After the barrier, colorful rays of light shone out, and a huge figure gradually turned from virtual to real.

The golden barrier disappeared, and a first-born golden ring-adorned goddess of war appeared in the sight of everyone.

The fear in the hearts of the Ganon people was dispelled by the light, shouting the appearance of the **** of war.

Talented eyes admiringly looked at the figure gradually condensing on the screen, admiring her beauty and admiring her appearance.

Juggler and others, who had rushed to the planet, also saw this scene.

Sen Luo couldn't help but frowned: "Why would the queen want to become a **** of war?"

"This is his own decision," Asuka is unhappy, but he won't complain about it. "If you blindly impose your thoughts on her, what is the difference with Puppet Toxin."

The most unacceptable is Kay.

He walked out of the cockpit by himself, his expression depressed, and his eyes were a little red. He came to an empty corner, punched the wall with a fist, feeling helpless for his weakness.

Juggler stood at the door of the cockpit with arms folded, glanced at Kay's back, and looked into the cockpit.

This was probably the first time, he didn't come forward directly to remind this guy. Out of his own selfishness.

Look, even if his strength grows to the point where he can't catch up, Kai is still so naive.

Looking at the female war **** who was almost gleaming in the sun under the two colors of gold and silver, Hong Tu's eyes overflowed with dots of red light.

In his ear, the voice belonging to the World Tree was still cheerful.

[That's Ain, isn't it beautiful? 】The world tree is showing off, 【Although the strength has been reduced, the value of the face has not decreased at all! 】

Hong Tu didn't comment, he just looked at that Ultraman.

She has bright blue eyes and golden partial armor all over her body. She is slender, seemingly luxurious and sacred.

"..." What happened to Kuin's power?

[Cuin? Ah, I have produced too many offspring before, and my power has deteriorated. Now Ain wakes up, and after resonating with Ain, Kuin's power will slowly recover. 】

The power of the two guardians is actually not very strong.

The two guardians of the tree that Hong Tu met at the beginning were able to fight against Lei Jieduo by teaming up.

But these two... are too weak.

However, considering that Kuin's main ability lies in toxins, and Ain's ability is weakened from generation to generation, it is not incomprehensible.

I just don't know how it tastes like.

Hong Tu: "..."

Wait, why did he start to think about the taste of the two! Must be led by the World Tree!

He didn't know what dangerous things Hong Tu was thinking about, holding the little robot in his arms and saying that prophecy.

"Darkness and light, that is, when Kuin and the goddess meet, the whole world will be changed!" There was a little choking in the talented voice, and he was already crying with joy, "This moment has finally come!"

On the side, Hong Tu silently covered her face. This prophecy really changed beyond recognition.

"My friend, are you going to start collecting the fruit of the tree of life?" the little robot asked.

"Although that fruit can detoxify the puppet, let's talk about it later." He looked at the God of War in the screen with anger, "Concentrate on the God of War first."

The emergence of the God of War is only an important step, the rest is the most important-catch the God of War!

"Focus!" The little robot happily agreed, waiting for the final moment.

Kuin gave a long roar, and the eyes of the two Baalishib were shining brightly, controlling Baxim and Patton to approach the queen.

The queen’s eyes were bright with blue light, her hands touched her fingers on her chest, and a pattern emerged in front of her, which was in the shape of a double-sided trident. The pattern escaped into golden dots of light, and the depression in her forehead The groove was filled with green light, and the charged queen raised her hand and waved heavily on her chest. The light from her forehead was taken out, forming a green beam of light, and a huge mark was drawn in front of the feet of the two monsters.

The high soil curtain was lifted, bringing a huge flame, almost drowning the two monsters.

But this is just a deterrent, and it is far from a real attack.

But the deterrence was sufficient. At least two Baalishib were taken aback, and even the monsters they controlled retreated subconsciously, looking at the golden giant on the opposite side anxiously.

After finishing this blow, the queen slowly raised her eyes, looked over the monster, and saw Kuin on the mountain.

The red and blue eyes looked at each other, and no one avoided it.

But undoubtedly, the power of God of War is still considerable.

Two more Baal Sibu flew over, their tails cocked, and they rushed towards the God of War.

The God of War leaned back and avoided the tail of this Baal Sibu. At the same time, he turned and raised his foot high and backwards, and directly kicked the second Baal Sibu away.

At the same time, resisting two Baalishib, the God of War was not at a disadvantage, but fought back and forth.

It's not that she doesn't know how to fight, the unique inheritance of the God of War was revealed the moment she became the God of War. She clearly knows how to fight.

"What the **** is going on, Musashi?" Asuka wondered why the queen was fighting alone.

"I think the queen was determined not to fight to become the **** of war," Musashi gave this answer. "She will definitely not take the initiative. We can't ignore her ideas and fight."

Asuka fell silent and acquiesced to Musashi's statement.

The people on the spacecraft, especially Kai, were very anxious: "We can't stand by and watch!"

Over there, the monsters also saw the queen's intention.

The two Baalishibs gave up directly attacking the queen, but chose to control the monster.

Baxim and Button immediately sent missiles and fireballs, bypassing the queen, and attacking the city under the World Tree.

The queen immediately dropped the monster, turned and rushed towards the World Tree, and opened a golden hemispherical barrier to block these attacks.

But the shield was deployed too hastily, and she even forgot to put herself under protection, even facing the enemy with her back.

The monsters naturally won't let this opportunity pass, they directly attacked the queen.

Cannonballs and fireballs fell mercilessly on the Queen's body, but the Queen only groaned in pain, but did not remove the barrier.

Musashi looked at the painful queen outside the barrier, and asked seriously, "Queen, what are you doing? Why do you want to protect it so hard?"

But the queen didn't need to answer this answer, he knew it himself.

It's for her people.

"It's really courageous. I want to retreat when I see it." The talent also looked at the Queen's persistence, but this sentence was just a fake sigh. He changed his voice and became brisk. It's the next stage."

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