Talent changed the picture, and smiled embarrassedly at Sen Luo: "I'm sorry, there was an accident, but it doesn't matter."

With a wave of him, two monsters reappeared on the screen.

This time, Berokern and a King Guthra appeared. It seemed that the Godzilla King who had encountered Hongtu before finally failed to escape.

The two monsters were injected with toxins without any moths, and their eyes turned into an unknown crimson.

In the light curtain, an energy slot appeared around the small square of the two monsters and Kuin, and the energy in it was half full.

"...That's a puppet." Sen Luo immediately cast aside the contempt in his heart, and faced the puppet poison.

Talent was very satisfied with this. He nodded and explained diligently: "The concentration gauge shows the concentration of puppet toxins of the monsters. These two monsters are now controlled by Baal Sibu, and Baal Sibu is controlled by Kuin, and I can issue instructions to Kuin."

A large red patch suddenly spread from the position where the two monsters were stabbed by the poisonous needles, which looked quite terrifying.

"Do you know what this means?" Talent looked at Sen Luo, expecting him to say the answer.

Sen Luo naturally knew what he wanted to hear: "As long as you give Cuin an order, you can manipulate all the poisoned creatures..."

Talent and the little robot Padil applauded very applauded: "An excellent answer."

"Cuein, let's start now." Talent contacted Cuein with the brainwave device.

Queen Baalishib gave a long cry, its eyes lit up with ominous star-shaped **** dark light, the same light was lit in the eyes of the two Baalishib on both sides, and the eyes of the two controlled monsters also lit up. The rays of light roared at each other and started a desperate struggle.

But King Guthra was not Berokern's opponent after all, and was easily killed.

"Look, the concentration of the winner's puppet toxin will rise rapidly, and eventually this energy will be delivered to Kuin." said talentedly.

Among the concentration tanks in the bodies of the respective monsters, the concentration tanks of the dead monsters are emptied, the concentration tanks of the winner are full, and the concentration tanks of Queen Kuin also fill up at a rapid rate, even brighter than the concentration tanks of the winner or the winner. .

Kuin let out a long and happy cry, obviously comfortable with his own strengthening.

"What are you going to do to increase the concentration of puppet toxins?" Sen Luo keenly perceives the intent of talent, this lunatic is consciously strengthening the toxin of Baalxib.

"I want to increase Kuin's energy and spread the puppet poison to the entire universe!" Talent got up, opened his arms, and declared his ideals loudly.

On the side, Hong Tu, who was ignored by both sides, yawned lazily, looking absent-minded.

"Do you want to rule the entire universe with poison?!" Sun Luo's voice became cold.

"Don't say it so bad." The talented tone was deliberately aggrieved. "Aren't you also under the rule of Her Majesty the Queen."

"We have not been manipulated by Her Majesty Amaterasu!" It was about her own queen, and Sen Luo couldn't help but defend it, which was different from Puppet Poison.

"Really?" He tilted his head in anger and seemed extremely puzzled. "You have been controlled by other drugs a long time ago. That is your love for your planet and your loyalty to the Queen."

Hong Tu yawned for a moment, feeling inexplicably that he was innocent Aite.

No, it must be an illusion.

Hong Tu silently moved his gaze away, and looked at the two people who were still talking. He was not interested in listening to the beautification of his "great ideals" again. He took a step back and disappeared into the darkness in the corner.

Use puppets to create a peaceful universe without disputes? Oh, what's so fun about such a dead universe.

He had fallen on Patton's head when he reappeared.

Patton was staring at the Baalishibs around him.

Although the surrounding Baalishibs did not rush forward immediately, they all looked like they were ready to move, and seemed to rush forward at any time.

But the queen of Baalishib stopped the aggressiveness of the "children" and forced them to settle down.

The Queen of Baalxib also keenly noticed the appearance of Hongtu, and it immediately looked towards Hongtu.

"Woo..." Long admiring the name, dark.

"That's it, the dark beast that guards the world tree?" After close contact, Hong Tu finally recognized the breath of this guy, one of the guardians of the world tree, representing the guardian of destruction and darkness.

"So, do you want to use your toxins to control all lives?" Hong Tu felt that this world tree was crooked, or why would such a guardian be born?

You know, the previous guardians are synonymous with power and protection. Even the dark guardians will still guard the world tree and the evolutionary life forms.

But this one...now wants to rule the world, hey!

"Woo~" I'm just tired of the endless disputes between life forms that have evolved wisdom.

Cuin's voice is very gentle and nice, but there is a sad mood under that gentleness.

After thinking about it, Hong Tu tentatively asked: "Has the World Tree been cut down?"

It shouldn't be, if there are cosmic people fighting because of the world tree, how could there be no news about their empire. And this universe doesn't look like it has lost the world tree.

"Woo." That said no.

The sad mood that Kuin had just brewed was interrupted by Hong Tu's interruption.

But it soon brewed an emotion again, and launched an invitation to Hong Tu: "Woo~" Darkness, come and help me. In return, the darkness of the universe can be given to you.

"Then I can eat this universe directly." Hong Tu said lazily, "To be honest, I am not interested in your ideals at all, and I bet you will not succeed."

"Woo?" Why?

"Your sisters and the Lights won't tolerate this, and the World Tree won't want you to."

"Woo..." The World Tree hasn't responded to me for a long time.

Hong Tu glanced at it, not surprising.

It's strange that it will respond to you. The tree will only protest with non-responding attitude, which is so stupid that it is hopelessly stupid.

"Woo~" What if I offer the tree of the world?

Cuin asked suddenly.

Hong Tu was taken aback for a moment, and there was a little red streamer in his eyes. The light turned from dark to bright, and then quickly turned into a deeper black. If there is no darkness around him, it seems to have the meaning of spreading to the surroundings.

Kuin tensed his body subconsciously, his two red eyes fixed on Hong Tu, waiting for his response.

"Oh, that's the source of your strength," Hong Tu said mockingly, "The Guardian of the Dark Beast, your delusion will bring you death."

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