Not only Hong Tu and others saw this scene in their eyes, but the soldiers of Ganon also saw this scene in their eyes.

General Lai Ying in the combat command room looked at the God of War in the light curtain, who was unwilling to stop the barrier even if he was attacked, and thought of the queen's persistence.

"I hate war. I hate things that happen where both parents die and leave their children alone."

This is what the queen once said, although he still thinks the queen is too naive, but watching this scene, strange emotions spread in his heart.

At least in terms of protecting the people, this queen is sincere.

"His Majesty Queen Amaterasu..." Even if he is cowardly, this is the queen who protects them.

After repeated attacks, the queen almost couldn't hold on. She knelt on one knee, stupefied, but still insisted on the output of the barrier.

Her hard persistence made everyone who saw her feel pained.

Finally, the queen couldn't hold on, the barrier turned into endless particles of light and escaped, and the golden God of War fell to the ground.


Asuka took out the transforming device, and he had already made a decision.

"Let's go." Kay also made a decision.

Asuka moved for a while and looked at this junior with satisfaction.

"Kay." Juggler seemed to be aware of something.

"Otherwise, how can we be worthy of being warriors of light." Kay has understood the meaning of this light and the meaning of getting this light.

"We are Ultraman." Asuka corrected.

The two nodded their heads and took out their transforming devices. As the light appeared, the two turned into streamers, flew out of the spaceship, and turned into a beam of light and landed heavily on the planet below.

The beam of light fell from the sky, blocking the queen and the two monsters.

"Faced with this endless scream, you won't stand by and watch." Musashi was already waiting for this moment.

The beam of light slowly dissipated, and in the splashed soil curtain, two figures shrouded in light gradually became clear.

They glanced at the surprised queen, and then rushed towards the monster.

Of course they will not stand by, they are Ultraman of Light, warriors of Light who fight for protection!

Dynah and Uub had to face not only two controlled monsters, but also two Baalishib who controlled the monsters.

With the siege of the four monsters, they were easy to do, and even Uub was able to stay in the battle at this moment.

The queen on the side supported her body after a brief consternation: "Wait, please wait, no, don't kill them..."

Although the two fighters have similar powers to her, they are still different in some respects. Where, before the Queen’s voice was conveyed, the two Olympics had already settled the two Baalishibs neatly and cleanly.


"Warrior of Light, let me see if you can use the power of this light to sweep away the sorrow of the universe..." The talent was laughed with anger. These guys always come out bad things at this critical moment.

In that case, let him see how much power these so-called warriors of light have!

The war was further expanded, and the small Baalishibs bypassed the behemoths and chased the people straight.

Lai Ying led the soldiers to intercept, trying to intercept these monsters outside the city.

"Never let Baalishib attack in!" Lai Ying waved his hand, "For Ganon and the Tree of Life!"

Armed with weapons, the soldiers rushed towards the enemy against the attacks of Baalishib.

It takes more than five rounds of weapons in their hands to destroy a Baalishib. Even if someone has no time to lift his gun, he is hit by a long-range attack by Baalishib and loses his life.

But no one chose to back down.

"Don't be timid, protect the people!"

At least as far as the people who guarded Ganon, these soldiers, this general, and the queen's goals were the same.

After the two sides approached, it was a battle of cold weapons.

Lai Ying also drew his sword to face these monsters and fought together with the soldiers. He is indeed brave, more powerful than ordinary soldiers, and cut back a Baalishib while swinging a knife.

But more Baalishib noticed the existence of this human commander and surrounded him.

A Baalishib even overwhelmed him to the ground with strength, trying to pierce his throat with sharp claws.

Come to meet and raise the knife to resist, and use a long knife across its claws to wrestle with it.

Suddenly, this Baalxib's movements became stiff and his strength became lighter, and he was lifted directly by the welcome.

I saw the person who saved me.

It's Sen Luo.

Sen Luo and others finally arrived.

Juggler held the knife, and attacked and resolved a Baalishib with a straightforward attack, facing even more.

Goyan and Tachibana teamed up to kill a five-meter-high Baalxibu under intense artillery fire.

In a distant place, two Ultramans of Light are also fighting a monster.

Sen Luo stretched out his hand to Lai Ying who was lying on the ground: "I'm going to charge into battle, General."

Came Ying raised his hand and grabbed his hand, borrowed strength to get up, and choked: "Don't drag me back."

They looked at each other and smiled. The previous tit-for-tat has been reconciled at this moment. They drew their swords, rushed to the two Baalishibs, and slashed them with their swords.

At this moment, melee and fighting, war and carnage, only the blood flow and the victory or defeat of the war can determine everything.

But high above, even the talent that triggered this war with one hand was weeping and lamenting in the spacecraft.

"Unbearable, unbearable! Killing each other, blood flowed into rivers! Fighting decides everything, everywhere is full of blood... Such a universe, such a universe I have had enough!" He was crying, his voice also choked. "So, end it all."

He looked at the **** of war who was crying together on the screen.

The tears of the God of War turned into golden light particles and drifted away in the wind, but no one cared.

No, there are, Kuin cares.

The queen of Baalishib took a step forward, and brought back the attention of the crying body.

"Quin and the goddess met for this reason!"

In the chant of talent, the queen leaped high and landed in front of the mountain where Cuin stood.

One of them stood on a high place, the other looked up, looking at each other.

"I didn't expect her to come here by herself." Talent was surprised by the actions of the God of War.

Because of the actions of the two queens, the war was temporarily terminated.

Everyone, including Baalishib, looked at the two queens.

The general to welcome the general was even more puzzled: "Why did Her Majesty the Queen ran in front of Queen Baalishib?!"

"Could it be that..." Sen Luo seemed to be aware of something.

Juggler, who followed Goyan and Tachibana, frowned. That queen wouldn't be so naive, would it?

The queen spread her arms and walked slowly towards Kuin.

Now, Musashi also guessed her intention.

"She wants to communicate, she is trying to communicate with Queen Baalishib!"

This point Musashi is also very familiar with, he has a lot of strangers, and he also hopes that this exchange will go smoothly.

Uub and Dynah, who were still fighting with the two controlled monsters, also paid attention to the movement there.


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