there would be such a monster here.

The transparent monster Melonga is an extremely cruel monster. This monster has special abilities. After the ability is activated, the body will become transparent. At the same time, whether it is power fluctuations or heat, it will be integrated with the surrounding environment, which is extremely difficult to distinguish. And this kind of monster naturally likes to ambush its prey, and often attack the cosmic people and monsters passing by.

Sylvia probably has experienced many battles, so he quickly identified this monster.

When Silvia fought Melunga, Tu and Jal were watching.

Gal was unable to get in, and Tu was completely watching the show.

Sylvia's strength is not weak, he can rely on his fighting intuition to find the location of Melunga and fight him out of the transparent state again and again.

However, Melunga, who has lost the advantage of transparency, will not be Servia's opponent at all. If it weren't for the thick skin, Servia might have ended the battle with a single sword.

But even so, the battle didn't last long. After ten rounds, Serbia used his light skill to give Melunga the final blow.

As the monster exploded into countless flames, Sylvia slowly retracted the lightsaber in his hand. He stared at the depth of the flame for a long while, turned his head to shrink his figure, and flew back into the bright green energy barrier.

"It looks like it's not here." Silvia's voice was calm, "Let's go to the next place."

Gal nodded, controlling the energy ball to fly to the next star field that Silvia said.

Next, under the command of Serbia, they ran a lot of star fields, but they never found any suspicious "dark people", not even similar, or something weird. Monsters are either cosmic people who play mystery or simply are just looking for trouble. He even encountered a dark star who was delusional to create an interstellar legend to become famous.

Of course, the result was bombed into fireworks by Serbia.

But Servia's own power has also consumed a lot.

There is no more light in this universe, and the light of the stars no longer shines, which means that the power consumed by Serbia cannot be replenished.

Gal didn't actually know Altman, so he didn't realize it. Servia didn't explain this, he quietly directed the direction, and then eliminated the cosmic people or monsters blocking the way.

Tu Du saw it in his eyes. He personally watched the light energy in Sylvia decrease little by little. From the initial fullness to now, only less than half remained.

If Ultraman's energy is exhausted, there will only be two results-either it turns into a stone statue, or it turns into light energy and dissipates.

He has seen a lot of Ultraman fighting hard to resist himself, and eventually died due to exhaustion of energy, and he has also seen a lot of Ultraman being invaded by his own darkness and finally becoming a part of himself.

But this was the first time he saw Altman fighting against himself.

Well, he has to admit that Ultraman's strength is indeed the kind that can walk sideways in the universe.

So, why on earth are these guys trying to stop him? It's as if he couldn't see his strength, and couldn't see the death of many of his companions. He went on and on, trying to stop himself without hesitation.

Do not understand.

Tu didn't understand it before, but he doesn't understand it now. But he has never been a person who likes to tangles, and he soon stopped tangling about things that he didn't understand, and instead asked enthusiastically where to go next.

His eager attitude made Silvia feel weird, and Silvia glanced at him suspiciously and said, "Let's find a place to rest first."

Although Gal didn't fight, he kept on his way. Gal really couldn't hold on, and Sylvia felt tired.

Tu Su was a little disappointed, but he didn't say much.

So the three of them found a planet nearby and prepared to take a rest.

After the three of them rested for a short time, this supposedly unmanned planet ushered in a second batch of visitors.

It is a few dark stars wearing black robes.

These guys are not chasing the three of them, but just like them, resting when they come.

The first to discover this group of people is still Tu.

Originally, the three of them were resting in a temporary cave. Tu suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky: "A dark star is coming."

"Dark Star?" Gal tensed immediately.

Serbia did not question Tu's words, but asked the other party's situation: "How many people and how strong?"

"Medium strength," Tu quickly withdrew his gaze without interest. "It's just a few guys passing by."

"There is no need to conflict with them." Sylvia quickly made a decision, I really didn’t think about Ultraman. The address of the latest chapter of Domination of the World: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/107165.htmlUltraman’s Reality I didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/Ultraman’s Me I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlAltman I really don’t want to dominate the world. Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For convenience For this reading, you can click on "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1028 Darkness, Light, and the Travel of the Universe), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! I really don’t want to rule the world if I like Ultraman, please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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