Another giant?

Juggler was startled and looked at the talking girl subconsciously.

And because of his distraction, a meteorite appeared again in front of him, and Yuyan suddenly exclaimed: "Be careful ahead!"

The two girls immediately grabbed the joystick, but still couldn't escape.

The fighter plane's wing hit the meteorite, and immediately lost control, and rushed toward the meteorite while spinning.

Seeing that he was about to collide, Juggler subconsciously took out the monster card and was ready to summon.

But the sudden appearance of the giant of light made him press the card in his hand again.

Uub rushed to them in time, using his huge size to steadily catch the spaceship.

Juggler and the huge Ultraman outside the spaceship met their sights. Needless to say, they nodded tacitly and exchanged something silently.

Uub slowly placed the spacecraft on the meteorite and turned to look at Bemunstein.

Bemunstein's abdomen mouth opened again, strong suction appeared, and he tried to **** Uub and the spaceship into his body again.

Uub began to glow with blue flames. He charged for a while, suddenly stopped resisting the suction, and even rushed into Bemunstein's abdomen.

Bemunstein's movements stopped, and a large abnormal bulge suddenly bulged up behind him. Suddenly, the bulge burst and the giant of light glowing with a blue light broke through its back and flew out and landed not far away.

Bemunstein turned around hesitantly, looked at the giant that should have been eaten by him, and then at his stomach. There was a crack in it, and the golden light that did not belong to it overflowed, further expanding the crack.

Bemunstein, who finally felt the pain, let out a sharp long cry, and his huge body exploded into countless fragments.

Uub vs. Bemunstein, Uub finally won.

Juggler let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but smile with relief.

The two girls also uttered surprise cheers: "It's successful!"

"Beat it!"

"But it took too much time." Juggler smiled in seconds, with a cold look.

"You and your friends are amazing."

"Did you not listen to what I just said? He..."

"Not your friend? But it's a partner."

Juggler didn't speak, he glanced at the talking imperial word, the smile on his face completely faded, and he looked at the giant of light outside the spaceship for unknown reasons.

When Kay returned to the spaceship, the spaceship continued to fly in the predetermined direction.

Juggler found a chair and sat down, while Kay stood behind him, with his hands on the back of his seat, in a posture ready to talk to the two girls.

Of these two girls, one is called Yuyan, and the girl with a bun is called Tachibana. According to them, they came from a planet called the kingly planet Ganon, belonging to the queen's guard.

They appeared here because a guy who claimed to be a "Doctor of Talent" used Baalishib to threaten their planet. The captain of the guard who went to negotiate returned and attempted to assassinate the Queen and defected to the universe.

This time they are trying to recover the captain and prove that the captain is not the kind of person who can assassinate the queen.

"You said before that your queen can also become a giant?"

Kai was taken aback and looked at the two girls in surprise: "Huh? Your Majesty the Queen can also become a giant."

"Well," the two girls nodded, and at the same time looked at Kai in amazement, "I didn't expect someone to be able to transform like Her Majesty Amaterasu. It's amazing!"

"We call it the God of War, and only those who inherit the royal blood can become the God of War."

"But Her Majesty Queen Amaterasu has never changed."

Juggler nodded, and turned to focus on the key point: "That talented person, he is eyeing your Majesty the Queen."

Although the two girls said vaguely, Juggler still guessed the key, so he asked bluntly: "Then just go and destroy him directly."

Want to come to the talented doctor, who is behind the control of Baalishib, is also the goal of their trip.

It was a surprise.

"I said there were other plans, so I didn't launch an attack." Goyan said bluntly.

"This is what the captain said." Tachibana added.

"It's the former captain." Yuyan added another sentence. Their captain has defected, "He is no longer the captain, don't forget."

Her tone was a little low, and she was obviously not in a good mood.

Tachibana also lowered her eyes and did not speak.

"Secret plan..." Juggler didn't care about their sadness, just thinking about the information they had said.

Kai is as big as ever: "Then both of us will find out the plan."

As he said, he pulled Juggler's arm, and pulled the dumbfounded Juggler up, as if it were a matter of course.

"Hey..." Juggler was speechless.

"Are you going to help us?!" Yuyan looked at Kai in surprise.

"Since that guy can manipulate the universe demon, then where he is is also our destination."


"As the saying goes, go out and rely on friends."

"Hey, are you deaf?"

"Ah, what are you doing?"

"What are you talking nonsense?"


"This will only prevent us from completing the task!"

Kai glanced at the girl who was talking quietly to the side, and looked at Juggler innocently: "They are going to a place full of cosmic demons. How pitiful and dangerous."

"Then you should tell them, don't get close to the planets. Why don't you tell them to go together? We are going to complete the mission and not going on a picnic." Juggler felt that these two girls were just dragging oil bottles, and they had to take care of them for a while. With.

The two were not far apart, and the conversation naturally fell into the ears of the two young girls. They were a little unconvinced: "We also have a mission!"

"The one who ran away is our captain, and our task is to get the captain back."

Juggler wanted to say something, so he was interrupted by Kai: "Hey, Juggler."

He took Juggler a little further away, took Juggler’s shoulders, and whispered his careful thoughts: "I really want to ask their queen how to face the fate of becoming a giant."

After he finished speaking, he patted Juggler on the shoulder, and cast aside the impatient Juggler, and turned to the two girls: "I ask you, Your Majesty is of royal blood. Then she is born with it. The ability to transform into a giant, she is my predecessor. So I want to ask her, how does she face this kind of power?"

Suddenly selected by the light, and after several ignorant battles, Kai has a sense of urgency. He still doesn't know how to use this power or how to face it.

Now that there is a senior, he is naturally curious.

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