Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1029: The world will eventually be destroyed

The three of them hid in the cave and sealed the entrance with stones, leaving only a small gap.

Sylvia listened for a while and confirmed that those dark stars would not approach here.

Tu glanced at the sky from time to time, and his vision could see the outside through the stone wall through the darkness.

The cosmic people landed not far from where they landed. Those guys are also consciously checking the surrounding situation, so they once approached the place of three people, but fortunately, they did not find three people.

But the content of their chat has also been heard.

"The battle between light and dark camps?" Tu spoke suddenly, frightening Servia and Gal.

"What did you say?" Silvia's tone changed.

"They said," Tu pointed to the outside, "Said that the Dark Stars are gathering and preparing for a decisive battle with the last Light Element camps."

He also said that he would bring himself victory or something...a group of food, talking about something weird.

Tu suddenly felt that not only the light system's Ultraman had a problem with his head, but the dark star man might also have a problem with his head.

Ah, it seems that many people in the universe have tried to frame themselves "beautiful" to eat...So, do the dark stars like to dedicate themselves to be his dessert?

Tu's expression gradually became serious.

But... they don't add up enough to stuff their teeth.

While Tu was still meditating, Sylvia stood up, pushed away the stone with a palm, and ran out.

Gal was stunned for a long time before reacting, and immediately chased him out.

Tu blinked his eyes before realizing what Servia was doing. He couldn't help but muttered, "Didn't this guy just say not to provoke it?"

As a result, I couldn't sit still.


As Rutu said, the strength of these cosmic people was not very good. In addition, Servia appeared suddenly, and there were only two cosmic people nearby, so Sylvia easily subdued these two. Unlucky guy.

"Tell me honestly," the Ultraman of Light stepped on the chest of a cosmic man, threatening in a vicious voice, "What do you mean by the light and dark battle?"

The cosmic man was stunned for a while before he realized his situation. After he discovered that the attacker was Ultraman of Light, his first reaction was not to beg for mercy, but to threaten in reverse: "Ultraman of the Light Camp? Nothing. Thinking of the fact that Ultraman in the camp of light would dare to go to the dark universe, I warn you, you'd better let me go, or my companion will definitely kill you!"

"Yes!" The other universe, who was holding his stomach, echoed fiercely.

But Silvia glanced over, and the guy shut up immediately, holding his belly and groaning again.

In this era when the darkness is in its heyday and the light is driven into a dead end, the dark stars will have a sense of superiority when facing the light system universe people. At this moment, it was this sense of superiority that made this dark star person forget his situation, and in turn threatened Sylvia.

When Galton came out, he was stunned. The first reaction was to be alert to his surroundings to prevent this fellow's companion from coming over.

But Sylvia didn't care, and his feet increased: "Answer me, otherwise you can't wait for your companion!"

The unfortunate dark starman snorted and finally realized his situation. Seeing that Servia's feet were getting heavier and heavier, the pain finally made his head sober: "I said, I said!"

This guy was very cooperative and confessed everything he knew: "Not long ago, we received news that the powerful Dark Stars were invited to go to a universe and prepare to consolidate and attack the rest of the universe of light. Those of us. The dark stars have also been told a little bit of news, and are now gathering spontaneously."

"Attack the universe of light?" Servia's feet increased, causing the dark star to struggle subconsciously.

"Forgive me! We are also trying to please the dark lord!" The dark star man tried to make himself look innocent.

But this did not win sympathy, but made Servia even more angry: "You actually plan to sacrifice those bright worlds to that guy?! Do you know what you are doing?!"

"If the last place of hope also falls, no one can stop him!" Servia's mental fluctuations became violent, "At that time, all the universe will become that person's food!"

When Tu came out, he happened to hear this sentence. He raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Is this bad?"

"Of course it's not good!" Servia retorted him, "All the world will be destroyed!"

"Why are you so angry?" Tu's expression was quite calm. "The universe will eventually be destroyed, and it's okay to return to the dark early."

"The destruction and rebirth of the world is a natural evolution, not an external destruction." Sylvia has let go of the universe under his feet. He stared at Tu, as if through his surface, he could see inside him. Something deeper.

Sylvia didn't know what it was, but he instinctively felt resistance, resisting what the man said, resisting his dismissive attitude toward it.

That is a world that should be beautiful, it is the universe that countless cosmic people rely on, not toys or food!

"But the destruction of the world is not necessarily natural evolution," Tu's head tilted, seeming to be very puzzled. "There will always be the destruction of the world due to various reasons. It may be a small cosmic person. Small actions may be the breaking of the cornerstone of a planet, or it may be the cause of some cosmic monsters, aren't they?"

"But this is not a reason to destroy the world." Servia shook his head.

Gal on the side was silent for a while, and said shockingly: "According to you, you will die sooner or later, why are you alive now?"

Serbia: "..."

Sylvia's theory that had just been brewing collapsed in an instant, and silently turned his head to look at the astonishing Gal, and it took a while to raise his hand and compare it with a thumb.

That makes sense!

Without even thinking about it, Tu blurted out: "I won't die."

The light will always disappear, but the darkness will not.

Serbia sneered: "I thought you were wrong, you really are an evil star!"

He said that he rushed to Tu.

Tu leaned sideways to avoid the fist he had attacked, and kicked his stomach with his leg up.

Sylvia immediately retreated to avoid this foot, swiping his head, two ice axes flew out, and whirled towards Tu. Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. The latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/read/107165/Ultraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. txt download address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/down/107165.htmlUltraman’s I really didn’t want to rule the world. Mobile reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/107165/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Collection\" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 1029 The world will eventually be destroyed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Ultraman, I Don’t Want to Rule the World", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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