Hong Tu is suffering from the spiritual torture from the World Tree, and the Queen's heart is also suffering from torture.

A certain seed in her heart completely took root and took shape deep in her heart.

Baalishib felt her approach and let out an agitated growl.

This voice caused everyone to panic again.

The queen stood out from the dark: "Your wish has been conveyed to the tree of life, all right, let's retreat!"

She waved her arm, and the white gauze she brought up floated in a beautiful arc, with a certain natural majesty.

The people nodded their heads immediately, and they scattered all around.

The queen went straight to the direction of the monsters.

She ran all the way and was finally stopped by three Baalishib on a high slope.

Three monsters of twenty meters high stopped in front of her, their scarlet eyes were watching her and approaching her.

The queen was taken aback, but quickly stabilized her emotions. She calmed down her short breath from running, and forced herself to look at the three monsters in front of her without changing her face.

"Doctor Talent, can you hear it?" she shouted, "I promise your request! I will follow you! So please don't hurt the people of this planet! My people are innocent!"

Her passionate speech was naturally heard by talent, well, by Hong Tu.

Hearing this speech, Hong Tu's hand pressed hard, and directly pushed the poor chair back down.

Hong Tu: "?"

Is this serious? Engaging in self-sacrifice, thinking that you are great, and then seeking mercy from the enemy?

Without her protection, what capital does her people have to bargain here? Can't you really expect that talent will abide by the so-called "promise", let the entire universe be controlled by the puppet poison, but let the people of Ganon alone?

Anyone with a little brain knows that this is impossible.

"..." Your Ain?

He questioned the World Tree suspiciously.

The tree responded happily: [Yes! 】

[God of War] This name is naturally defined by people, but the guardian of light bred by the tree of the world is named "Ain", which is opposite to Kuin.

"..." Is this guy really a guardian?

[The inheritance of Ain is power...]

The questioned World Tree is a bit wronged. But Hong Tu heard its unfinished words.

Probably because of the blood inheritance from generation to generation, the strength has gradually weakened. No wonder it feels a lot weaker than Kuin.

Hong Tu glanced at the talent who was also disappointed and complaining, and guessed something: "..." So, is the Guardian about to be replaced?

The two guardians who guard the world tree are not static. Life is always accompanied by death. Even the guardians who guard the world tree will die, and then new guardians will be born from the world tree.

And when one party dies, the other party often cannot hold on for long.

They are sisters, but they are also symbiotic. When one party shows signs of decline, it also represents the arrival of replacement.

The world tree obviously knows this. Although it is mentally retarded, it is indeed the tree of the world. It is not difficult to see the future, and the only thing he can do is to tell the two guardians in a "revelation" way.

[I told them a long time ago. ‘I am the beginning of the dispute, darkness and light, when Kuin and Ein meet, the replacement will follow. ’】

This is the prophecy made by the World Tree when Kuin and Ain were born. I want to come to the two guardians in mind.

But Hong Tu felt that it might not be so simple... prophesying this thing, human beings have passed on from generation to generation and don't know what magical changes will happen. And he actually doubted whether the World Tree had conveyed the key points, or whether the two guardians understood the content of his prophecy.

Because he heard a similar legend that he said before, but the key point is somewhat different-when Kuin meets the God of War, the world will change for it.

Hong Tu: "..." Such a comparison makes it even more unreliable.

It is the God of War who is talented, but not this stupid queen.

So he was not interested in the queen's begging for mercy, so much so that he was disappointed to forget that he could catch the queen first and then force her to transform into this option.

At this moment, the blue light curtain fell, directly blasting the three Baalishib in front of the queen to shards.

Gauss rushed over and found the queen smoothly.

After destroying the monsters and monsters, Gauss also lifted his transformation and turned into Musashi.

"My partner, please ask me to save you." Musashi smiled gently, and it was easy to win people's favor.

The queen was the first to notice the huge figure he had just appeared, the power of a giant.

"You also have great power," the queen asked hesitantly, "please tell me, what does the power to become a giant mean to you?"

It was easy for Musashi to see her confusion, because he had been so confused for a while.

"When I feel that ideals are about to lose to reality, this force has always supported me." He gave this answer. When he felt that it was impossible for monsters and humans to coexist peacefully, Gauss appeared and used this power to tell him that the ideal he wanted was not impossible to achieve. So this is the strength that has supported him until now.

"When ideals are about to lose to reality..." the queen was inexplicably touched by these words.

Isn't her ideal to protect her people? But reality...

The long knife in Juggler's hand was lifted, but it was resisted by Kai's raised blade.

The two went through several tricks, and they couldn't tell the outcome for a while.

Onlookers are on the sidelines.

Yuyan stared at Juggler with shining eyes, unable to move his gaze away for a second: "It's the swordsmanship of Snake Heart Flow, it's amazing!"

Asuka on the side sneered at this: "Kay is not bad, and Kay is seriously injured."

Even if Barton's mouth hadn't been poisoned before, it was not lightly injured. But Kay has been shown until now. He is a tough guy.

"Huh?" Tachibana expressed astonishment. "Is he really hurt?"

I can't see it at all, okay, and I can still have contacts with Juggler, obviously I couldn't beat it before!

"It seems that the more dangerous the situation is, the more he can stimulate his potential." Asuka was also surprised by Kai's strength.

He doesn't know much about Kai's situation, but it is not difficult to see that after the battle just now, the power of Kai and Light has accelerated the fusion.

Kai is already beginning to master the power of light and truly become a true Ultraman.

In the battlefield, Juggler has already appeared in decline.

Kai's strength and speed are already above him, and all that is lost to him is experience and skill.

Only after a few battles...

At this moment, even if Juggler didn't want to, he still had to admit that Kai's progress was very fast, and even... he was already stronger than him.

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