Ganon has passed down such a legend from generation to generation: [If the myth is reproduced, there will be a **** of war to defeat the demon of the universe. 】

Passed down along with this sentence, there are also two paintings carved on the stone wall.

One is the tree of life, and the other is the scene where the **** of war, the incarnation of the royal family, stepped on the cosmic demon Baalishib.

Legend has it that since when it has been untold, these two paintings have been handed down.

The people of Ganon have become accustomed to classifying the tree of life as the most important thing on their planet, and they have forgotten where the power in the blood that the royal family has passed down from generation to generation comes from. Stand up and protect them in any crisis.

They had already received the threat of talent long ago, when Baal Sibu had already surrounded the planet.

But the queen of this generation is not willing to let the war spread to this planet, let the people she protects experience the baptism of war, and even sacrifice, she doesn't even want to be the **** of war to fight.

To say why... the bottom is that she has seen sacrifices.

As early as more than ten years ago, when she was still in her infancy, a powerful monster broke into their planet and began to destroy everything around her.

The previous queen, her mother incarnate as the **** of war, fought deathly with monsters.

In the end, the God of War lost to the monster and finally died, and the monster disappeared under the sky full of "petals."

That day also happened to be the time when the World Tree was blooming...

She already... doesn't want to see sacrifice anymore.

Her Majesty the Queen of Amaterasu looked at the welcoming general with hesitation in her expression.

Seeing her expression, Lai Ying felt even more dissatisfied. He originally wanted to use Senluo's "rebellion" to stimulate Your Majesty, forcing her to become the God of War and go to fight.

Rather than the queen's cowardly seeking reconciliation or even throwing in, he hopes to fight back bravely and directly.

They are not without resistance, are they?

Why does the queen have to avoid fighting? The other party has already threatened this situation, and it is too naive to think about seeking peaceful mediation or something!

"Your Majesty, please incarnate as the God of War!" Lai Ying said strongly, even abandoning the respect he should have.

"Come on," the queen said suddenly, "I want to go around."

Lai Ying raised her eyes, pushed a little away for a while, and gave way to a path.

He is already middle-aged, and he has an unborn child. Defeat without a fight will only make this planet go to extinction, and people are also seeking the salvation of the God of War.

When the queen sees those panic-stricken people, she will understand that fighting... is a must.

The queen wearing a white gauze walked out of her palace and shuttled in the forest. She ran against the night and instinctively ran to the depths of the forest, without purpose and direction.

Until she saw people.

The people she wants to protect are gathering under one of the huge roots of the World Tree, praying in a low voice.

"Please help us!"

"Please save Ganon!"

"Please, save us..."


People were terrified, fearful, and instinctively sought mercy from the tree of the world. Even if the tree's response they never heard.

Outside the planet, more monsters have gathered, and they are surrounding this emerald green planet.

Suddenly, a blue streamer flew from the depths of the universe, and Gauss finally arrived.

Several monsters who were about to land stopped and turned to look at the light that suddenly broke into the encirclement.

These are three monsters, a super beast Baxim, a Baalishib, and a Bemunstein.

Baxim immediately raised his hand and countless missiles flew out and attacked Gauss.

Gauss avoided these missiles flexibly, and cast his gaze into the eyes of Baxim and Bemunstein: "These monsters are all controlled, and they cooperate very well."

Musashi was very angry at this scene.

The use of monsters to harm the universe really crushed his bottom line.

Asuka's voice rang in his ears: "Anyone who is poisoned by puppet poison will become like that."

"I see, let me purify the toxins first." Gauss planned to remove the toxins first, and he might be able to avoid unnecessary battles.

He condensed the full moon light waves with ease and sprinkled on Bachsim and Bemunstein.

The bright and magnificent spot of light fell, covering the two monsters. The restless mood of the monsters gradually calmed down, and the strange red light in their eyes gradually receded, restoring their original sanity.

But...the "scars" that represent toxins on their bodies are still there.

Gauss hadn't realized this yet, and Baalishib showed it to him.

Baalxib suddenly appeared above the two monsters, and the blood-red light in its eyes flourished. The eyes of the two monsters that had finally recovered were back to turbid red, even more irritable.

They attacked Gauss again.

Gauss immediately avoided these attacks and urgently contacted Asuka: "Purification does not work!"

"First, stop the queen from turning into a **** of war." Asuka was not surprised by this, or it was already prepared.

They can only find other ways now.

Gauss could only get rid of these monsters, turned into a stream of light, and landed directly on the planet below.

In the spaceship at the other end of the planet, Hong Tu was lying on the back of her chair without any image, looking through the walls of the spaceship to get a panoramic view of this scene.

"In the end, Gauss's power is also a more soothing effect, conveying the gentleness of light to the other person's feeling. But the puppet toxin is different. This kind of poison is difficult to clean up. After all, it is also a life derived from the tree of the world. "Hong Tu stretched out, "The second one is actually Gauss."

The hunch has come true, and this universe is likely to meet previous acquaintances.

He glanced aside, still hating the other party's nosy talent, and turned away.

In the ear, the World Tree is still chattering: [These humans can't help me beg me, I'm just a tree, shouldn't I look for Ain? Ah, Ain is here. But Ain didn't seem to be fighting with Kuin. 】

[Grandpa, why do you think Kuin is so good that you can’t think about it all of a sudden? 】

"..." I said, don't call me grandpa.

【…Oh. Grandpa, you haven't answered me yet. 】


Hong Tu gave up. He had corrected it so many times, but he didn't change the name of the tree, so he chose to ignore it.


【grandfather! Ain looked sad. 】

[Grandpa, Ultraman Goss! Do you know Ultraman Goss? It's a balabala...]

[Grandpa, is Kuin with you? That Kuin must be in balabala...]

Hong Tu: "..."

So, he really doesn't like this tree! !

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