Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1133: Juggler is tired everyday

Sen Luo left soon.

Before leaving the planet in a flying vehicle, he glanced at the Queen of Baalxib and the Patton in the distance. His eyesight was very good, and he could easily see the red tea on Patton's head.

He couldn't find out the identity of the guy who teamed up with talent, but this person felt the most dangerous to him.

At least when he was talking, before the other party spoke, he didn't even notice the existence of this person.

Perceiving his gaze, Hong Tu looked over keenly. He glanced at Sen Luo and quickly turned away from him.

The man carried the seeds of the world tree, and he wanted to be an intelligent life form blessed by the world tree. It's really a strange race to want to come for peace.

At least Hong Tu doesn't think there is any possibility of seeking peace under the threat of Baalishib.

Facing a monster like Baalishib, it should be eliminated directly!

Kuin was still screaming alone, and he didn't expect Hong Tu to be thinking of something dangerous.

After some rest, Kai carried the sleeping child on his back: "I need someone to take care of him."

It is not the first time that Juggler is so tired: "It's because you only care about what's in front of you, so you can't fight with the overall situation."

Even though he said that, he didn't object, he just followed Kai like this, and even if his expression was unhappy, he never thought of leaving.

"That's why I need your help." Kay said confidently and naturally.

It's okay not to say, when he said, Juggler was even more upset: "You don't listen to me at all, and what else do you want me to help..."

They just had a fight over this a few hours ago, okay? !

Kay stopped speaking, he looked at the road ahead.

The two walked in silence for a long time, came to a shallow valley, and saw the scattered tents below.

They were standing high in the valley, looking down at the tent group with a lot of signs of activity. They thought they would find what they were looking for when they came here.

"There should be someone there who can take care of this child." Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

Juggler felt something was wrong, and he stopped Kai: "Wait a minute, it's a bit strange, the magnetic field here seems to be confused..." It seemed to be a sign of a monster.

But before he finished speaking, Kay had jumped and jumped with the child on his back.

Juggler: "...So, you kid, can you listen to me!"

Juggler was a little mad, but reluctantly followed and jumped down. Kay this guy! !

The two walked into the group of tents, keenly aware of something wrong here.

"It's too quiet here." Juggler pointed out the weirdness here.

"Stop saying this in the future, okay?" Kay said suddenly.


"Because when someone says this, there will be disaster." Kai's tone is extremely serious.

Juggler suddenly remembered the summary of Hongtu—the flag.

Juggler: "..." Why do you think of that guy at this time?

Suddenly, a strange voice came, and Jagula Galkai looked around vigilantly, ready to respond to the attack at any time.

"Sure enough, there are monsters here."

"Are you going to get out of the ground again?" Kai subconsciously looked at the ground.

Juggler vetoed his words, he looked up to the sky: "No, it's up."

Huge creatures covered the sky, casting large shadows in this valley, enshrouding them.

Kai looked up at the sky, and was taken aback by the monster's huge size, which was much bigger than the Baalishib they had seen before!

"I blame you for talking nonsense!"

The monster's large body floated in the sky, turning slowly, as if sleeping.

This is a Bemunstein with a red "scar" on one side of its neck. Obviously, this is a monster controlled by Baalishib.

Juggler didn't intend to argue with Kai about the issue of not setting up the flag, he said solemnly: "We can't stay here anymore."

The two guarding the child decisively ran away from the area covered by the monster, and put the child down in a corner.

As soon as they hid, the monster fell heavily, and its eyes revealed an abnormally congested state, and it screamed sharply.

Juggler squinted his eyes: "It's bigger than the previous monster. Transform now."

He looked at Kai: "You should be able to become the same size as it. The residents here take into account the house over there."

"This child will get rid of you." Kay pushed the child into Juggler's arms, left the hiding place, and faced Bemunstein.

Juggler made a dumb look at the simple tents on the side. He didn't expect this guy to think about the residents who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive. He couldn’t help but exhorted again: “Don’t always speak intuitively. !"

But Kay did not listen, as always, but changed his body directly.

At first he became the same size as before, but soon, Uub’s body glowed with a bluish light, Uub Altman’s size gradually increased, and eventually became the same monster as the opposite monster. size.

Juggler nodded in satisfaction, picked up the child and ran to the tent on the side.

He opened the nearest one at will, and saw two people on the planet who were frightened.

"His instincts are really terrifying." I can't tell the specific emotions, but at least some are surprised.

The battle between Uub and Bemunstein was not smooth.

Fighting hard, Uub obviously wasn't comfortable using Ultraman's body to fight monsters.

After being knocked back by Bemunstein time and time again, he chose to release the light skill.

Unsurprisingly, the stream of light he emitted was swallowed by the big mouth in Bemunstein's abdomen, and it had no effect other than filling the other party with a meal.

Uub was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously sent out a stream of light again.

Bemunstein took off directly, avoiding the blow.

Obton aimed at Bemunstein in the sky and fired light streams again and again, but Bemunstein easily dodged them.

"Are you feeding?!" Juggler subconsciously yelled, "You are wasting your energy like that! Bemunstein can't fight like that!"

As soon as his voice fell, the ring timer on Uub's chest began to flash.

Uub was taken aback for a moment and looked down at the timer. Even if it was an expressionless Ultraman face, Juggler could see that this guy was at a loss.

You can't count on this guy at all!

Juggler couldn't help it finally, and he deducted a monster card in his hand, and the dark red light on the monster card flashed away.

But when he was using it, Bemunstein launched an energy ball that hit Uub, knocked Uub down and flew directly into the sky, apparently planning to leave the planet.

Seeing Uub's huge body gradually dissipated and the monster had already left, he hesitated for a moment, Juggler still chose to see Kai first.

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