The expression of Juggler behind him turned black. There really is something wrong with this guy's mind.

The two of them just said... that queen has never been transformed!

Sure enough, the two girls answered: "Her Majesty Amaterasu is different from you."

"She is the opposite of you."

"Really?" Kay didn't understand yet.

"Her Majesty Amaterasu doesn't want that kind of power. But you are completely different. You are eager to gain power and want to use it for battle."

Juggler took a deep look at Kay, and quickly turned away from him.

"There will be victims in the battle, but Her Majesty the Queen will never allow this to happen."

"The Queen and I are still alike." Kai's gaze was a bit empty, and he didn't want any more victims to appear.

Juggler couldn't listen anymore, why would such a naive guy gain power.

He grabbed Kai, and then left Kai, "You come with me."

"What are you doing?"

"Borrow your sword." These words were addressed to the two young girls, Juggler agreed with the other side, and directly picked up the sword hanging on the wall and took Kai and walked out.

Why is he such a naive guy...

"Huh?" Hong Tu looked at his talent and made a surprised voice, "Queen Amaterasu?"

"Yes, your Majesty the Queen with the power of the God of War." Brilliantly turned the chair, and answered his words, "Is really a benevolent Majesty. I don't want her people to appear as victims. Maybe she will agree to me. Small request."

"Small request?" Hong Tu sneered.

I hope that the other party surrenders, and even takes the initiative to send it to the door after being infected with the puppet poison... Is this a small request?

He asked the Captain Seng Luo to bring back a small blood collection device. He said that only a drop of blood from the Queen was needed, but he actually smeared the puppet toxin on the needle of the blood collection device and stabbed it. Just the kind of recruit.

Not only does this guy look hypocritical, he is actually hypocritical.

"What is the relationship between you and Kuin?" He looked at Hong Tu angrily, and even had the idea of ​​driving him away.

The puppet toxin has no effect on the red tea, which makes him unable to take the red tea for a while.

Plus Kuin's words...

Why would Ku know this guy? ! What is their relationship? ! As Cuin's best friend, he didn't even know that Cuin had other friends!

What are you talking about joining hands with him? Their plan does not require the intervention of this guy of unknown origin, okay!

Facing the unconcealed hostility of talent, Hong Tusi didn't care. He sat on a chair and turned the chair leisurely: "It's just acquaintance."

"How do you know Kuin!" He was incapable of reluctantly.

"Who knows." Hong Tu said perfunctorily. "Maybe I met him a long, long time ago."

Talented bulging cheeks, staring at Hong Tu unkindly, saw Hong Tu turn her gaze: "It's you. I was surprised that you could join forces with Kuin."

"I have the same great ideals as Kuin! We are each other's closest friends!" Talent emphasized.

"Oh?" Hong Tu looked at him meaningfully, and his back was cold.

"Are you questioning our friendship?!"

"Yeah." Hong Tu admitted frankly.

"I tell you, our friendship will not be broken because of your instigation and separation! Kuin knows that I am the best friend who can fulfill her great ideal with her!"

"Oh." Hong Tu responded indifferently.

He figured it out, this guy may be too lonely, he has no friends, so he has been entangled with friends like this.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the little robot on the side.

This robot seems to be his friend too.

Confirmation is a widowed mad.

Seeing that his gaze became more and more uncomfortable, Hong Tu chose to get up and walked out: "I'll go out and take a walk."

The previous time, Hong Tu's conversation with Kuin ended.

In the end, Hong Tu didn't make it clear whether he would help the other party, only that he would watch Kuin go to death.

Kuin didn't care if it was a threat. If the darkness didn't intervene, it felt that its success rate would still be quite high.

And... if it fails, it's just death.

As a creature bred by the world tree, it is not afraid of death, on the contrary, it is tired of the current world, so this behavior is just a try.

Success, then the world becomes what it wants. Failed, it left the world directly.

Anything is fine.

As for Hong Tu... Kuin would not choose to be an enemy of him, or that anyone who knew his identity would not think of being an enemy of him. And even if Hong Tu leaked a little breath, it was enough to make Kuin feel that irresistible sense of danger.

Although he could not ask for help, it was the biggest concession that the other party did not stop him.

Kuin and Hong Tu's dialogue, talent did not know.

He was communicating with Sen Luo at that time, and when they finished speaking, the exchange between Hong Tu and Kuin had also ended.

So talent didn't know what happened, but he didn't like Hongtu very much. He only needs Cuin and Padil.

But he couldn't do anything with red tea, which made him annoyed, and in the end he could only be angrily out of sight.

While going out, Hong Tu met an unexpected person.

Sen Luo, who left yesterday, has actually returned and has landed on this planet.

He was avoiding the attention of the Baalishibs, and sneaked towards the place where his talent was little by little.

Hong Tu sat on a boulder, looked at Sen Luo hiding under the boulder, tilted his head slightly, and suddenly said, "You just ran back?"

His sudden utterance obviously frightened this man.

Sen Luo subconsciously drew his sword and faced him. After seeing that it was Hong Tu, he immediately squeezed the long sword in his hand nervously, stepped back cautiously, and looked at him vigilantly: "Who is your excellency?"

"My name is Hong Tu." Hong Tu didn't care about his sword-raising. He shook his legs, very leisurely. "So, what are you planning to do when you come back?"

Sun Luo naturally did not intend to tell him his purpose, but further questioned: "Why do you help talent. You should not be controlled by the puppet toxin, do you want to rule the world through the puppet toxin?"

If the talent is here, 80% will refute his description.

But Hong Tu didn't care. He jumped directly off the boulder and landed on the opposite side of Sen Luo: "You are going to single-handedly assassinate talent? So courageous."

Hong Tu praised it.

But Sen Luo on the opposite side rushed up with a violent reaction, raising a knife and hacking at him.

Hong Tu avoided the knife sideways, stretched out his arms, and the black short blade appeared in his hand. He erected the short blade in front of him, just against the blade that the opponent swept over.

"not bad."

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